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okay let me start off with a quick life story, I grew up in a Christian home, very VERY religious, then at 16 years old, someone from my congregation told me, 'when you read the bible imagine yourself there. RIGHT THERE, talking to moses, paul and jesus' so I did, me knowing about history I began to question things in the bible, this is where it 'secretly' started. I graduated High School 2005, went to college, and read almost EVERY borders BOOK on religion, everything on religion and philosophy. Now 2010, if/when someone ask me, what religious faith do I have? I can't answer, I don't believe in many of them, so my question is what is my religion, based off my ground determined beliefs. Due to my experiences and research over the last 7 years, what would u conclude, my foundation beliefs are:
1. The bible is not inspired of god, just great words of wisdom, mixed in with fantasy stories, with metaphorically life lessons.
2. There is no such things as sin,
3. I believe in karma/reap what u sow/golden rule. Everything you do to others, will come back on you now or in the afterlife.
4. I don't believe in death, life always has been and always will continue. There is an afterlife, we just haven't scientifically discovered it yet. Death is a part of life, it is NOT bad. and I believe every dead person I will see again in the afterlife. There is life after death, and scientifically it can be proven, seen with our own eyes, I have faith we will discover it.
5. Its not logically to reincarnate into a snake.
6. There are demons, spirits, ghost and goblins. It is possible to 'talk' to them but not necessary.
7. sin and suffering begin with desire, stop desire and just BE like a lotus, just BE and do good love to all. I try to only 'desire' less then 10 things in life ONLY.
8. Everybody is one: my personal philosophy there is no difference between a snake or a human, same place, same direction, same life, same organism (evolution), same god (theist), same blood (biology), headed to the same place. Animals ARE NOT meant to serve us. We as humans are NOT more intelligent them animals. we are all , everything living one.
9. Everything is an individual: The truth is relative, we are all one, but all individuals. not two squirrels are alike, they are individuals as us humans.
10. Everything is Everything: ...'what is meant to be will be' whatever happens happens in the universe, so be it, as long as you put good energy.
11. Evolution can be true, but haven't found any STRONG evidence, its whatever to me.
12. I take an agnostic approach to there being a 'god' supreme being, but on the other hand, god i can see be (kama) god is everywhere, he is everything, he is us. I do believe sense I'm part of god, I am god, as well as everything else. God is more of a force , God is 'mother nature'.
13. I skeptical on magic, mysticism, yes myrrh, franksencie can help you in 'those' ways, but that not 'magic' just laws on the universe, like peppermint is for bad breath.
14. Most religions I see is focus on, 'ganging' something from someone for good deeds. I don't agree with 'obey gods rules' and you'll get 'heaven' not 'hell'. There is no hell. People 'pray' to get something the screwed up on. I personally have high glucose level, if I keep eating bad, and get diabetes like my family, its my fault (karma), can't pray god to take away what you caused.
So what religion/ philosophy would my experiences fall up under. I just lived life, and was enlighten by those concepts. I know few of my experiences and idea are found in some religions, but not fully. So what am I?
1. The bible is not inspired of god, just great words of wisdom, mixed in with fantasy stories, with metaphorically life lessons.
2. There is no such things as sin,
3. I believe in karma/reap what u sow/golden rule. Everything you do to others, will come back on you now or in the afterlife.
4. I don't believe in death, life always has been and always will continue. There is an afterlife, we just haven't scientifically discovered it yet. Death is a part of life, it is NOT bad. and I believe every dead person I will see again in the afterlife. There is life after death, and scientifically it can be proven, seen with our own eyes, I have faith we will discover it.
5. Its not logically to reincarnate into a snake.
6. There are demons, spirits, ghost and goblins. It is possible to 'talk' to them but not necessary.
7. sin and suffering begin with desire, stop desire and just BE like a lotus, just BE and do good love to all. I try to only 'desire' less then 10 things in life ONLY.
8. Everybody is one: my personal philosophy there is no difference between a snake or a human, same place, same direction, same life, same organism (evolution), same god (theist), same blood (biology), headed to the same place. Animals ARE NOT meant to serve us. We as humans are NOT more intelligent them animals. we are all , everything living one.
9. Everything is an individual: The truth is relative, we are all one, but all individuals. not two squirrels are alike, they are individuals as us humans.
10. Everything is Everything: ...'what is meant to be will be' whatever happens happens in the universe, so be it, as long as you put good energy.
11. Evolution can be true, but haven't found any STRONG evidence, its whatever to me.
12. I take an agnostic approach to there being a 'god' supreme being, but on the other hand, god i can see be (kama) god is everywhere, he is everything, he is us. I do believe sense I'm part of god, I am god, as well as everything else. God is more of a force , God is 'mother nature'.
13. I skeptical on magic, mysticism, yes myrrh, franksencie can help you in 'those' ways, but that not 'magic' just laws on the universe, like peppermint is for bad breath.
14. Most religions I see is focus on, 'ganging' something from someone for good deeds. I don't agree with 'obey gods rules' and you'll get 'heaven' not 'hell'. There is no hell. People 'pray' to get something the screwed up on. I personally have high glucose level, if I keep eating bad, and get diabetes like my family, its my fault (karma), can't pray god to take away what you caused.
So what religion/ philosophy would my experiences fall up under. I just lived life, and was enlighten by those concepts. I know few of my experiences and idea are found in some religions, but not fully. So what am I?