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MaddLlama said:I'm well aware that some people take latin in school, and that it's part of the basis for English. Just like certain mantras in Hinduism and Buddhism are chanted in Sanskrit. However, how many people do you know that can understand and carry on a conversation in Latin? How many Catholics will be able to understand mass if it's presented in Latin? Not a single person in the church I grew up in spoke a word of Latin. It would have been extremely unfair for the church to read the mass in a language no one in the congregation could understand.
Does the church plan on hiring people to teach Latin to parishoners who might want to understand the words they're hearing about their faith? Or, does the Pope just assume they'll all muddle through?
That is why you educate and teach the parishioners and children to help form their understanding and faith.
The mass will not be changed completly back into Latin. we will not revert. the Holy spirit really worked siome good changes in participation of laity in Vatican 2. But we are jsut beginning to implement the actual teaching of Vatican 2 and that will continiue at a slow process so parishioners do not go into shock. The English mass is good and I go to one myslef but it does open itself up for abuses if you do not have a good priest. The english mass I attend at Saitn John's is Holy and beautiful. we have 2 great orthodox solid and charismatic priest. Ewtns Novus Ordo Mass in english and latin is also beautiful. But we will use more latin in the Mass as the magisterium and Pope call for, which the kids will learn. and be taught. Also Many Churches may offer a regular english mass and a addtional latin one for those interested(Which many young teens and young adults in my dioceses are.)
have a blessed Day,
IN Jesus the King through Mary Immaculate the queen Mother,