Of all the forms and denominations of Christianity, Orthodox Christianity follows an unbroken line from the apostles to now. They passed their authority to their successors. There have been no changes in almost 2,000 years.
Jesus was Jewish and therefore used Jewish scripture to support his teachings....it was the only scripture in existence at the time, and the Christian scriptures do not replace the Hebrew Scriptures....they complement them. Jesus did not add to, but clarified what the Hebrew Scriptures had foretold. The Jewish claim that he did not fulfill the Messianic prophesies is nonsense.....what he did not fulfill was their expectations and their misinterpretation of those prophesies. He wasn't what they expected and he denounced the religious leaders as the spawn of the devil...any wonder they found reasons to deny him.
Jesus instituted a new covenant with his disciples who were “lost sheep” in Judaism, and to whom he was sent to lead out of a corrupted religious system, altered by the hypocritical religious leaders whom Jesus roundly denounced. (Matthew ch 23; John 8:44) The Jews had an appalling record as disobedient covenant breakers. (Isaiah 24:5)
No changes???? ......you can’t be serious.
Please let me mention just a few.....
Did the Jews ever believe in a triune God?.....did Jesus ever say that he was God and that people should worship him?....was his earthly mother a person who warranted adoration or devotion, or was it his heavenly Father?......did Jesus speak about souls being tortured forever in the flames of hell? Were images accepted as part of Jewish worship?.....was an immortal soul part of ancient Jewish belief?
All these and more were
additions....”changes” to what the first century Christians taught and believed. There was no 'apostolic succession' ever mentioned by Jesus or his apostles, let alone the adoption of pagan Roman elements and celebrations fused with apostate Christianity, under the banner of Roman Catholicism. There was no Pope or elaborate Cathedrals, or even an earthly priesthood in the first century, so if you are going to talk about changes, you haven’t gone back far enough. 'Catholicism' was never “Christian” in its conduct or teachings from its institution, and more so the RCC because its introduction was more political rather than religious. Its doctrines presided over by a pagan Emperor who worshipped Zeus until the day he died.
Deviation from Christ’s teachings began proliferating from the second century onward, so by the fourth century it was ripe for a takeover.
But this was no surprise as it was all foretold by Jesus and those to whom he entrusted his teachings. What happened to Judaism was repeated in Christendom....and for the same reasons. Men introduced “traditions” and deviated from scripture to practice something other than what Christ taught. (Acts 20:30)
Claiming Jesus as “Lord” will not save anyone unless we are ‘doing the will of the Father’. (Matthew 7:21-23) Fusing Christianity with paganism was never going please the true God. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
Every other denomination of Christianity deviated from Orthodoxy, which began in the year 1054.
IMO, you fail to see that Orthodoxy was itself a deviation from Christ’s original teachings. When you say that “every other denomination was a deviation”, you are talking about further deviations from a religious system that had already lost its way. The “weeds” of Jesus parable were not sown recently, but the first to sprout were in evidence while the apostles were still alive. (Matthew 13:36-43) These acted as a restraint in the latter part of the first century, (2 Thessalonians 2:6-12)....but after the last Apostle, John passed away, there was no longer a restraint to hold that foretold apostasy back.
Attend an Orthodox Divine Liturgy. What may seem to make no sense are commemorations and re-enactments of early Christianity.
Sorry, but I do not believe that Orthodox Christianity with its rituals and liturgy were a reflection of original Christianity in any way.
There must have been a reason for your own defection from that religious system....? I know why I left.
Nothing galls like hypocrisy and lies.
Your repeated slams against other denominations of Christianity and other religions in general is beyond tiresome, not to mention rife with inaccuracies.
Inaccuracies? or an inconvenient truth?
Since I am also a defector from a religious system that had deviated in every way from what Jesus and the apostles taught, I see things very clearly. Jesus did not hold back from exposing religious error, because people’s lives were at stake. We will all live or die depending upon who or what we choose to worship. It’s too important to remain silent. The criticism (exposure) has a goal, like it did with Jesus....to save lives. I’m sorry that you can’t see that. The Jews couldn't see it either.
Only those who are not entrenched in counterfeit Christianity will actually appreciate what I have been saying.
You cannot choose false gods and false worship and expect the true God to reward you.
As Jesus taught, there are only two roads and every single one of us is on one or the other.....the “sheep” are on the cramped and narrow road, leading to life, whilst the “goats” have chosen the easy way, practicing the religion of their choice and giving worship to their own gods, assuming that it will lead them to where they want to go.....but that road is a dead end. (Matthew 7:13-14)
If that is confronting to some, then I make no apology because in this, I am emulating my Master, who never held back from telling an unpopular truth. It is the result of over 50 years of deep study of the scriptures and having the benefit of being on both sides of the fence in this situation.
If people have made their choice, then what I say will have no impact...but for those who harbor lingering doubts, (the lost sheep) there will always be room for more research.
The simple truth is that no one can come to Jesus without an invitation from his Father. (John 6:65) Those without an invitation, will never even find the “narrow gate” that leads to the right road.
There is one God and one truth.....the sincere ones will find the correct path.
That is what I believe.