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what are your thoughts on hell

Bingo. I think when Christians say that God is all loving, they don't mean that God is just loving. Of course we cannot know everything about the nature of God, but the Bible describes him as just, jealous, loving, vengeful, and righteous. I’m a loving guy, ask my family. Yet I wouldn’t hesitate to send someone to the gas chamber.

Would you send someone to the gas chamber for a parking violation?

The reason is irrelevant... I question how one could not even hesitate to take a life when they are not able to give life... How can one make the decision to end a life, unless put in a position to save there own life or the life of another; which would consist of hands on taking a life rather than making a choice to gas chamber a human being...

Would you also sit and watch as that person you decided to gas dies???


Jehovah our God is One
Is it lawful for a parent to torture a child? ..
Why then should it be acceptable for God to do the same...?
Because it is written?

the bible hell is not the same hell that you may be thinking of. Many religions have taught that 'hell' is a place of torture and torment for the wicked...this idea has been around long before the bible was penned. So the idea does not originate in the bible.

it originates with the religions of egypt and babylon...even the Greeks had their version of hell and the underworld.

But the bible hell is nothing more then the grave of mankind. It is not a place of torment but a place of rest and peace. That is why most grave stones exhibit the letters "RIP" meaning 'Rest in peace'

Jesus himself was said to be in hell for 3 days....the 3 days he was buried in a tomb.


Jehovah our God is One
Are you saying there isn't a hell and the law is what judges and condemns people?

Geneiss 3:17 And to Adam he said: “Because you listened to your wife’s voice and took to eating from the tree concerning which I gave you this command, ‘You must not eat from it,’ cursed is the ground on your account. In pain you will eat its produce all the days of your life. 18 And thorns and thistles it will grow for you, and you must eat the vegetation of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”

when did Adam receive his judgement?? It certainly wasnt after he had died...it was while he was still alive. And what was his punishment? Vs 19 states 'to dust you will return'

Like Adam, our judgement comes before we die. The judgement and punishment that Adam received was death. He was put back into the ground. That is hell. Nothing more then the end of our life and the burial of our remains.


Well-Known Member
This topic may exist so forgive me for the pre- post
if you believe in an all loving and forgiving God why would
he/ she damn his people to hell..
I don't think God is sadistic or takes pleasure in the death of the wicked, nor does he send people to Hell, on the contrary he has done everything, including giving his only Son to keep people out, all as a free gift. I believe God is merciful and loving and also just. He judges with equity and fairness. While eternal separation from God is bad enough, I do believe the punishment will fit the crime, it won't be the same for everyone, just like eternal life will not be the same for every believer. Whatever the results, I believe every mouth will be stopped and every one of us will concede that justice has been rightfully served, whatever the sentence. God in his wisdom has shown us that we all fall short of his holiness, but that he still loves us anyway and has made it so all of us can be given his holiness freely and be with him forever.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Anyone that believes in eternal hell has already subjected himself to the worst posible insult, and can never say with a straight face they feel offended by anything:

Dude, you believe you deserve the greatest possible suffering for an infinite amount of time, WHAT ON EARTH can you be complaining about on ANYTHING that I do to you?


Veteran Member
This topic may exist so forgive me for the pre- post
if you believe in an all loving and forgiving God why would
he/ she damn his people to hell..

To which hell are you referring ?
There is the temporary biblical hell, and there is the permanent non-biblical religious myth hell.

Dead Jesus was in the temporary biblical hell [sheol] according to Acts 2 vs 27,31,32; Psalm 16 v 10
Jesus taught the dead sleep- John 11 vs 11-14
Jesus learned that sleeping state of the dead from the Hebrew OT Scriptures.
Scriptures such as the Psalms: Psalms 6 v 5; 13 v 3; 115 v 17; 146 v 4
Scripture such as Ecclesiastes 9 v 5 teaching the dead know nothing.
Scripture such as Daniel 12 vs 2,13 where Daniel looked forward to awakening from death's sleep.

Clergy often teach the permanent non-biblical hell as Scripture.
Whereas the Bible teaches the biblical hell [ gravedom] is temporary because after everyone in hell [common grave of mankind] is 'delivered up' [ resurrected ] out of the Bible's hell, then 'emptied-out hell' is cast vacant into a symbolic 'second death' according to Revelation 20 vs 13,14.

Gehenna is a word often translated into English as hellfire.
Gehenna was a garbage pit outside of Jerusalem where things were destroyed.
Destroyed not kept burning forever. So Gehenna [English hellfire] is a fitting symbol for destruction. As in the wicked being destroyed forever according to Psalm 92 v 7.
We have the choice between repenting or destruction [perishing] -2nd Peter 3 v 9.


Veteran Member
God does some creepy things all around the Bible. Hell is just one of many. :cover:

How much time have you spent studying about the Bible's hell ?
Why are you calling the biblical hell as creepy ?
Rather isn't it the 'non-biblical religious myth hell' that is creepy ?
Bible teaches the dead are Not conscious of anything.
Pagan myth teaches the dead are in conscious pain.

Did Jesus teach the Bible's hell [sheol] is creepy?
What is the condition of the dead according Jesus and other Scriptures ?
This topic may exist so forgive me for the pre- post
if you believe in an all loving and forgiving God why would
he/ she damn his people to hell..
Not only do I not believe in a God who would send people to an endless fiery hell, I also don't believe He annihilates them or has them undergo endless cycles of compulsory reincarnation in order for them to supposedly learn lessons based on actions from previous lives they won't even remember having lived.:)