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Webcomics! Webcomics! Comics-upon-the-web!

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Howdy y'all! :)

(I never know how to start-off these thread thingies...)

Anyhow; I was perusing through some of my favourite webcomics, and I realised that I can't be the only one on the internet who enjoys them. Does anyone else here have any webcomics they're fond of and want to share?

Don't forget that the more we share then the more we all have. It's just like internet communism... Kinda...


Here be some o' mine:

Sam and Fuzzy - Consistently amusing and surreal comic. Gradually went from gag-a-day to plot-based, but did it surprisingly well.
Cyanide & Happiness - Fun. Four different artists and it updates daily, so there's something for everyone. (Sometimes NSFW)
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Bizarre, one-panel goodness. (Often NSFW)
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja - Often defies expectations and descriptions. Enthralling.
Chainmail Bikini - Fantasy/D&D parody. Interesting art, and from the creator of DM of the Rings.
Darths & Droids - Screencap comic, following a what-if scenario. (Specifically, what if the events of Star Wars played out like a D&D romp) Seen better days, but still quietly enjoyable.
Gunnerkrigg Court - Fantastical adventure story. Very well written and structured.
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic - Daily 'sketch' comic following a variety of off-kilter characters surviving off-kilter adventures in an off-kilter setting. Delightfully unpretentious. (Occasionally borderline NSFW)
Rice Boy - Unique.
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella - Vibrant culture/superhero parody comic. Quite dark sometimes.
Giant In the Playground Games - (OotS + Erfworld) - Two very different comics hosted on the same server. Both highly enjoyable reads.

Non-active stuff that merits a glance:

DM of the Rings - Aforementioned comic. Like Dar&Dro's but from a Lord of the Rings angle.
1/0 - Ground breaking, and rather philosophical to boot. There's been nothing like it before or since.
Kid Radd - Unusual semi-animated comic that gradually builds up to something special. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes surprisingly tense.
Good Ship Chronicles - Star Trek/Sci-Fi parody strip. Quite "real". (Creator goes on hiatus occasionally)

There's probably more, but that'll do for now.


Wow, I really like do like webcomics... :D

*hopes for responses*

Yes Man

Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Action Figure Graveyard.
Kawaii Not.
Gone With the Blastwave.
The Perry Bible Fellowship.
Looking For Group.
Cyanide & Happiness.
The Adventure of Dr. McNinja.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
8-bit Theater?

(And I forget about all about PBF. Good stuff...
Cool. That one is it.


Lucid Dreamer

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I've been following it for a while now, and despite it's popularity I'm beginning to think that the webcomic "Looking For Group" is an overrated pile of crap. The story is incoherent and the characters are one dimentional. Richard, the comic relief, is this the only reason anyone tolerates the rest of it and I doubt anyone would read it at all without him, imho.

Also, the creator of Ozy & Millie moved on to a new webcomic called "Raine Dog". He/she Has only posted 2 pages so far, is late on the 3rd and yet is already trying to peddle t shirts, coffee mugs, etc.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I've become a fan of Better Days.
Better Days: Chapter 1: "Honest Girls"

And now that I have caught up with it I have to what every Monday and Fridays for updates.

I like his art, but not his stories or characters. Fisk serves as a "Mary Sue" and a mouthpiece for the cartoonists political views (which I also do not care for). Also, he lets his personal kinks and fetishes leak into the story as well (not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that in of itself, but it can distract and clash with everything else).