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What do the Orthodox think of wealth?


Reject Superstition
What is the position of the Orthodox Church regarding wealth? To whom does property/wealth properly belong? What is its main purpose? What are the particular responsibilities, if any, of the wealthy? How is wealth to be used? What attitude should the wealthy bear toward the poor and towards the treatment of the poor?


renouncing this world
Good question. I think they follow the similar Christian ethos, or should, that wealth is not an ideal, that the poor should be helped. Orthodoxy deals a lot with renunciation of the world, and wealth is seen as part of the world that needs to be renounced.


Active Member
What is the position of the Orthodox Church regarding wealth? To whom does property/wealth properly belong? What is its main purpose? What are the particular responsibilities, if any, of the wealthy? How is wealth to be used? What attitude should the wealthy bear toward the poor and towards the treatment of the poor?

The 4 basic needs are 1) Water 2) Food 3) Clothing 4) Shelter.

If you want extra info, subscribe to the magazine Orthodox Word and the magazines explain in detail what the Orthodox Church does pertaining to the questions you're asking about.