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What do you feel is wrong with Islam?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Bismillah-hir-Rehman-ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam. I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify. You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.

fullyveiled muslimah

Evil incarnate!
I don't feel that anything is wrong with Islam, but I can name off a whole list of stuff wrong with the muslims though. If you're honest about it I'm sure you could too.


Well-Known Member
I don't feel that anything is wrong with Islam, but I can name off a whole list of stuff wrong with the muslims though. If you're honest about it I'm sure you could too.

Nicely put.

I would say I can find many religions beautiful but sometimes the people I meet within a religion can make me second guess my thoughts.
Its a shame really. Its not the religions fault. People cannot see teh WHOLE picture. It is very hard to see it all. We straight away to jump to conclusions.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
'Islam' defined how?
Islam has two meanings. Submission and Peace. So, Islam means Peace by submitting to God Almighty (Allah Sub Hana Wa Tallah)

The fact that you want to prove to us your right and we are wrong. Always with the science.
Because CONFIRMED SCIENCE FACTS cannot be wrong. So, we use science to prove our point, but apparently...some people turn a blind eye when it comes to Islam and Science.
Also, ignore what the Muslims are doing. If you want to judge Islam...well...Judge Islam! Don't judge the Muslims.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Its a shame really. Its not the religions fault. People cannot see teh WHOLE picture. It is very hard to see it all. We straight away to jump to conclusions.
Oh and by the way, how is it very hard to see? What is hard to see?

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Jay said:
Bismillah-hir-Rehman-ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam. I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify. You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.
'Islam' defined how?
Islam has two meanings. Submission and Peace. So, Islam means Peace by submitting to God Almighty (Allah Sub Hana Wa Tallah)
Your being dishonest or obtuse. In either case it's distasteful.
Islam has two meanings. Submission and Peace. So, Islam means Peace by submitting to God Almighty (Allah Sub Hana Wa Tallah)

Because CONFIRMED SCIENCE FACTS cannot be wrong. So, we use science to prove our point, but apparently...some people turn a blind eye when it comes to Islam and Science.
Also, ignore what the Muslims are doing. If you want to judge Islam...well...Judge Islam! Don't judge the Muslims.
Ignore what muslims are doing?:areyoucra How can't i?! Science and Islam? SO what? DO i care? The Vedas has even more facts, even more stonking facts, even older facts. Do you see hindus goign around banging on about how great it is? No, because they are not forcing their religion onto others. You know, NO-ONE is going to convert because of your facts, people have seen all of this MILLIONS of times before. Its not new. I am not judging Islam... Does it look like i am?
Oh and by the way, how is it very hard to see? What is hard to see?

Oh because there are millions of people around the word who are sympathetic with Islam and Muslims. What do you mean, what is hard to see?

Dont ask questions to which you already know the answer to. Come on. Dont make me waste my time.

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Ignore what muslims are doing?:areyoucra How can't i?! Science and Islam? SO what? DO i care? The Vedas has even more facts, even more stonking facts, even older facts. Do you see hindus goign around banging on about how great it is? No, because they are not forcing their religion onto others. You know, NO-ONE is going to convert because of your facts, people have seen all of this MILLIONS of times before. Its not new. I am not judging Islam... Does it look like i am?
I am not forcing you to enter Islam. Oh and can you please enlighten me with the knowledge of the Vedas?

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Oh because there are millions of people around the word who are sympathetic with Islam and Muslims. What do you mean, what is hard to see?

Dont ask questions to which you already know the answer to. Come on. Dont make me waste my time.
Is it wrong to be sympathetic with Islam and Muslims?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam.
Greetings S. Z. (Muslim), I see you have worded this statement rather cleverly. Taking it literally, the sentence good naturedly asks for questions and then posits the idea that non-believers otherwise only have misunderstandings. Nowhere do you allow for non-Muslim's to have actual understanding of Islamic dogma. That is a tiny bit shady, imho.

I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify.
Great, so you are single handedly going to correct our misunderstanding. I'll be waiting for your full, frank and "to the point" replies.

You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.
Just one? For starters how about the outright persecution of homosexuals/lesbians in Islamic dogma and in Muslim cultures. :rolleyes: I fully understand that Islam is not alone in their sentiments but that is not relevant to the discussion as I am asking specifically about Islam's position on this foible of human nature.

You have my word, in advance, that I will go easy on you until you are up to speed. If you are up to it, feel free to answer my question both from a doctrinal standpoint AND your own personal viewpoint. Thanks in advance. :flirt:

:eek: *runs off to begin sharpening his favorite knives* :eek:

S.Z (Muslim)

Humble Slave of Allah.
Greetings S. Z. (Muslim), I see you have worded this statement rather cleverly. Taking it literally, the sentence good naturedly asks for questions and then posits the idea that non-believers otherwise only have misunderstandings. Nowhere do you allow for non-Muslim's to have actual understanding of Islamic dogma. That is a tiny bit shady, imho.

Great, so you are single handedly going to correct our misunderstanding. I'll be waiting for you full, frank and to the point replies.

Just one? For starters how about the outright persecution of homosexuals/lesbians in Islamic dogma and in Muslim cultures. :rolleyes: I fully understand that Islam is not alone in their sentiments but that is not relevant to the discussion as I am asking specifically about Islam's position on this foible of human nature.

You have my word, in advance, that I will go easy on you until you are up to speed. If you are up to it, feel free to answer my question both from a doctrinal standpoint AND your own personal viewpoint. Thanks in advance. :flirt:

:eek: *runs off to begin sharpening his favorite knives* :eek:
Islam considers those people of a bad mind, and having unnatural lusts. What does your religion say? Oh and for the misconceptions and question thing...well...there is nothing wrong in Islam. Prove to me one thing.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Islam has two meanings. Submission and Peace. So, Islam means Peace by submitting to God Almighty (Allah Sub Hana Wa Tallah)

Because CONFIRMED SCIENCE FACTS cannot be wrong. So, we use science to prove our point, but apparently...some people turn a blind eye when it comes to Islam and Science.
No, what some people do is wonder why anyone feels the need to interpret flowery and ambiguous language in a holy book with the spin required to turn it into some sort of scientific text with the object of proving a point, when it's quite clear to anyone who has read/participated in the myriad of threads on such a subject (and it's not just you guys that do it, there's been Scientific Proof Of The Validity of The Bible) that you wont sway anyone but the most naive individual who's been locked in a cupboard with a bunch of dustbunnies for most of his life by claiming that no-one without an electron microscope could possibly know some of the most basic necessary knowledge of any society that's settled down and set up a farm, so it must have been a revelation from god.
Frankly, some people would rather believe their ancestors were dimwits than just take faith for what it is and should be.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Jay said:
Bismillah-hir-Rehman-ir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful)
Please post your questions or misconceptions you have about Islam. I will Inshallah (which means hopefully) try to clarify. You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.
'Islam' defined how?
Islam has two meanings. Submission and Peace. So, Islam means Peace by submitting to God Almighty (Allah Sub Hana Wa Tallah)
So, you start with a pretentious ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in Islam which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
And then redefine it as ...
You can also try to prove to me a single thing in submitting to God Almighty which is bad. A single thing. I am just asking for one.​
as if by playing pathetic word games were were achieving something. :rolleyes: