autodict, lets see your "evidence" that substanciates your atheism.
How about if you answer my question first. My question is:
In all other areas of your life, do you find it beneficial to believe things with no evidence. (It's been my experience that often Christians lack the common courtesy to answer reasonable questions that are politely posed in a debate. Do you have any idea why that is? I often find myself having to ask them to answer the questions, and repeat them over and over. It's almost as though they're afraid that answering them might expose the weakness in their position.)
If you want to talk about evidence for and against God, we can do that, but really all I need to do is assert that I believe there is some. You stated that your beliefs are based on no evidence.
I think you'll find it doesn't really work to believe in the existence of everything until there is evidence that it doesn't exist. If you try to live that way, you can't get out of bed in the morning, because of the possible invisible pixies you might be stepping on, the lack of existence of which you don't have evidence for.
Rather, it makes sense to proceed on the assumption that things that do NOT have evidence for existing, do not exist.
Which you say is the situation with your God.
i didnt tell what you believe, YOU DID in posting your religion. atheist = belief in no god
Well, you said
AUTODICT, those are your "own" feelings also.
You don't know what my feelings are. If you want to know, ask me.