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What are Aliens?


Are aliens demons in disguise? are aliens satan's way of getting humanity to "accept" him when he is finally forced to earth.. because to my understanding.. he is prince of th air.. not yet banished to earth.. but free to roam and influence mankind.

i am trying very hard to make both God and Aliens co-exist in my mind because i believe we can have both.

taking into account the descriptions in the bible.. ezekiel.. enoch.. and elijah, i dont see how they arent a possibility. i cant discount them entirely. and i wont discount God, not any longer.

there is no definite proof of aliens.. but at same time there is no definitive evidence of a God... so are both simply based on faith? even though a faith of different flavors?

to some there seems to be undeniable proof of God's existence.. and i agree with some of it.. but there is also undeniable evidence of aliens, in my mind anyways.

and it seems that i am able to understand the outlandish descriptions in the bible if i say to myself.. they were describing what they saw to the best of their ability at the time.. but with what we know now... why can't they have been describing alien encounters?

this undeniable evidence i mentioned previously comes in the form of historical archeological finds.. tiny figurines depicting airplanes of NOW.. this time. this generation. figurines featuring men in space suits. many thousands of years old. the Indian culture.. (INDIA) and their vimana.. descriptions and building plans for these craft. many cultures.. spread out by thousands of miles.. but seeing and describing very similar things. flying things. people as astronauts.. i dont get it lol

i am seriously curious.. and i am just as curious about aliens as i am about God.

i cant seem to make this alien business feel like foolishness. i want to.. but as soon as i try.. its like im hit in the head with a brick.. DUH! it goes.. and its like.. there has to be. there has to be aliens.

how can we humans be so selfish as to think we are the only intelligent creation of an all powerful God?

i want opinions from both the believe and non believer. iffin you dont mind lol


Well-Known Member
i am a believer, but if aliens (intelligent life forms not from this earth) do exist and are ever brought to light, then im convinced that they will not be included in our traaditional biblical beliefs.

a whole different concept of religious beliefs will be born.


thanks for imput sniper.. dont stop now lol

why couldnt it be included in our traditional beliefs? why cant they fit into the bible? the thing that makes me think most.. and the thing i fear most.. is finding out that the GOD of the Bible.. was merely an alien? i know it sounds crazy.. but what if? if it cant fit in the bible we know today.. where do they fit? if we have denied their existence this long.. im meaning in the media.. the government.. etc. there must be a reason. they arent mentioned in the bible as "aliens" but there is definitely things in the bible that can make one go "well, sounds like alien involvement to me"

i have been struggling with my faith for eons.. and this is the last stumbling block.. figuring out how my belief in aliens can or cannot fit with my belief in the God of the Bible.

i cant get over the last part of your reply sniper.. "a whole different concept of religous beliefs will be born".

i cant seem to word it right but i got it in my brain........... i dont want to deny the existence of a God.. the Biblical God... but.. ok.. im gonna put it out there.. but its just thoughts.. not beliefs ok...

religion.. religions have sprung up over something as simple as american planes flying over remote pacific island villages during the World War. they loved the gifts these flyers dropped. and they erected idols in the form of these planes in hopes that they would come back and bring more gifts.. entire religions were born of this experience. what if that is what happened with these intelligent beings? what if... back in they days of the bible.. they saw things they couldnt understand.. and created a religion to explain it? what if? what if.. the bible we read is merely someone's account of what they could not explain.. and this is what we get from it? what if.. our entire belief in God is the result of someone creating a religion out of an experience that they could not understand? what if? i dont want to wonder.. but i do know that the God i believe in wants me to challenge HIm.. of this i am certain.


Well-Known Member
you see, the bible begins with moses writing that adam was created by god (believed by all theologians to have been app. 6000 years ago). that emplies that no intelligent life existed before him. history proves that ours is the only space flight transpiring since then.

now if aliens do actually exist (which i believe they do), then they must predate adam. if one is to learn that they came from god would completely rewrite the traditinal christian beliefs.
if we learn that they are not from god then christianity (as we know it) will become questionable.

our religious beliefs, based on the bible, pertains to "our" existence (decendants of adam). i perceive aliens to be tied into god, whether inferior to him or equal to him but either way, not biblicaly addressed.

alien existence would be extra-biblical, therefore throwing a monkey wrench into our basic religious beliefs.

i cant explain alien existense in relation to our current religion, but i will say that if they are ever accepted by us as a whole, then they will have to be religiously explained.

daniel's visions and johns visions of revelatory events, to me, describe extra-terestrial events that i relate to god's realm. dont ask me to substanciate it biblicly, because i cant.


Alien Hybrid
Hi I believe there is aliens.

you see, the bible begins with moses writing that adam was created by god (believed by all theologians to have been app. 6000 years ago).
But only Theologians/Christian-Judaism believe this. Scientist Don't.

that emplies that no intelligent life existed before him. history proves that ours is the only space flight transpiring since then.
Yes but only on Earth, We have yet to go to Mars but we already say we're the only Race in space. and the furthest probe is just inside the Kuiper Belt.

now if aliens do actually exist (which i believe they do), then they must predate adam. if one is to learn that they came from god would completely rewrite the traditinal christian beliefs.
We have no prove that Adam even Existed. Neanderthals, yes. Adam, No

if we learn that they are not from god then christianity (as we know it) will become questionable.
God can be the God of this world alone. and Other Gods could rule on other planets.

alien existence would be extra-biblical, therefore throwing a monkey wrench into our basic religious beliefs.
This I can't see happening. If you read the Bible i with aliens in mind one can read a lot of "alien facts" in the bible.

e.g. The Sons of God that came before the flood and had children with Humans. Jesus even allude to this:
Joh 10:16 And I have other sheep which are not of this field: I will be their guide in the same way, and they will give ear to my voice, so there will be one flock and one keeper.
if one take field=earth, Jesus clearly states then that there are Aliens


Well-Known Member
all religions are "earthly". none are of the universe.

also, with preconceived beliefs, one will comprehend what he reads as he may.


alright.. awesome..so what of these sumerian texts? the planet X they mention.. is it not now our reality? they clearly describe the alien race "anunnaki"? and enoch's account of 300 years in "heaven" with the "angels". its a first person account.. yet unaccepted as canannized. why? the rest of the books are all accounts by eye witnesses and word of mouth passed from generation to generation,many many years after anything happened. but accepted by many Christians and preached as absolute truth... any opinion on this?

and i agree with you about Daniel and John in Revelations. i believe many visions and many experiences in the Bible can only be explained as extra-terrestial involvement or interaction, and even influence.

i am in no way trying to discount Christianity or God's existence. i sometimes have to stop myself from questioning whether "Jesus" "Mohammad" "Joseph Smith" etc, were as we are expected to believe. i do accept that there is truth in the bible. but i can also accept that there are human mistakes in that book. human misunderstanding, and human interpretation/translation. i sometimes wonder.. since the victors of history.. are the only ones who write history.. is our history as they say it is? religious history im meaning.. but can easily include alll historical accounts we take as fact.

why the incessant denial? the hiding of information.. for what purpose?


Well-Known Member
WHen and if we see an alien, we'll find out.

Of course, it may be better if we never see an alien.

Then you agree with Hawking, who thinks any encounters with aliens could be a disaster for humans.

I tend to agree to, any aliens we encounter could well be on a colonization mission looking for new planets to take over, and ours would be a plum ripe for the picking.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Who's to say God didn't make life on other planets too? Who's to say aliens aren't that other life? You think the Bible must say something for it to exist? The Bible is a book written by falliable man, word of god or not, and I would use "word of god" in a very loose sense here.


I always found the first chapter of Ezekiel in the Old Testament interesting. Was he describing an alien encounter?


Tu Stultus Es
Everyone knows that the Abrahamic faiths have nothing to do with aliens. The truth is that the Mesoamericans were the first victims of the extraterrestrial menace. The Mayan water deity Chaakh is often portrayed as an aquatic scaled creature with a tentacle-like nose- some depictions even portray a tangle of tentacles:

Chaakh was associated with a water ritual where young boys were submerged into a well and drowned- the Aztec equivalent to Chaakh was the rain god Tlaloc, often depicted with serpents writhing from his face:

And I took this photo of Tlaloc by sneaking into the storage archives at the Natural History Museum where the more dangerous artifacts are stored like the ark of the covenant and debris from the craft that crashed at Roswell:

All of this evidence points conclusively to the threat of the Old Ones, particularly a certain sleeping deity that waits dreaming on the ocean floor.

I've said too much.


Wonder Woman
Who's to say God didn't make life on other planets too? Who's to say aliens aren't that other life? You think the Bible must say something for it to exist? The Bible is a book written by falliable man, word of god or not, and I would use "word of god" in a very loose sense here.

Who's to say "god" wasn't an alien who "seeded" the planet with bacteria by accident or on purpose and went about its merry little way billions of years ago? :p
Everyone knows that the Abrahamic faiths have nothing to do with aliens. The truth is that the Mesoamericans were the first victims of the extraterrestrial menace. The Mayan water deity Chaakh is often portrayed as an aquatic scaled creature with a tentacle-like nose- some depictions even portray a tangle of tentacles:

Chaakh was associated with a water ritual where young boys were submerged into a well and drowned- the Aztec equivalent to Chaakh was the rain god Tlaloc, often depicted with serpents writhing from his face:

And I took this photo of Tlaloc by sneaking into the storage archives at the Natural History Museum where the more dangerous artifacts are stored like the ark of the covenant and debris from the craft that crashed at Roswell:

All of this evidence points conclusively to the threat of the Old Ones, particularly a certain sleeping deity that waits dreaming on the ocean floor.

I've said too much.
I do believe that aliens could very well be demons in disguise. Either demons or fallen angels. The universe is a pretty big place so I would say that it is possible for demons to live on other planets. Some could be less hostile than others but I dont believe that they have super-advanced technology. I think they are smart in ways that enable them to get things done without the use of technology.