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What did Jesus the "Messiah" Sacrifice?


Vinlandic Warrior
OK, I'll give four examples:

I. Set (Egyptian) slaying his brother Osiris - Cain slaying Abel.

II. Osiris (Egyptian) returning from the dead. Christ's resurrection after being crusified.

III. Prometheus (Greek) giving the forbiden knowledge of the gods to man, and then being punished by Zeus - Lucifer giving Adam and Eve the forgiden knowledge of good and evil. Lucifer being puniched by God.

IV. Fenriz (Norse) the Wolf of Ragnarok being chained by the gods, and who will be unleashed upon the world in the "end times" Ragnarok. Satan, condemned to Hell, but will be unleashed upon the world during Armageddon.

Anybody else care to share some more examples?


I have an example on the death and resurrection.

Odin, (Norse), was hung on a tree (Yggdrasil) for nine days, stabbed in the side with a spear, and he resurrected.


Admiral Obvious
I have an example on the death and resurrection.

Odin, (Norse), was hung on a tree (Yggdrasil) for nine days, stabbed in the side with a spear, and he resurrected.
You do not even need leave the Bible to find others who were raised from the dead:
1Kings 17:22
2 Kings 4: 33-36
2 Kings 13:21
Matthew 27:52
John 11:43-44
Acts 9:40-41
Acts 14: 19-20
Acts 20:9-12
Luke 7:11-17
One wonders why the resurrection of god is so miraculous as opposed to those listed above.


Vinlandic Warrior
You do not even need leave the Bible to find others who were raised from the dead:
1Kings 17:22
2 Kings 4: 33-36
2 Kings 13:21
Matthew 27:52
John 11:43-44
Acts 9:40-41
Acts 14: 19-20
Acts 20:9-12
Luke 7:11-17
One wonders why the resurrection of god is so miraculous as opposed to those listed above.

Especially since god is "all-powerful", and I am assuming that the above listed were ordinary humans.


Premium Member
Please exclude me from your prayers, I would appreciate if you would not pray for me. I'm not trying to be rude, those are just my wishes.

Ahh, look at it this way ApostleofLucifer, at least Septimus is using magic. Prayer by itself is a form of Lesser Magic. LM is all around us as is Greater Magic, people use it all the time. Most simply do not realize it for what it truly is.

Every human being possesses within their very DNA the Essence of the Prince of Darkness - that which is the Black Flame. Magic is the spawn of that Sacred Fire. When a Christian even comtemplates God or Jesus, they are exercising the Gift of the Black Fire - Independent Thought, which is a mechanism of psyche centric Awareness, i.e., the Powers of Darkness.

Side note: My "Prayer to Set" is a Lesser Magical tool used to help tip the balance towards a Greater Magical Manifestation. LBM can be used, and is used to influence a GBM outcome, however, the opossite is not true.

Xeper em Ma'at.
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Vinlandic Warrior
Ahh, look at it this way ApostleofLucifer, at least Septimus is using magic. Prayer by itself is a form of Lesser Magic. LM is all around us as is Greater Magic, people use it all the time. Most simply do not realize it for what it truly is.

Every human being possesses within their very DNA the Essence of the Prince of Darkness - that which is the Black Flame. Magic is the spawn of that Sacred Fire. When a Christian even comtemplates God or Jesus, they are exercising the Gift of the Black Fire - Independent Thought, which is a mechanism of psyche centric Awareness, i.e., the Powers of Darkness.

Side note: My "Prayer to Set" is a Lesser Magical tool used to help tip the balance towards a Greater Magical Manifestation. LBM can be used, and is used to influence a GBM outcome, however, the opossite is not true.

Xeper em Ma'at.

Interesting. A better way to think about it, although I still don't like the idea of someone praying to a god I don't believe in for me.


Premium Member
I still don't like the idea of someone praying to a god I don't believe in for me.

Yeah, neither do I. When a White Lighter (primarily a Christian) says to me "I'm going to pray for you." My reply is always and with a casual smile - "That's nice but please don't."
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Vinlandic Warrior
Yeah, neither do I. When a White Lighter says to me "I'm going to pray for you." My reply is always and with a casual smile - "Please don't."

Same here haha. Or I say, "Please don't pray for me, I'm sure you wouldn't want me praying for you ;)"

And since I am a Satanist, they usually will keep me out of their prayers.


Just a side-note before I say anything about this topic. I feel that some of the words in this thread may be a little harsh toward ApostleOfLucifer, and I would just like to say, "WWJD".

On to the topic. I feel that because Jesus had free will he did not have to sacrifice himself, his sacrifice did mean something. His conception was a holy one, whereas God(The Father) came down in spirit to breath life into her as he did with Adam. At least, that is my personal interpretation of what happened. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son..."