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What do you think of the new term I just coined?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I've decided that I'm not going to use the term "anti-Mormon" anymore. I've been told by those who can't resist posting derogatory material about my church's beliefs and history that they find this term insulting. They aren't "anti" Mormon. They're just "pro" Christian. Anyway, I've been thinking about it and I've decided that the real reason for their hostility is that they have a lot of misconceptions about what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches. If I really believed some of the things they think I believe, I'd be more than just a little bit leery of the Mormons myself!

So, my new choice of words is "Mormophobe." What do you think of it?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
I wouldn't say they have an unrational fear of Mormons, as the term "Mormonphobe" would imply. By the way, I'm not anti-Mormon or pro-Christian, I'm pro-LOGIC.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
spacemonkey said:
I wouldn't say they have an unrational fear of Mormons...
Oh, but they do. At least to the same extent that homophones have an unrational fear of gays and lesbians. It's almost exactly the same thing in my mind.


Veteran Member
I like it....it makes a point and is pronounceable and understandable. I can't wait to use it! Do we have your permission?


The Devil's Advocate
Somehow Katzpur, if these people are offended that you call them "anti-Mormon" I don't think they're gonna like "Mormophobe" much better. :sarcastic

If you think the real reason for their hostility is that they have a lot of misconceptions about the Church, there's already a good word for that, "prejudiced."

prej‧u‧dice  /ˈprɛdʒ
dɪs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prej-uh-dis]
1.an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

(from Dictionary.com)


Pneumatic Spiritualist
lilithu said:
Somehow Katzpur, if these people are offended that you call them "anti-Mormon" I don't think they're gonna like "Mormophobe" much better. :sarcastic

If you think the real reason for their hostility is that they have a lot of misconceptions about the Church, there's already a good word for that, "prejudiced."

prej‧u‧dice  /ˈprɛdʒ
dɪs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[prej-uh-dis]
1.an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

(from Dictionary.com)

Then what would you call an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed afterward with knowledge, thought, and reason? Just because someone is informed on a topic doesn't mean that the opinion they form will be favorable. Everyone here is implying that anyone that has a problem with Momonism is an intollerant, uneducated hate monger and that just isn't the case. Trey Parker (primary co-creator of South Park) says that Mormons are some of the nicest people he has ever met and that he genuinely likes them, but that didn't stop him from.... well just watch for yourself.



Active Member
Katzpur said:
I've decided that I'm not going to use the term "anti-Mormon" anymore. I've been told by those who can't resist posting derogatory material about my church's beliefs and history that they find this term insulting. They aren't "anti" Mormon. They're just "pro" Christian. Anyway, I've been thinking about it and I've decided that the real reason for their hostility is that they have a lot of misconceptions about what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches. If I really believed some of the things they think I believe, I'd be more than just a little bit leery of the Mormons myself!

So, my new choice of words is "Mormophobe." What do you think of it?
I think a lot of hostility is bred from misconceptions or misunderstanding. It's sad.

I like the term, and can understand why you'd want to use it. But I'd try to set the record straight before resorting to name-calling...although I get exasperated with some of the "Mormophobe" comments, so I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you...especially when they don't actually listen to you...


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
spacemonkey said:
Then what would you call an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed afterward with knowledge, thought, and reason? Just because someone is informed on a topic doesn't mean that the opinion they form will be favorable. Everyone here is implying that anyone that has a problem with Momonism is an intollerant, uneducated hate monger and that just isn't the case. Trey Parker (primary co-creator of South Park) says that Mormons are some of the nicest people he has ever met and that he genuinely likes them, but that didn't stop him from.... well just watch for yourself.
I totally agree, but I can admire someone who forms an opinion after first managing to get his facts straight. I probably wouldn't label that person a Mormophobe and I wouldn't get all up-in-arms over our differences of opinion. It's the uninformed, intolerant, know-it-all I'm talking about.

Ignorance breeds intolerance, and intolerance breeds fear. Fear breeds hatred. Hatred we can do without.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Buttercup said:
I like it....it makes a point and is pronounceable and understandable. I can't wait to use it! Do we have your permission?
Any time you'd like, my dear. :)


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
lilithu said:
Somehow Katzpur, if these people are offended that you call them "anti-Mormon" I don't think they're gonna like "Mormophobe" much better. :sarcastic
I know, but I liked it. :cool: