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What Debate Tactics Rub You the Wrong Way?


What are some tactics, expressions, or quotes that are absolutely ineffective in winning you over in an argument, to the point of frustration or even infuriation? What advice would you give for someone to avoid rubbing you the wrong way?


A fool
If a person lists the premises, the inferences and the conclusion of their argument in a clear manner, I seriously doubt I could become frustrated with them.

Unfortunately, this is a very difficult thing to do but I am frustrated when a fallacy is obscured by the manner in which a person has chosen to express themselves. A common one is using a different definition of a word every other sentence. Its such an easy and trivial complication to avoid but everyone does it.


Whenever people throw in age or experience while we are talking about facts. USE....LESS!!!!!

Religious people who throw in holy book - quotes to atheists, but hose just make me giggle inside..

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
When people tell me I'm wrong because I'm using atheist logic.

When people say that I need to believe before I can see the God.


Flaming Queer
people who needlessly accuse others of the straw-man fallacy. it's a fairly common accusation that is overused, to the point where it frequently becomes a shield. if someone does commit the straw-man fallacy, yes call them on it, and explain why it is a straw-man. but it frustrates me to no end when i see a retort that just says "that's a straw-man, so i'm not going to answer any of the arguments that it raises"


Premium Member
Statements like-
"If that's what you want to believe..." (usually said in a mocking tone)
"You know I am right"

I also don't like it when the other person acts as if another person's opinion is valid. You don't have to agree with someone but I think it is a good idea to respect that others have a different opinion.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Specious appeals to authority get my goat a lot of the time, as does the use of circular reasoning. Being a detail nut, my cupcakes get frosted when folks ignore points and simply inject their esteemed opinion of what is being conjectured. This is similar to invoking a rather large, smelly “red herring” in the hope of dashing the opponent’s desire to respond.

I think my number one problem with debates is when a person's talking points are effectively neutered and they refuse to admit it. To me, that is a bit shallow and almost begs for a good old ad hominem response.


Specious appeals to authority get my goat a lot of the time, as does the use of circular reasoning. Being a detail nut, my cupcakes get frosted when folks ignore points and simply inject their esteemed opinion of what is being conjectured. This is similar to invoking a rather large, smelly “red herring” in the hope of dashing the opponent’s desire to respond.

I think my number one problem with debates is when a person's talking points are effectively neutered and they refuse to admit it. To me, that is a bit shallow and almost begs for a good old ad hominem response.
But if they recognized that their argument has flaws then they would have nothing left to say! They like to talk! Don't take that away from them with your "points"...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I find many here will start playing semantical games on one particualr word while actually ignoring the whole context of the sentance or paragragh. Although specific defintions are important, these people often are unable to see the bigger picture for the sake of trying to act 'clever', which makes more of a fool out of them IMHO. (but heh, we have all established over the months that I have yet anything correct to say:D)

Nessa Nenharma

Goddess of my Domain
What are some tactics, expressions, or quotes that are absolutely ineffective in winning you over in an argument, to the point of frustration or even infuriation? What advice would you give for someone to avoid rubbing you the wrong way?

I don't like it when too much is read into what you have said. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone is entitled to them, but I don't like my words interpreted for me. I know what I said and what I meant when I said it, I certainly don't need someone else twisting it around or reading between the lines of it (there isn't anything there). I don't mind being told I am wrong. I don't mind being told that facts that I have given are wrong, but don't tell me my opinion is wrong. BTW disagreeing with my opinion doesn't make me wrong, it makes me different :)




Well-Known Member
1 sementic/grammer nazi
2 the quoters that leave out parts
3 personal insults
4 indirect jabs at me
5 saying that there point is unable to be understood by me and thus always right
6 people that overwhelm you with useless text and then expect you to read it all
7 people that do not wanna make a point but just try to make it harder for you to make one
8 people that go to certain descusions knowing that people disagree with there views only to claim to be insulted


Somewhere Around Nothing
Lets see,
Any reference to "fairy tale", "pink unicorn" or "FSM" and the like. These statements usually are used as if they some how magically win each and every theological debate.

Also, the excessive use of "laughable", "absurdities", "phony" and so on. I usually see these statements used as if their presence alone is enough to prove something false.

Basically I have problems with anyone who tries to debate without trying to have some kind of respect for the people on the other side.