Murder. Murder ends the life, whereas a rape victim still has the chance to experience joy in the future.
This is very true.
As I stated earlier, I was violently raped as a college student. It wasn't even date rape. Though I casually knew the rapist, it happened in the middle of the day, no date, no drugs, no alcohol, totally unexpected and violent and bizarre. It really messed with my head for a long time.
Eventually, I went to counseling about it. I also worked hard on the issue myself from a spiritual perspective. See, I believe firmly that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. I knew that in spite of this horrible thing that had happened to me, I had to move beyond it and learn from it and incorporate it into the fabric of my life, if you will. So I did.
I can honestly say that this event eventually made me a better person and ironically, in the long run, had a positive effect on my life. I know that sounds very odd, but it's the truth.
Do I wish it hadn't happened? Well, here's my belief. I believe there is no "what might have been." There is only "what is." So I don't waste my time fantasizing about "what might have been" or what I think "should have been." Real life is interesting and challenging enough and it's all I have anyway.
Life is a wondrous journey.
Murder stops that journey and is irrevokable, so I say murder is worse.