After reading some of your replies I would like to ask you a question (note this question is open to anyone). If you believe supernatural processes exist, do you think all or some are they what I call super-normal** processes or are they really (assuming you feel they are valid) a manipulation of physical law, or simply 'natural' processes(s) science does not yet understand or have the ability to detect? In other words is there a sharp delineation between the natural world and the 'supernatural' world and events or does the natural world blend into the 'supernatural'* world? To a certain extent my question almost answers itself! My personal beliefs are that there are true supernatural events and a supernatural realm that must be forever separated from the material world...maybe. I mean analogically speaking it could be like matter and anti-matter both are purely 'natural' (or material) processes and things but they can't touch etc. Again personally I think the reason God sends temporal messengers 99% of the time to bridge the gap between the natural and supernatural worlds instead of coming in person. Oh no offense I am speaking of the Christian God but most religions have a near identical deity. (and this is why I think one god is all Gods but that is material for another thread). Lastly that a atemporal God and spiritual realm exists is how God caused the big bang to bang when there was no temporal related causality before (I say outside time when describing 'events' 'before' the BB began, and hence its importance to my way of believing. Language oftentimes fail us, or at least is a weak point when speaking etc about the natural and the supernatural, the material and the immaterial just as it does in higher mathematics and science.
* supernatural = events that exist outside the natural world
* super-normal = events that may appear supernatural but are actually operating
within the confines of natural law.
Kurt Godel the famous mathematician and creator of the incompleteness theorem said; "The more I think about language, the more it amazes me that people ever understand each other at all." Oh how true my virtual friend, RIP.....