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What do you feel is wrong with atheism?

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Admiral Obvious
As you compose your sonnet of hatred and ridicule for the atheist know that I think there is nothing wrong with agnostics. Nonetheless... continue.
You must not have been paying attention to Gadfly.
There is no difference between agnostic and atheist!

Geez, wake up and pay attention already.:slap:


Active Member
Not really.
Though i can fully understand the why behind it in this thread...

Apparently you do, for you have engaged in the mudslinging yourself.

I was merely pointing out that you have some nerve complaining (whining) about personal attacks when you are not above them yourself.

You spent so much time explaining and bragging about how you were so much better than that, then turn right around and make your own personal attacks.

So yes Mr Rolling Stone, i do see the double standard.
Seems the fly does not like being bit either...
I have never said that I was past defending myself but that is not part of my purpose for being on this forum. It appears that you enjoy watching others suffer at the hands of vengeful people who fill they have a right to punish any one who has the nerve to oppose their logic.

Do not mistake this as mud slinging or as a personal attack. What I am saying is purely philosophical and part of Christian theology. If you see it any other way, I apologize to you. This apology does not mean what I say will not hurt you or your buddies''s feelings. Please think of me as the message giver as you continue to cast your stones;0 but in Christian theology, atheist are liars and very evil. The Bible calls atheist fools because they reject ultimate truth and assume the role of enlightenment. They would like to take the role of Christ and have attempted to do so through their adoption of humanism. The Bible teaches Christians to avoid and reject the ways of atheist and to give them little respect.

Christians need to know and learn to act on the spiritual truth that Christ taught that it is not possible to be friends with evil. Every atheist that I have attempted to show friendliness to on this forum has used my attempts of friendship to damage me. They accuse me because of the imagery of GadFly in the third person for a variety of faults but what they really object to is the truth the GadFly speaks. Evil can not stand ultimate truth in its simplist form. Truth is neseccary for logical debate in order to establish firm and unchanging premises for discussion.

Previously the GadFly referenced Ronald Reagan, pointing out that the USSR was an evil empire, resulting in the collapse of that empire. Evil does have a painful experience each time its odiousnesses and unfairness is pointed out. I think fairness is a self evident truth given to us by God. Christians should demand fair treatment by standing firm on their godly moral standards. That is enough enlightenment to win any debate with atheism.


Veteran Member
Just for a comprehensive understanding, if you theists wouldn't mind defining the word atheist as you understanding it somewhere in one of your future posts it would help me and others understand your positions on here.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Christians need to know and learn to act on the spiritual truth that Christ taught that it is not possible to be friends with evil. Every atheist that I have attempted to show friendliness to on this forum has used my attempts of friendship to damage me. They accuse me because of the imagery of GadFly in the third person for a variety of faults but what they really object to is the truth the GadFly speaks. Evil can not stand ultimate truth in its simplist form. Truth is neseccary for logical debate in order to establish firm and unchanging premises for discussion.

Let me get this straight: You're calling all atheists evil? Are you trolling?


Well-Known Member
Atheists! :rolleyes:
You can say that again. I just can't figure out why you're all are trying so hard to prove my list right or why it's so difficult to understand:
  1. Some choices are forced--not choosing sometimes has the same consequences as chosing, that is, not choosing is sometimes effectively making a choice.
  2. Forced decisions invalidate the demands of evidentialism.
  3. Your choice does not--cannot--invalidate mine nor mine yours.
  4. It's not about what we believe, or who we are or what we are--its about the foundation upon which we build our lives, relationship and the quality of life not just for the self, but the whole of reality.
  5. That just as Law is life itself and not the rules of its conduct, truth is the living of life and not in the acquirement of right ideas.
  6. The problem with atheism isn’t lack of belief, but wrong belief. In other words, it is always possible to formulate a conception of God that stands up to critical examination
  7. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, neither does it make it unreasonable.
  8. Given a God that stands to reason and the potential benefit of believing in such a God, it is more reasonable to believe than not to believe.
  9. Number 6 depends on you, and you alone.
  10. There is a qualitative difference between “I am son of the loving and living God in whom all things converge and are one” and “in God I live, move and have my being; in me, God escapes the finality of infinity” on the one hand, and on the other saying, "Life has no ultimate meaning."
  11. That not having the tools adequate to the task of seeing the difference is not a deficiency on the part of the theist, but on the part of the atheist.
  12. You must choose to develop tools adequate to the task. Not choosing is to choose not to develop those tools.
"Nuff said in this thread.


Well-Known Member
I have never said that I was past defending myself but that is not part of my purpose for being on this forum. It appears that you enjoy watching others suffer at the hands of vengeful people who fill they have a right to punish any one who has the nerve to oppose their logic.

Do not mistake this as mud slinging or as a personal attack. What I am saying is purely philosophical and part of Christian theology. If you see it any other way, I apologize to you. This apology does not mean what I say will not hurt you or your buddies''s feelings. Please think of me as the message giver as you continue to cast your stones;0 but in Christian theology, atheist are liars and very evil. The Bible calls atheist fools because they reject ultimate truth and assume the role of enlightenment. They would like to take the role of Christ and have attempted to do so through their adoption of humanism. The Bible teaches Christians to avoid and reject the ways of atheist and to give them little respect.

Christians need to know and learn to act on the spiritual truth that Christ taught that it is not possible to be friends with evil. Every atheist that I have attempted to show friendliness to on this forum has used my attempts of friendship to damage me. They accuse me because of the imagery of GadFly in the third person for a variety of faults but what they really object to is the truth the GadFly speaks. Evil can not stand ultimate truth in its simplist form. Truth is neseccary for logical debate in order to establish firm and unchanging premises for discussion.

Previously the GadFly referenced Ronald Reagan, pointing out that the USSR was an evil empire, resulting in the collapse of that empire. Evil does have a painful experience each time its odiousnesses and unfairness is pointed out. I think fairness is a self evident truth given to us by God. Christians should demand fair treatment by standing firm on their godly moral standards. That is enough enlightenment to win any debate with atheism.

Heh, the guantlet is thrown... atheists are evil and good christians should disrespect them and refuse friendship.

Great life policy there. Im sure that will lead to peace and harmony. Godly moral standards this is?


Active Member
You must not have been paying attention to Gadfly.
There is no difference between agnostic and atheist!

Geez, wake up and pay attention already.:slap:
What! I never said that. You best pay attention to what you think and then speak for yourself.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Same answer

Really, folks. This is getting ridiculous. If it's your intentention to prove with these kind of questions I was correct about atheism's inability to extrapolate meaning, you've succeeded already!

OK, let's try this one more time. Forget the cancer analogy. Tell me point blank. What is the consequence of being an atheist? That's all I'm asking. What do you think is the end result of being an atheist? You seem to think there's something at stake, like your life in your analogy. So, what is at stake? If I choose atheism, I live out my life. If I choose agnosticism, I live out my life. If I choose theism, I live out my life. If I choose any one of them, and there is another life after tis one, then I live that out, too. That is, unless you are trying to say that by choosing atheism or agnosticism, I'm giving up that afterlife, which would then be the consequence. But you say that you're not talking about heaven and hell. Unfortunately, an afterlife is the only possible consequence that comes from this type of decision.

So, one more time, what is the consequence of choosing atheism? To put it another way: What is at stake when choosing between atheism, agnosticism and theism?

I have now set the ball on the tee for you. All you have to do is swing the bat, and you're almost guaranteed a hit.


Admiral Obvious
What! I never said that. You best pay attention to what you think and then speak for yourself.
Perhaps you needs read your own posts.
No, you did not flat out state it as such.
However, your constant ignoring of those who show you are wrong with the way you lump them together speaks for itself.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Thank you! Finally, some consistency! And from someone with guts enough to place his bets. :)

I said that a long time ago. Apparently you can't extrapolate meaning, even when it's smacking you in the face. I said that theists find their meaning for life in their religious beliefs, while atheists find their meaning for life elsewhere...meaning that there is no ultimate meaning, and that each party gives their own life arbitrary meaning. They just give their lives different meanings. Was that clear enough for you?


Admiral Obvious
Christians need to know and learn to act on the spiritual truth that Christ taught that it is not possible to be friends with evil.
How did Jesus teach this?
By going out of his way to be with the sinners?
Jesus didn't run around spitting the same vile poison that you have been spewing.
jesus went out of his way to mingle in amongst the sinners.

How is it that you are here claiming that jesus taught the opposite of his very actions?


Active Member
Let me get this straight: You're calling all atheists evil? Are you trolling?
Are you trolling? Clearly I stated this was a philosophical position that the Bible teaches, did I not? These thoughts are found in thousands of sources. I also pointed out that evil gets upset with enlightenment. Am I trolling here too? What is your theological position on evil, fairness and objectivity since you are concerned about trolling?


Admiral Obvious
I said that a long time ago. Apparently you can't extrapolate meaning, even when it's smacking you in the face. I said that theists find their meaning for life in their religious beliefs, while atheists find their meaning for life elsewhere...meaning that there is no ultimate meaning, and that each party gives their own life arbitrary meaning. They just give their lives different meanings. Was that clear enough for you?
I think you are making it to simple for him.

perhaps if tried making it ten times more complicated than it is, he would have a better chance of understanding what you are saying...
If ten times does not work, perhaps try 50 times more complicated?


Admiral Obvious
Are you trolling? Clearly I stated this was a philosophical position that the Bible teaches, did I not? These thoughts are found in thousands of sources. I also pointed out that evil gets upset with enlightenment. Am I trolling here too? What is your theological position on evil, fairness and objectivity since you are concerned about trolling?
I did notice that once again you failed to answer a direct question put to you.
I needs mention that in the "What do you feel is wrong with theists" thread.
That to many theists spend to much time not answering the direct questions put to them.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Are you trolling? Clearly I stated this was a philosophical position that the Bible teaches, did I not? These thoughts are found in thousands of sources. I also pointed out that evil gets upset with enlightenment. Am I trolling here too? What is your theological position on evil, fairness and objectivity since you are concerned about trolling?

It's a simple question Gadfly. Are you saying that all atheists are evil -- or not saying it?


Just me
Premium Member
Every atheist that I have attempted to show friendliness to on this forum has used my attempts of friendship to damage me. They accuse me because of the imagery of GadFly in the third person for a variety of faults but what they really object to is the truth the GadFly speaks. Evil can not stand ultimate truth in its simplist form. Truth is neseccary for logical debate in order to establish firm and unchanging premises for discussion.
I suspect, rather, that what they object to is that "Gadfly speaks truth." That's a different thing, though. It's not "truth" by which you establish understanding, but your version of it (as do I).


Admiral Obvious
I suspect, rather, that what they object to is that "Gadfly speaks truth." That's a different thing, though. It's not "truth" by which you establish understanding, but your version of it (as do I).
From what I have seen, this is pretty much the long and short of it.
Well, this and the fact that he does not listen to anything told to him.
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