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WHAT are we discussing here in this RF?


Active Member
A blank canvas..?
A blank canvas is Itself an Image.
A transparent sheet of glass with no smudges would be a better analogy. Better still, no glass at all!

Um, I would say pacifism.
How you would get purity from lack of aggression is beyond me.

Would you say a harmless, non-manipulative person is more on the 'pure' side? For eg, that little girl giggling and playing with her doll? ...and her parents say, she is a sweet thing who is nice to everyone and hasn't gotten into any trouble so far...



Active Member
Dr satish ji, We are not passing "Time" here, Truely telling "Time" is passing us here. :)


What is Time WITHOUT Movement?
..movement of sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, compounds, structures, aggregates, planets, stars, galaxies......

Does Time EXIST as an Independent Entity
we have 'devised' it to account for our perception of movement of forms and change of forms in the universe?

If ALL Movement STOPS,
perception of the so-called Time is no more!



Admiral Obvious
A blank canvas is Itself an Image.
A transparent sheet of glass with no smudges would be a better analogy. Better still, no glass at all!
Fair enough.

Would you say a harmless, non-manipulative person is more on the 'pure' side? For eg, that little girl giggling and playing with her doll? ...and her parents say, she is a sweet thing who is nice to everyone and hasn't gotten into any trouble so far...

Seems to me that merely lacking aggression is not a defining standard of pure.
Of course, I suppose it depends entirely upon what you mean by "pure".


Well-Known Member
You seem to KNOW...

that is you have KNOWLEDGE....

Can you tell me if there is ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN

..social knowledge
...scientific knowledge..
....religious knowledge...
......philosophical knowledge...

If KNOWLEDGE...can be compartmentalized..?
If Compartmentalized Knowledge

Yes, it is the knowing and the knowing which is being shared on RF, albeit when considered limited by time and space, it appears to be have limited value.


Active Member
Fair enough.

Seems to me that merely lacking aggression is not a defining standard of pure.
Of course, I suppose it depends entirely upon what you mean by "pure".

What would be 'purity' from your point of view (as applied to humans)?



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Sorry to hear that you are burdened with AS.

It's not that much of a burden. IMO, the benefits outweigh the downsides.

I've gone to counseling and therapy sessions to help with it, so it's not as bad as it once was. Difficulty communicating is really the only problem related to it I have left.

But be assured that they are only 'malformed' in the outer circles, but inside, you and me, are the Same...Identical...No Lesser...No Greater! May be you can work from the inside on developing the 'missing factors' like say empathy and become a beacon to others with AS. Show Thy Light!

I'm not a spiritual teacher, I'm a story-teller.
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What is Time WITHOUT Movement?
..movement of sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, compounds, structures, aggregates, planets, stars, galaxies......

Does Time EXIST as an Independent Entity
we have 'devised' it to account for our perception of movement of forms and change of forms in the universe?

If ALL Movement STOPS,
perception of the so-called Time is no more!


"Whenever a buffelo lifts her tail up then it understood that she will not sing a song, she will dung." - By bhondu din chisti
Now watch these movements.



Active Member
"Whenever a buffelo lifts her tail up then it understood that she will not sing a song, she will dung."
Now watch these movements.


Perhaps the buffalo is in the act of swatting the fly or a wasp on its back! :danana:



Active Member
We discuss paths.

Some see the path in front of them looking to where they are going while others can only see their path by looking back and seeing where they have been while others still like talking about paths while ignoring the reality that they are on one at all; we are thusly comparing, observing, debating, and, if we are smart, learning a thing or two along the way. That is why rational intelligent and thoughtful discussions are so refreshing while strawman discussions and/or verbal tantrums are so objectionable.

PATHS leading to what?

1. Meeting with a Deity
2. Reaching an actual physical place of No-Pain and All-Happiness
3. Self-Realization
4. Enlightenment
5. A Worldview from Inside-Out and Outside-In
6. Identification with a particular group with similar convictions and feel good
7. Decide finally “This is My Way of Life”
8. ??



Stripling Warrior
PATHS leading to what?

1. Meeting with a Deity
2. Reaching an actual physical place of No-Pain and All-Happiness
3. Self-Realization
4. Enlightenment
5. A Worldview from Inside-Out and Outside-In
6. Identification with a particular group with similar convictions and feel good
7. Decide finally “This is My Way of Life”
8. ??


That is the question that each of us must find the answer to. The reality is that here is where we are and tomorrow we will have changed a little making life a path from here to there. Unfortunately movement is sometime circular and thusly the expending of energy may not mean progression or it may mean regression if one does not know the goal.

The discussions that we have here, if intelligent and thoughtful, try to answer questions like who are we, where do we come from, why are we here, and where are we going?

Ignoring such questions or getting the answers wrong can have dire consequences, consequences that have little to do with opinion and everything to do with truth. I also believe that the correct answers do exist and can be had by anybody who really wants them enough to admit that they need help finding them and then seeking the right help.

I have had many conversations here with people for whom it was obvious that learning something was not so much the point as was tripping other people up in what they say so they could claim some sort of hollow victory. I am not talking about those who do not see it my way, everyone has the right to their opinion and I respect that; I am talking about those who will not engage in point-counterpoint conversations in favor of strawman tactics, stone casting innuendoes, nonsensical wordsmithing, and, in some cases, intellectually insulting stupidity.

For me the goal is exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom of God, a lofty goal to be sure but one I believe that anybody can aspire to; in fact, for me anything less is simply unacceptable. To have such a goal means putting aside my own wisdom and looking to someone to lead me that I have confidence in, that person would of course be Jesus Christ and His appointed prophets but even then one must have reason to believe in Christ in the first place.

You see it is all a journey wherein you learn something that makes it possible to learn something else and so on and so forth. I have learned that the journey has many forks in the road and to be successful in getting to where you want to be you must first know where you want to go and then find a guide who knows how to get there. The quintessential requirement is to be sure you have the right guide and then follow them; the trick is to know how.

Wisdom is knowledge rightly applied but for some it is more important to appear intelligent to those who know no better than it is to be intelligent regardless of who is looking on. For such, success is about as likely as fishing for whales in a Kansas City pothole. If you think I am fishing in such a pothole that is your right but it is also irrelevant to you, just be sure you have your line in the right water.
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