Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
It's not that wouldn't happen at all, it's just that they wouldn't be forced to happen. Besides, we give to society through taxes. We pay for things that are used by all. This is society giving to us and us giving back.
Yes, taxes are us giving to society and society giving to us. So, what's your problem with that?
How many people have honestly not been on a road a day in their life? 0.00001%?
Don't know, but more than 0, I can guarantee you.
Homeschooled families should not have to pay taxes for schools then
That defeats the whole purpose. Then you're saying only those who have kids in school should pay taxes for schools. That's a very ineffective way of doing it. The better way is to set up things like schools, libraries, police and other departments, and collect taxes to pay for all of them. You work, and you pay taxes, and those taxes go towards all of those things.
Everyone has an equal chance of being attacked, robbed, killed, raped, hi by a drunk driver, etc. (unless you're doing something to provoke these)
And everyone can just as easily end up poor and homeless.
Physically seeing something is completely different from it being available to you (I said see it back as a figure of speech)
Huh? Let's try this again.
We all see the benefit of helping the poor, namely in having a bigger group of productive members of society.