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What does "I believe in God" mean to you?


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
To explain it would be redundant to what I believe about what God is, because I already have in this post.


Active Member
It means I believe that God exists, dont you think? Usually that also means believing in a Creator, whos created laws of this world arent applicable to (since He existed before creating them).

His attributes etc, are a completely different subject.


When you say you have faith, or that you believe in a god, what does it mean? What is it that you believe in? Usually one expresses faith or a belief in something specific, so what is it specifically that you are speaking of?
I have faith in many things, things that evidence has shown me are likely or possible. I have faith that barking dogs bite, that it is dangerous to run red lights during rush hour.

I have however, never said "I believe in any god or gods". I am an atheist, to make such a statement would be a lie. When I hear others say it, I believe they are superstitious people who believe in mythological nonsense.


Veteran Member
When you say you have faith, or that you believe in a god, what does it mean? What is it that you believe in? Usually one expresses faith or a belief in something specific, so what is it specifically that you are speaking of?
When I open my eyes everything I see evidences God. When I 'look' inwards I see God. God, everywhere and in everything. God is how I understand myself and the wonder in which I find myself.


Spiritual Friend
Premium Member
When I open my eyes everything I see evidences God. When I 'look' inwards I see God. God, everywhere and in everything. God is how I understand myself and the wonder in which I find myself.


I love the way you stated that, it's beautiful.
It ignites the Divine Spark within me to read it....

I have at least 10 times now...




Thanks :namaste


Well-Known Member
When other people say "I believe in God" I typically assume they are referring to the Abrahamic God or some personal interpretation of that God.
As a pragmatist when I myself say "I believe in God" I mean that I believe the concept of divinity has some useful function in my life and that the actual existence or non-existence of said divinity within the objective universe is largely irrelevant to me. The specifics of said divinity vary depending upon my needs and mood.


Premium Member
When you say you have faith, or that you believe in a god, what does it mean?

For me:

1. Faith is close to courage. Exercising faith is like proceeding through life (or particular issues of life) without fear -- or in spite of the presence of fear. I think of it as a deep certainty that what is exists in the moment for some reason, even if I have no clue what that reason is, or even if I really don't like it.

(I don't claim to exercise faith at all times.) I do not view faith like wishing really hard and expecting to change things based on the emotional intensity of the wish. That was what I thought it was when I was a child.

2. I don't really say it exactly like "I believe in a God" but it is really close. I believe there is a God. I believe that I can also simply refer to the same as: Beingness/Love. I believe that Love is the greatest power in the universe and that all that is extends from that Love, is composed of that Love and seeks expression as Love. I call that power God.

I believe that there is no place that Love is not. Therefore, I can relate to it in various ways, in ways that work for me: in personal situations, I refer to God assuming a personality... so I can talk to God; if I am contemplating the nature of existence, I view all that is through a scientific context so that I can work with those types of thoughts.

It works for me, and I do not see it as the same sort of contradiction that I think many others do.

What is it that you believe in? Usually one expresses faith or a belief in something specific, so what is it specifically that you are speaking of?

I covered most of that above, except belief.

For me belief is simply what one feels sure of, or is certain of. I think that everyone has beliefs. Even if that belief is that there is no God, or that it is unreasonable to believe there is a God without proof.

It does not make sense for me to necessarily defend my beliefs as a spiritual practise, as I expect my beliefs to change -- as I move through life and (hopefully) increase my understanding.

However, I will defend my right to my beliefs, and to only change my beliefs according to what I honestly understand to be accurate and true -- because otherwise I risk accepting someone else's belief for which I may have no understanding -- or actually think to be false.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I believe in god = I adhere to socially expected practices, therefore I am a safe and predictable member of the herd.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I think when people say they believe in God:

I believe that the earth is the most important place in the universe and humans are children of God, not animals or aliens.


Active Member
It means a human being without following 18 defects as described in my scripture:

1. hunger
2. thirst
3. fear
4. anger
5. attachment
6. delusion
7. anxiety
8. old age
9. desease
10. death (no more death after this)
11. perspiration
12. fatigue
13. pride
14. indulgence
15. surprise
16. sleep
17. rebirth
18. restlessness


Active Member
First define God, since everyone has a different definition. Also to R99, Jainism is interesting, as I have been reading about it lately. It seems to be a very, very, old naturalistic belief.


Its only a Label
Friend Everyone,

What does "I believe in God" mean to you?

Personal search to find the part which is distinctively *I* has led to the understanding that there is nothing which is distinctly separate but only a part of the *whole*.
The *I* is only the MIND which creates that impression/illusion of *I*ness and so if that which is only good at creating illusions * BELIEVES* in anything it too is an *ILLUSION* and so is only mind delusion.

Love & rgds
To me it means belief in One God, no god besides Him. Not Trinity or things like that, just "One".

This basically:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.

[ Quran Surah Al-'Ikhlaas (The Sincerity)/ Chapter 112 ]

Who created the Universe and created man and angels, etc. Who sent prophets and messengers with the Truth.