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What Do You Feel is Lacking in Modern Christianity?


Some Kind of Strange
I'm just busting out the threads today, aren't I?

My question for this one is very simple, but may provoke thoughtful answers. Do you think there is anything lacking in Christianity in general these days? I don't mean little/subtle things either. For instance, it seems to me that prophecy played a huge part in both the Old and New testament. Yet, people these days seem skeptical and reluctant to accept prophecies these days. Of course, there may be false prophets, but is it necessary to hush all mouths in order to keep the false ones quiet? I don't think so.

So, what kind of things would you like to see Christianity embrace more? What kind of revival would you like to see?


Oldest Heretic
Some believe in modern prophets some don't
God speaks to us all in prayer and through the Holy Spirit.

What I find can be a problem today, Is the certainty and preparedness to argue about detail
and the destructive power this has between Christians of different Beliefs.

I have no problem at all with other denominations holding different views to my self. Provided they Believe in God and Jesus and the power the Holy spirit has in our lives.
I have no problem that they do not believe in the trinity in the same way I do.
Even the Early Christians had problems with this, and the present teaching is the result of praying scolarship and a consensus, not a declaration on the facts by God.


Well-Known Member
I believe that love is missing from modern Christanity. Love is the greatest commandment, and what Christians describe as love baffles me sometimes.


*~Forever Wondering~*
I feel we aren't reaching out enough! By the time teenagers get to college they leave the church!! We aren't opening our doors to let everyone in!!


Not your average Mormon
I'm just busting out the threads today, aren't I?
That you are. :)

Do you think there is anything lacking in Christianity in general these days?
In mainstream Christianity, yes: Priesthood authority (i.e. the authority Christ gave to Peter and the Apostles), continued revelation to the Church from its Head, Jesus Christ, an accurate knowledge of the doctrines taught by Christ.

So, what kind of things would you like to see Christianity embrace more? What kind of revival would you like to see?
I don't see a need for a revival, because I believe one has already happened -- a restitution of all things that Paul prophesied would take place prior to Christ's Second Coming. And no, I don't expect you to agree with me. :)


Lacking Common Sense

I would agree with this sentiment as it relates to the brick-and-mortar institutional/religiosity aspect, which in fact is only the caricature upon which most judgments about Christianity are based.

Otherwise my answer would be: nothing.


Oldest Heretic
with out accepting or rejecting what they believe The Mormons have done an exceptional Job in Organising both themselves and their church.
This is an aspect of faith all other Christian Groups could learn from with thanks and respect.

In particular I mean the way... they teach... the way they organise spiritual support to their members through out their lives... the way they help those members in trouble. Their sense of community.
True they have a complex set of beliefs compared to most other Christians, But I am sure this has been a major factor in the setting up of their various systems, organizations and teaching.
The average Mormon probably learns more about the Bible and their religion, than any comparable Christian group.


Well-Known Member
A lack of purity and personal evangelism and much false teaching. Being caught up in the entanglements of this world, the materialism and pleasures choking out the Holy Spirit, making Christians less fruitful and with little burden for the lost. We need to redeem the time and follow the Great Commission and go and tell all people the good news that Christ paid for their sins on the cross and offers salvation freely to all who trust him. We need to warn them of the Judgement to come, of Hell, and tell them of the danger they are in because of their sin. And tell them of the free gift of salvation, that although we all have sinned, Christ paid the penalty for all our sins, which is death, he died on the cross then rose again and offers eternal life, totally free, to all who trust he did that. We need to do what Christ told us to do and get people saved.


Premium Member
What's missing? Love, mercy. It seems that some Christians are using the name of Yeshua but not really paying attention to His teachings! Jesus did not tell a known adulterer that she was going to "hell" but told her to go and sin no more and He did not condemn her! Jesus ate with known sinners, tax collectors and other people the pharisees and scribes frowned upon. If you notice, Jesus did not go after the sinners, but with the self-righteous (pharisees, scribes, etc). Jesus instead taught the sinners as He said the sick need a doctor and not the well.
It would do well if people who call themselves His disciples did the same.


It's all about the blood
Hell fire & brimstone preaching, old time traveling tent revivals, street preaching and just plain old getting the Gospel out.


Following Christ
Christian Unity - Instead of quibbling over man-made differences among Chrstian denominations, I wish we as people of Christ would focus on sharing the good news and helping God's people.:162:


Jesus loves you
Sincerity, conviction, passion, heavenly mindedness, self sacrifice, boldness and knowledge. At least in England anyway.


Idiosyncratic Muslim
I think a lot of more upper-class Christians lack the compassion Jesus showed for the poor. Can you see Pat Robertson hanging out with prostitutes and AIDS victims?


Well-Known Member
I'm just busting out the threads today, aren't I?

My question for this one is very simple, but may provoke thoughtful answers. Do you think there is anything lacking in Christianity in general these days? I don't mean little/subtle things either. For instance, it seems to me that prophecy played a huge part in both the Old and New testament. Yet, people these days seem skeptical and reluctant to accept prophecies these days. Of course, there may be false prophets, but is it necessary to hush all mouths in order to keep the false ones quiet? I don't think so.

So, what kind of things would you like to see Christianity embrace more? What kind of revival would you like to see?
christendom fell asleep to bible prophecy years ago , that is why they are in darkness , with no enlightenment at all . but real christianity is out there , and it is getting brighter and lighter especially in this the last days . the religious clergy of christendom refuse to recognise fullfilled bible prophecy, just like the religious leaders in Jesus day refused to recognise that Jesus fullfilled the hebrew prophecies. and in doing so rejected him. it is the same to day so called religious leaders reject fulfilled bible prophecy and in doing so they reject Jesus himself


Well-Known Member
It seems that some Christians are using the name of Yeshua but not really paying attention to His teachings!

I know what you mean. Sometimes people use his name so much it almost seems casual and flippant.

I wish people would just take time to ponder about their lives and what they really believe. I'm afraid too many people just live out their lives, without really taking a second to ask "What am I really trying to do here?" "What do I really believe?" "Is this the best course I can take?" If we could somehow manage to align our actions with our beliefs, I think the world would undergo a miraculous transformation, regardless of our individual religious preferences. However, we as Christians should be leading the way. We certainly couldn't have asked for a better teacher than the master.