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What Day was Jesus Crucified?


Well-Known Member
Maybe you would want to read his book. It would probably give you a better view of his opinion compared to a few statements.
Wow. So, since he doesn't oppose what the NT says, and really says nothing, that means he is disagreeing with the NT? Did you even think before you posted that?
Again, reading his book would probably give you a better view of what he meant. Because you clearly have no idea what he says.
More so, you've never supported the idea that the scripture supports what you are saying. Especially since it is not a clear cut situation. The Romans are technically those who executed Jesus, as in the ones who killed him. The Gospels all agree that it was the Romans who placed Jesus on the cross.
So no, you're wrong, and your logic fails. Especially since you haven't even read Brown.
So Jesus says that they are guilty of innocent blood? In the verses that you stated, Jesus specifically states they are guilty of innocent blood? Please, point out where Jesus specifically states that.
Can you show those same Jews had anything to do with his death? I highly doubt it. Especially since this is a very different encounter. One that Brown isn't not referencing, as it has nothing to do with the death of Jesus. Please, pick up your Bible, and read it. Read it in context.
So you can prove that Jesus is speaking to Jews who had him killed? You can prove that these same Jews that Jesus is speaking with are the same ones who killed him? I highly doubt it. Again, this has nothing to do with the trial of Jesus or the death of Jesus. And still, you haven't read Brown, and have no idea what he even believes because instead of doing any research, you would rather remain in the dark. What are you afraid of?
Yeah, because the NT says that the Jews placed Jesus on the cross and killed him. Maybe you want to actually first read the Bible, and then read Brown.
Only to you. Because these verses have nothing to do with the crucifixion of Jesus or his death. They are just one of the various disagreements Jesus had with the Jews. Maybe you want to read the Bible and see who crucified Jesus. Because it definitely wasn't the Jews.
That is exactly what you are doing. You assume you know what Brown thinks, and it clearly isn't what he does. Why? Because you've taken no time to actually do research. You choose to remain in the dark instead. And truly, that is the only place that your beliefs will be safe.
Do I really need to repeat myself? I guess so. Nothing you explained shows what day Jesus was raised from the dead. The only thing you pointed out is the day the angel/s appeared to Mary or the women and told them what happened. It never says anyone saw Jesus being risen from the dead. By the time they go there, Jesus has already risen.
So here is the situation. Jesus is placed in a tomb. No one visits until after the sabbath. There was a guard at the tomb, and the tomb was sealed by a rock (as in, no one could see into the tomb, so no one could see when Jesus was raised from the dead). As far as we know, Jesus could have been raised from the dead immediately. He could have been raised on the Sabbath. He could have been raised just when the rock rolled away (most likely not, because Jesus clearly wasn't there). All we are told is that when the women come to the tomb, the rock is rolled away and an angel/s tell them that Jesus has risen. As in past tense. It is the rock being rolled away and the appearance of an angel/s that makes the guard run away. It wasn't Jesus rising from the dead, as he was already gone. Remember, the tomb was empty.
So again, show me a verse that states what day Jesus was raised from the dead. Because your explanation doesn't do so.
Maybe the "violent earthquake" near dawn when the Mary's were on their way to the tomb is a clue. . .

It's your word against the words of Jesus and the apostles in the NT. . .everyone can decide for himself regarding http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305769-post1257.html.
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O smokydot, o smokydot
won't you be mine
I love all your posts
They're one of a kind



I've been checking "who's online" and you've been editing your posts for at least an hour.

Why do you bother with that? No one is going back through the posts hoping that yours got better. And no one is going to read this thread from cover to cover, and if they do, they'll see the highly unusual amount of posts that you edited. You're wasting your time...


Well-Known Member
The lengths to which you will go to embarrass yourself is truly impressive.
My only response is this: WOW!
1) The edits are even better at: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305663-post1256.html

2) And how about addressing the first part of it, on your claim (following) that you did not say what it turns out that you did say after all. . .


3) And then there's this, showing your gross ignorance on types, the facts therein which you have not addressed: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305523-post1251.html
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Agnostic Theist
Maybe the "violent earthquake" near dawn when the Mary's were on their way to the tomb is a clue. . .
No, it is not a clue to when Jesus rose from the dead. Scripture does not say that is how Jesus rose from the dead, or that it had anything to do with it. Again, point to scripture that states when Jesus rose from the dead. I doubt you can, and thus, your argument against Brown fails.
It's your word against the words of Jesus and the apostles in the NT. . .everyone can decide for himself regarding http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305769-post1257.html.
I've addressed everything in that post of yours, showing why you're wrong, and how you misrepresent scripture. There is no reason to link back to that post, as I have offered a rebuttal to it, and won't waste my time doing again. Please address my rebuttal, or accept that you're wrong.


You do realize you linked to a post of mine right? Where I insinuated that you proved yourself to be delusional and a liar?


Did you see what he did with his slander against me? What a way to turn something inside out - I've rarely seen such determination to misconstrue a simple statement.


In any case, I'm very glad to see you, fallingblood.

It's such a relief to read something other than...


Well-Known Member
So you're particularly proud of those edits?
Good for you.:yes:
Thanks. . .

(1) So are you gonna' address the first half of of that post: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305663-post1256.html, regarding your repeated
insistence (following) that you did not say what it turns out that you did say after all?


(2) And are you gonna' address the following showing your gross ignorance on types, the facts therein which you have not addressed?



So are you gonna' address the first half of of that post

Nope (to both questions). It was nice of you to ask, though.

But I can give you something cute to look at.



I suspected you wouldn't. . .

If not, then demonstrations of your false claim in (1) and of your gross ignorance on types in (2) stand unrefuted. . .that works for me. . .

That's only because you refuse to admit that refutations are there. :biglaugh:

Would you prefer something shiny to look at?



Well-Known Member
Thanks. . .

(1) So are you gonna' address the first half of of that post: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2305663-post1256.html, regarding your repeated
insistence (following) that you did not say what it turns out that you did say after all?


(2) And are you gonna' address the following showing your gross ignorance on types, the facts therein which you have not addressed?


I suspected you wouldn't. . .

If not, then demonstrations of your false claim in (1) and of your gross ignorance on types in (2) stand unrefuted. . .that works for me. . .

Unless, you can show where the additional facts provided in the link in (2), above, have been refuted. . .but I expect you to "pass up that opportunity" also. . .because as usual. . .you can't.


Well-Known Member
[]No, it is not a clue to when Jesus rose from the dead. Scripture does not say that is how Jesus rose from the dead, or that it had anything to do with it. Again, point to scripture that states when Jesus rose from the dead. I doubt you can, and thus, your argument against Brown fails.[/quote] The evidence is here, following. . .you just refuse to admit it. http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/2303235-post1158.html
I've addressed everything in that post of yours, showing why you're wrong, and how you misrepresent scripture. There is no reason to link back to that post, as I have offered a rebuttal to it, and won't waste my time doing again. Please address my rebuttal, or accept that you're wrong.
Like your buddy, angellous, accepts that he's wrong about their being no types in the Bible?

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