As you know, Christianity has been the religious tradition of Westerners for centuries. As a result, the concept of God to Westerners in general is either the Christian one or something similar. When white Westerners reject Christianity, there is not really another concept of God or the divine to believe in. Contemporary Paganism wouldn’t be appealing to most due to the influences of Christianity and the Enlightenment movement on the Western psyche. Additionally, other religions of the world tend to be associated with cultures that are very different from Western ones, and the adherents tend to be non-white. Naturally, white Westerners see the other religions as quite different and not really for them. For these reasons, you won’t meet too many white Westerners who say they believe in Ishvara, Vahiguru, or Allah. So, when the choice is either the deity of Christianity or a naturalistic worldview, the latter seems appropriate or suitable to the white Westerner.
There are probably many things that I’ve said so far that are not accurate or true to reality. So, I apologize in advance if anyone reads something that’s not right. Of all posters, I am the least knowledgeable.
Same here. Natural Science is a discipline useful for understanding the ‘how’ of natural phenomena. Philosophy and Theology, on the other hand, are disciplines useful for arriving at conclusions about the nature and existence of the divine. It’s kind of like how History is useful for understanding the past, and that Psychology is useful for understanding the mind. Each discipline has its own spheres and methods. For that reason, we wouldn’t use History in order to understand how clouds are formed. Similarly, we wouldn’t use Psychology in order to understand how poetry is to be written. How then could Natural Science help us arrive at conclusions about the existence of the divine when it is concerned with natural phenomena?