Certainly there must be a source, and that is the presupposition I talk about. A source which itself has no source or cause because it is "THE Source" or "THE Cause". But there is a barrier between the singularity which science, I believe and correct me if I'm wrong, has proven, and the Source , which science can't touch and reason can't know. So there's no answer to the question. Reason only works in time and space and fails at the boundary where time and space commenced (Big Bang). "Prior" to the Big Bang we cannot speak. So we make stuff up and call it God or Void , or whatever. Meaningless words assigned to that which as no name.
The void, " in itself" has no form but it appears as form in all its infinite complexity ( time, space, universe, earth , life, sentient beings. ). "In itself" void has no beginning because it IS the beginning, form only has a beginning for us rational sentient beings who are form and are in form. We see ourselves and the universe and try to explain it on our terms: WHAT is it? WHENCE did it come ? We run into barriers at both ends. WHENCE is as I said above. As far as WHAT, I believe the originators of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Bohr & Hiesenberg , got it right at the beginning of the 20th Century: WHAT is beyond our capacity to perceive and know. We make stuff up again, and say particles and waves, but we can't see them, per se. So form cannot explain itself. I believe this is because form is void and void is outside of rational thought. Void cannot know itself because it is itself. In truth Void is and always has appeared as form ; Form is and always has consisted of Void. No beginning no end.
I'm running on at the mouth here and getting into stuff I can talk about , but do not really know personally. Just spouting mysticism I have read from Buddhism, Taoism, and Advaita Vedanta
The void, " in itself" has no form but it appears as form in all its infinite complexity ( time, space, universe, earth , life, sentient beings. ). "In itself" void has no beginning because it IS the beginning, form only has a beginning for us rational sentient beings who are form and are in form. We see ourselves and the universe and try to explain it on our terms: WHAT is it? WHENCE did it come ? We run into barriers at both ends. WHENCE is as I said above. As far as WHAT, I believe the originators of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Bohr & Hiesenberg , got it right at the beginning of the 20th Century: WHAT is beyond our capacity to perceive and know. We make stuff up again, and say particles and waves, but we can't see them, per se. So form cannot explain itself. I believe this is because form is void and void is outside of rational thought. Void cannot know itself because it is itself. In truth Void is and always has appeared as form ; Form is and always has consisted of Void. No beginning no end.
I'm running on at the mouth here and getting into stuff I can talk about , but do not really know personally. Just spouting mysticism I have read from Buddhism, Taoism, and Advaita Vedanta
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