Hi Folks...
Interesting conversation...I have an observation to make here though - not aimed at anybody in particular, just general about how we think and actually perceive the Self - in that - all these labels and definitions that are bandied about - surely you (all) realise - you are still fully seeing the Self as - human - physical - mortal - not one of your labels or self descriptions here show me a connection the Divine at all - and indeed this is why the need to swap and change constantly as your(s) search obviously still continues...
So for NOW then - it is this "deanism" perhaps - but at other times it has been other things -"wiccan" is mentioned - animist - pantheist - what when the next "fad" or label comes up, another change in identity..??....
But do you (all) see..?...The more you cling to such MORTAL identity, and the more you allow your Self to NEED that mortal definition to VALIDATE your truth with - the more you will fail to attain your ETERNAL truth at all..can you see that ??.. Following after these purely mortal concerns and mortal IDENTITY - following OTHERS in that manner who then as we see are allowed to quite literally DEFINE YOU - and so will NEVER ALLOW you to commune directly WITH SPIRIT - and indeed that IS what you (all) seek isnt it..??..
Following these "religions" - any and all of them - can ONLY give you a PRECONCEIVED religious truth - a MANS truth - or womans - but NEVER the truth directly revealed from the Divine
If you want THAT legitimate truth - then it needs to be experienced directly and not learned from those external sources of men and women....KNOW THY SELF FIRST - then and only then can you even judge which "religion" may apply to your TRUTH !!
And UNTIL you do indeed know the Self fully and properly - then I assure you (all) that NONE of those religions will EVER satisfy - because you seek THAT legitimate Divine truth always and yet the religions are simply not capable of giving it to you DIRECTLY so that you may EXPERIENCE it and thus KNOW who and what you ACTUALLY are.. We seek LEGITIMATE DIVINE TRUTH - we do not seek "mans version" or "womans version" but the LIVING and directly revealed truth of Self...
Nothing else will ever satisfy EXCEPT the directly revealed truth...This too has one of those "labels" we love - GNOSIS - and unless you have this truth of Who and What You ARE, revealed DIRECTLY then ALL those words of man and woman WILL LEAD YOU ASTRAY and can do nothing BUT lead you astray as they can give you ONLY truth from man or woman and nothing else - and their INTERPRETATION of their experience is NEVER going to satisfy the spiritual NEED - it MUST be experienced directly BY the Self to be understood - not taught secondhand as religion is
So really - to come to know the truth of Self properly - demands that we quit paying attention to all those EXTERNAL sources - quit chasing MORTAL status - labels and defintions that apply to mortal life alone - quit following ALL religion entirely actually for as said it will ALWAYS lead you off course, give only truth from another mortal but NEVER truth revealed from the Divine...You will find that practically all the religions are useless - at the very first step they will fail you - and this is because as said they seek always to DEFINE you to tell you who and what you are - and that is entirely spiritually bogus as you NEED ot discover this truth directly to appreciate it .......
To know the legitimate truth of Self - and so the eternal nature of Self - absolutely requires us to give up ALL those PRECONCEPTIONS of who OTHERS have TAUGHT and ALLOWED us to thus far Be.....When we do this the eternal nature and the truth we seek, becomes NATURALLY revealed - without effort - and all that confusion from the "world out there" can finally end......