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What are you, politically?

What do you consider yourself politically?

  • Total voters

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
OK, I'm not going to ask what your political party is, as we have different countries represented on the forum. So just tell us if you are politically liberal, conservative or moderate. You can elaborate as you see fit.


Active Member
I call myself a liberal, but over here that's not quite the same thing as in the US. Liberals here tend to focus on equal opportunity, the government not telling you how to live your life, low taxes, small & decentralised government, strong competition, privatisation, be pro-EU and pro-UN, and so forth. The American term "bleeding heart liberal" would make little sense here, and they certainly aren't considered 'left-wing'.

The traditional breakdown of the political spectrum is Conservative, Liberal and Socialist. What is a 'Moderate'?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
none of the above... I dont follow any particular political ideology, I tend to make my mind up on individual issues sometimes I agree with conservitives sometimes with liberals... but most often I disagree with both. I'm rarely Moderate in my stance however so that doesn't fit either... :roll:

Alaric, Moderates are people who fall between the liberal and conservitive spectrum here in the USA, as we sadly only have the two parties here. A moderate Republican for instance may be pro-choice while a moderate Democrat may be pro-life... (normaly contrary to the political party stance)

I am liberal in some ways, conservative in others. So I guess that would make me a moderate, though the term Libertarian would probably describe me best. I am a registered Democrat....but only because I wanted to vote for Al Sharpton in the Ohio primaries (he wasn't even on the ballot, as it turned out....so I voted for Leiberman instead). :lol:

Bush Cheney 2004, baby! :party:


Well-Known Member
Considering my liberal views, I must be regarded as a conservative, and accordingly I vote for the Moderate party.


Vile Stove-Toucher
I guess I'd be considered pretty liberal in my views... The Liberal Party here in Australia, though, is the conservative of the two main political powers, and I sure as hell don't vote for them (our PM is the head of the Libs, and I have absolutely no time or respect for what he's done/doing to this country). :roll: I have really tried to have as little to do with politics as possible since I hit voting age (voting is compulsory here, although there are still some who manage to dodge it), but things are happening here and around the world that affect me directly, so I have taken more of an interest in the last few years.


I don't like labels, but I've always been interested in radical politics. Anarchism, for example. I think government usually makes things worse, and that most politicians can't be trusted. They derive their power from taxation, which is a form of stealing (give me money or I'll throw you in prison). Then once they are in power, they are corrupt.

I get "into" politics a lot, it's an easy shot because examples of waste and inefficiency and wrongness are everywhere. I like to talk with people. "Solve all the world's problems" if you know what I mean.

How do you characterize someone who is open to all ideas from the entire political spectrum? Independent or undecided?

BIG gibb

I am pretty liberal but i dont vote down party lines if the other candidate obviously would be better for the good of the position...

this election in america is horrible so i am torn...


Well-Known Member
Gee, Is this honest, comments lean very Liberal!
Was I surprised that MOR dominates the poll.
Let's all be "wise as a serpent and as innocent as a Dove."


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
On some issues, I've grown increasingly liberal in my old age. I know age is supposed to make you more conservative, but it doesn't seem to work that way with me. Maybe it's the water I've been drinking out here in Colorado, but for whatever reason, I find myself in some ways getting more and more liberal. No one is more surprised by that than myself, because when I was younger, I thought I had arrived at some pretty solid and unshakeable political opinions --- but they've changed!


New Member
I have my own political views.Ultimately I stand for the Rule Of God,He created every thing, in this earth.It means that the laws of the God has to be followed by the people in this world.Then only a peaceful world will come.

The democracy will not be there under a state follows rule of God,but Divine democracy.So I can't support any traditional political idiology.I try to follow rational idiology.


Active Member
a true democracy is majority rule and leaders aren't needed just voter's. it's fallacy is mob rule, like the passion of Christ.
a true republic elects a leader to decide tough issues who has the money, resources, and wisdom to make a fair decision.
before democracy was born, chiefs and kings ruled as well as governors. if a terrible ruler was in power people suffered, if a fair one, they prospered.
what i like about our federated republic in this country is that a president can't run for more than two terms, eight years. that is a safety net.
what i don't like about our politics is researching the politicians all the way down to court clerk,etc. unless they contact me or i look them up i can't make an honest decision who to vote for and so just vote for candidates i know would be good. that's why the best people aren't politicians. someone just votes party lines or may like the familiarity of a name and vote for that candidate not even knowing his/her true character.
i used to rely on others who would make a good candidate, which is just popular opinion and not reasoned out. sorry.


Bush Cheney 2004, baby!
Haha, good one. I think I'd make a better president than any of our other candidates.

I don't like labels, but I've always been interested in radical politics. Anarchism, for example. I think government usually makes things worse, and that most politicians can't be trusted. They derive their power from taxation, which is a form of stealing (give me money or I'll throw you in prison). Then once they are in power, they are corrupt.
In anarchy, corporations can run unrestricted, which is really bad and exploit-ful. Also, rule would probably be obtained by biker gangs.

I have my own political views.Ultimately I stand for the Rule Of God,He created every thing, in this earth.It means that the laws of the God has to be followed by the people in this world.Then only a peaceful world will come.

The democracy will not be there under a state follows rule of God,but Divine democracy.So I can't support any traditional political idiology.I try to follow rational idiology.
Not everyone believes in God. If we were all forced to abide by his laws, then a peaceful world would be the exact opposite of how it would turn out. Religion is one of the leading causes of war. o_o


The democracy will not be there under a state follows rule of God,but Divine democracy.So I can't support any traditional political idiology.I try to follow rational idiology.
If we were all forced to live under God, then it would be considered a Divine Dictatorship. Not benevolent, either. Remember, God kills those who oppose him. Think global flood and tribulation. A democracy is defined as a government in which the majority of the popular vote decides laws. Not under God. We all have to follow a set rulebook.

I define myself as extremely left-wing and very liberal, leaning towards Communism a lot.


Uber all member
Lightkeeper said:
I voted liberal.

We know. Me too

The liberal group as of this post
BIG gibb, civilcynic, Gerani1248, Irenicas, mersault, Named, pah, Phoenix, Runt, Sunstone, Tualha



Uber all member
The individuals who voted as of this post -
JivanaKrishnaDasa, paul_an_apostle, wilieha 4 15.38%

BIG gibb, civilcynic, Gerani1248, Irenicas, mersault, Named, pah, Phoenix, Runt, Sunstone, Tualha 18 69.23%

Fra.Morelia, Ronald 4 15.38%

Notice that the list of individuals listed in each category does not agree to the total (number and percentage in bold)

What kind of result is this???
