Who is telling the truth?
God is the Truth. One who knows God, knows the Truth. Those who know God does not have to say anything. Seeing them, you see the truth, they are living it.
Some people understand that "religion" comes from Latin re-ligare or to re-connect. Reconnect what? Us and God. To reestablish a lost relationship between us and God. So, all religions are only one single business. What we call many religions differ in their theologies. Dogma or revelation of God may be more or less accurate, there may be many human speculations involved, compromising the dogma. Which theology will one accept also depends on one's intelligence and sensibility. We usually accept our national or family religion and consider it the best and the only true. That is a child level of belief, like when a child thinks that his father is the strongest and his mother is the most beautiful. It takes growing up, maybe through comparative religion, like you said, to see things from a different perspective. Then you see that all believers are involved in the same business, and even if we are more or less intelligent, God is intelligent enough to recognize our effort to connect with Him and is helping us to establish a relationship with Him. Every serious believer feels this response and connection with God, and thus naturally thinks that one was accepted by God only due to theology and true religion that one followed. Truth is that there are saintly persons in all religions, it only takes some good will to pay attention and find them. God does not consider our intelligence, but how much are we devoted and surrendered. I don't think that there is Satan. If the gate of our heart is closed tightly for God, there is no one else but us holding the keys.
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