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what do you consider the us soldier that get killed in Iraq?


Active Member
what do you consider the us soldier that get killed in Iraq?

a martyr that we should bow for him?

a criminal and killer that deserve what he got?

a victim of
deceivers that control his government ?

a greedy
opportunist that want to build his career or save some money without giving a shiit to iraqis lifes?

a man with
great principles so that he want to spread democracy and freedom to repressed nations like iraqis?


Active Member
Judgement is an act reserved for god.
yes ofcourse, we are all belong to god.

but differentiating truth from false is god's order too.

allah may tolerate in his rights, but he never tolerate in victim's rights
their are victims, in fact hundreds of thousands of victims that have at least one little right to admit and condemn slaughtering them. right?


Active Member
What difference does it make what we think anyway? Will that change anything?

big difference i guess, at least pushing on politics to adopt other policies that may save lifes in the future in this war (or any other injustice war)


Soldiers go for their own reasons.

They could be patriotic, just in need for a job, or a few may have a bloodlust.

I'd rather let God judge them, and may God have mercy on us all.


Oldest Heretic
Soldiers go where they are sent they have no choice.
They do what they are told or they are charged.
It makes no difference where they serve.
They do not have the option to make value judgements.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Soldiers go where they are sent they have no choice.
They do what they are told or they are charged.
It makes no difference where they serve.
They do not have the option to make value judgements.

We always have choice. We cannot abdicate complete, individual moral responsibility for our actions -- nor their consequences.
A Captain's order trumps a sergeants; a colonel's a Captain's. Likewise, one's religion or personal moral code trumps even a General's, in God's eyes.

In agreeing to kill and destroy whoever and whatever he is instructed to, a soldier abdicates his moral agency and thereby relinquishes his place in Heaven.
In agreeing to violate any and all Laws of God, on the simple instructions of a fellow sinner, a soldier becomes a willing tool of the political bureaucracy -- and detested of God.
How can we condemn those who headed the Jews into the ovens of Auschwitz and still consider following human orders honorable?

The Christian position is that only Christ can take the the consequences of one's actions unto himself. Sargent's and captains cannot.

If a soldier violates the biblical injunction not to kill, fails to love his enemies, return good for ill, turn the other cheek and maintain meekness he is certainly no Christian -- and will reap the wages of his sin.

Ever learning

Active Member
knowing that there are different reasons for a soldier to be in iraq(and some did not even want to go) makes them all just victims to me.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
what do you consider the us soldier that get killed in Iraq?

a martyr that we should bow for him?

a criminal and killer that deserve what he got?

a victim of
deceivers that control his government ?

a greedy
opportunist that want to build his career or save some money without giving a shiit to iraqis lifes?

a man with great principles so that he want to spread democracy and freedom to repressed nations like iraqis?

I would be interested to hear which option you believe is the correct one.


Active Member
Soldiers go where they are sent they have no choice.
They do what they are told or they are charged.
It makes no difference where they serve.
They do not have the option to make value judgements.

i totaly disagree with you, ofcourse the nature of military life enforce the soldier to obey without any questioning, but to a limits, as the prophet mohamed teachs us not to obey any creature in disobeying Allah.

in fact this's the excuse that usually used either to fool others or to fool self conscience(if any exists)

Seyorni is very much right in his post, and i add most major religions have no excuse for such person, no justification for children killer in front of allah,


Active Member
A dead soldier who was brave enough to fight for his country that it doesn't warrant my sticking an arbitrary label onto the military action he was part of.

and i say a dead soldier that participate and obey a military action that he know for sure being wrong or a sin, i believe he died for nothing plus he probably go to hell accompanied with the victims curses, and so lost the life and afterlife.


Active Member
I would be interested to hear which option you believe is the correct one.

these 3 options:

a criminal and killer that deserve what he got?

a victim of
deceivers that control his government ?

a greedy
opportunist that want to build his career or save some money without giving a shiit to iraqis lifes?

I'm glad to see you interested in my opinion
I would consider a soldier that got killed in Iraq -- a soldier that was following orders -- not like he or she would have the option not to go -- the loss of life is always sad and unfortunate but the soldier knows the risk when they sign up to be in the military -- afterall it is voluntary -- I think they should be honored for their sacrafice - their courage - their bravery and recognized for their service to our country


Res Ipsa Loquitur
these 3 options:

a criminal and killer that deserve what he got?

a victim of
deceivers that control his government ?

a greedy
opportunist that want to build his career or save some money without giving a to iraqis lifes?

I'm glad to see you interested in my opinion

what do you base this opinion on?