Is that somehow bad? I was in the military. Where in the Bible does it speak against fighting for your country?
As a Christian you don't
have a country. The world is your country; all men are brothers, there is no Jew or Gentile... If you treat an Iraqi, Venezuelan, or Serb any differently than you'd treat your mother, sister or brother --
you are no Christian! If you take up the sword --
you are no Christian!
Review the teachings of the New Testament. You are enjoined to love, not fight one another; to return good for evil, do good to those that persecute you, carry your enemy's burden the extra mile. It is the
peacemakers that are blessed, not the warriors. (what's the opposite of 'blessed'? -- wouldn't it be '
The Christian's task on earth is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick -- to love his neighbor as himself -- weather the neighbor's next door or in Myanmar.
Christians are not worldly. They are not "practical." They are not defensive.
If you study Christ's actual words, it's clear that He advocated Hippie values.
Jesus wants you to be a Hippie peacemaker.