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What does same-sex marriage have to do with religion?

What annoys me, is people like yourself displaying such contempt toward your fellow human beings and declaring they don't have the right to be who they are or love whomever they choose, when they're hurting absolutely no one, based on some ancient writings in a musty old book. I would suggest you are the sick one.
First off, let me say that God’s word is alive and is the only book that can be read in the presence of the Author, God. You call me sick, but I pay the price to tell you the truth? You seem to be looking around in the dark for the meaning of life. Look at yourself. Are you not a wonderful creation? Look at the design of your body, and where there is design, then there is a Designer Creator.
I am not surprised by people’s hatred towards God. They hated my Lord Jesus Christ before me. My Lord told people the truth and they wanted to kill him. Has anything changed? How I wish I didn’t have to preach Christ’s message, but the love of God drives me on. What should I say to you? Should I not tell you the truth? Should I not warn you of your danger? Is that not loving? Would you prefer I have told you what you wanted to hear to tickle your ears? God is love and is not willing that any should perish.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
But at the same time that God is love, He is also a perfect and Holy God of Justice. He demands that sin which is abhorrent to Him, be punished. God cannot change His character. That is why Jesus Christ my Lord lovingly died on the cross, to deal with that, to reconcile us to Himself. There are millions of people now and over the millenniums who thumb their noses at Christ, and live the lives they want to live. They virtually tell Christ to get lost. That is why there is a Day of Judgment coming, on such we must all give an account. Christ died on the cross to facilitate the forgiveness of sins. This is so that people who repent from their sins, can come to Him, have the penalty of their sins dealt with, call Him Lord, and have eternal life.
Talking about musty old books, I assume you are referring to the Bible. Let me say that God does not see time as you see time. God is timeless, whereas we operate within time. God’s Word is also timeless and comes with the authority of the Spirit of God.
Do we really think that a person can reject God because he or she doesn’t like this or that aspect about God? That idea is silly. Do you really think that we can go into a spiritual supermarket and choose a god for ourselves? There is only One God whom we have to get to know. There is no other choice. This God is perfect. If you don’t like Him, then that is your problem, not His.
People who refuse Christ, send themselves to Hell, because Christ cannot use them. People who habitually covert and protect and promote their sin, hold Jesus Christ up to contempt. Why should He allow such people into His Kingdom? I say, run to Christ, not away from Him.
Christ's Prophet
Certainty for Eternity.
I'm not interested in following your nasty idea of deity. Yeah, I'm going to be tortured forever just because I reject your repugnant way of "witnessing". :rolleyes: Do you think I was born yesterday? "Christ's Prophet", my ***! How arrogant. Go peddle your garbage elsewhere.
I see that you are very bitter. I have been very polite to you, This shows that you have no argument at all.. Romans 3:
13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17 And the way of peace have they not known:
18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Christ’s Prophet
Certainty for Eternity

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's My Birthday!
I see that you are very bitter. I have been very polite to you, This shows that you have no argument at all.. Romans 3:
13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17 And the way of peace have they not known:
18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Christ’s Prophet
Certainty for Eternity

You have no idea what it means to be polite.
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Well-Known Member
I believe that the Jews as well as to have the same attitude--
Because the interpretation of the Torah and the Gospel not only rigid words but also in the meanings

I'm just focusing on this: You believe wrong. Both Reform and Conservative Jews have staked out much more tolerant positions, and even among the Orthodox there is hardly unanimity on the scope of the prohibition and no consensus on what that means for civil law purposes. You also have no appreciation of the differences in interpretive techniques and understanding, as between Christianity and Judaism. Very, very, very different, even in the more conservative branches.


Defender of Truth
ING - SO! We don't care who he is.

Norman - Who are we? With all due respect can't you speak for yourself.

ING - People whom don't belong to the Christian religion.


ING - YOUR religion's ideas, should not dictate Love and marriage

Norman - Look, I know you are agnostic, I know you practice polyandry, so I think this same sex attraction thing is just beating a dead horse over and over.

ING - True - however I will fight for people's gay rights as long as it takes.

Well, they are getting there rights.

ING - PS - There is NO Adam and Chav'vah!

Norman - Ok,

ING - It is just a teaching story.

PS. GO Alaska! We just passed gay marriage, and legalized personal marijuana use.

Yes, I have read about that, in time it will extend to all 50 states. I think that marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states, I am all for it. I think this is the first thing that you and I agreed with, that is wonderful.



First off, let me say that God’s word is alive and is the only book that can be read in the presence of the Author, God. You call me sick, but I pay the price to tell you the truth? You seem to be looking around in the dark for the meaning of life. Look at yourself. Are you not a wonderful creation? Look at the design of your body, and where there is design, then there is a Designer Creator.
I am not surprised by people’s hatred towards God. They hated my Lord Jesus Christ before me. My Lord told people the truth and they wanted to kill him. Has anything changed? How I wish I didn’t have to preach Christ’s message, but the love of God drives me on. What should I say to you? Should I not tell you the truth? Should I not warn you of your danger? Is that not loving? Would you prefer I have told you what you wanted to hear to tickle your ears? God is love and is not willing that any should perish.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
But at the same time that God is love, He is also a perfect and Holy God of Justice. He demands that sin which is abhorrent to Him, be punished. God cannot change His character. That is why Jesus Christ my Lord lovingly died on the cross, to deal with that, to reconcile us to Himself. There are millions of people now and over the millenniums who thumb their noses at Christ, and live the lives they want to live. They virtually tell Christ to get lost. That is why there is a Day of Judgment coming, on such we must all give an account. Christ died on the cross to facilitate the forgiveness of sins. This is so that people who repent from their sins, can come to Him, have the penalty of their sins dealt with, call Him Lord, and have eternal life.
Talking about musty old books, I assume you are referring to the Bible. Let me say that God does not see time as you see time. God is timeless, whereas we operate within time. God’s Word is also timeless and comes with the authority of the Spirit of God.
Do we really think that a person can reject God because he or she doesn’t like this or that aspect about God? That idea is silly. Do you really think that we can go into a spiritual supermarket and choose a god for ourselves? There is only One God whom we have to get to know. There is no other choice. This God is perfect. If you don’t like Him, then that is your problem, not His.
People who refuse Christ, send themselves to Hell, because Christ cannot use them. People who habitually covert and protect and promote their sin, hold Jesus Christ up to contempt. Why should He allow such people into His Kingdom? I say, run to Christ, not away from Him.
Christ's Prophet
Certainty for Eternity.

You are just one of hundreds of thousands of people from many different religions claiming their God is the ONLY correct God.

None of you has any proof of such.

Yet you condemn the people that don't accept YOUR God version - while telling us ALL the others, claiming the same thing, are false!

To us - You are just one more in their ranks.

Last edited:


I see that you are very bitter. I have been very polite to you, This shows that you have no argument at all.. Romans 3:
13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:
14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
15 Their feet are swift to shed blood:
16 Destruction and misery are in their ways:
17 And the way of peace have they not known:
18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Christ’s Prophet
Certainty for Eternity

It is not in the slightest "polite" to condemn people to hell, - especially when you have shown them no proof of your God, - and I might add, - if there were your God, - you do not have the right to condemn anyone - only the God would have that right.



Veteran Member
First off, let me say that God’s word is alive and is the only book that can be read in the presence of the Author, God. You call me sick, but I pay the price to tell you the truth? You seem to be looking around in the dark for the meaning of life. Look at yourself. Are you not a wonderful creation? Look at the design of your body, and where there is design, then there is a Designer Creator.
You say god's word is alive, and that's your opinion that you're certainly entitled to. You must understand though, that there are people who don't believe the things you believe or that believe different things about god(s). None of you can demonstrate the existence of the god(s) you worship and so people like me find it difficult to hinge our lives on such things as invisible deities especially if it doesn’t match up with observable reality. People like me look around and realize that all we really know for sure is that we get this one life to live and so we should make the best of it for ourselves and everyone else in the time we have on this planet. To me, that doesn't involve condemning consensual adults in consensual relationships with each other, for no other reason than it says so in an ancient text. In my opinion, everyone is entitled to love, and I see nothing sick or evil about it.

I have no idea why you think I'm "looking around in the dark for the meaning of life" - I make my own meaning.

I also do not know what you mean when you declare you are paying some kind of price to tell me the "truth." What price is that?
I am not surprised by people’s hatred towards God. They hated my Lord Jesus Christ before me. My Lord told people the truth and they wanted to kill him. Has anything changed? How I wish I didn’t have to preach Christ’s message, but the love of God drives me on. What should I say to you? Should I not tell you the truth? Should I not warn you of your danger? Is that not loving? Would you prefer I have told you what you wanted to hear to tickle your ears? God is love and is not willing that any should perish.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
I think you’re confusing hatred towards god with a simple lack of belief in the god you have chosen to worship. Personally, I see no reason to believe that god exists. Does that mean I hate your god? I don’t know, do I hate fairies because I don’t believe they’re real?
If god is love, then what do you think “he” has a problem with people loving each other?
But at the same time that God is love, He is also a perfect and Holy God of Justice. He demands that sin which is abhorrent to Him, be punished. God cannot change His character. That is why Jesus Christ my Lord lovingly died on the cross, to deal with that, to reconcile us to Himself. There are millions of people now and over the millenniums who thumb their noses at Christ, and live the lives they want to live. They virtually tell Christ to get lost. That is why there is a Day of Judgment coming, on such we must all give an account. Christ died on the cross to facilitate the forgiveness of sins. This is so that people who repent from their sins, can come to Him, have the penalty of their sins dealt with, call Him Lord, and have eternal life.
Of course, you’re allowed to believe whatever you want. Just know, other people don’t necessarily believe it. Unless you can demonstrate to anyone that this god actually exists and wants what you say it wants, we’re not about to base all our laws on the supposed existence of this deity and it’s supposed desires.

People have been awaiting judgment day for centuries now, and all appear to be so certain that it’s going to happen in their lifetimes. And yet here we all are, carrying on as usual. Just one more reason not to believe, from my point of view.
Talking about musty old books, I assume you are referring to the Bible. Let me say that God does not see time as you see time. God is timeless, whereas we operate within time. God’s Word is also timeless and comes with the authority of the Spirit of God.
I have no idea how you think you know this, outside of the musty old book we’re talking about.
Do we really think that a person can reject God because he or she doesn’t like this or that aspect about God? That idea is silly.
Yes, I do. I also think they can reject or not believe in a god for which this is no good evidence.
Do you really think that we can go into a spiritual supermarket and choose a god for ourselves? There is only One God whom we have to get to know. There is no other choice. This God is perfect. If you don’t like Him, then that is your problem, not His.
People do it all the time. And they seem to think they’ve chosen the “right” one to follow. Who knows which the “right” one is, or if any of them are right at all.
People who refuse Christ, send themselves to Hell, because Christ cannot use them. People who habitually covert and protect and promote their sin, hold Jesus Christ up to contempt. Why should He allow such people into His Kingdom? I say, run to Christ, not away from Him.
Christ's Prophet
Certainty for Eternity.
How is someone sending themselves to hell for genuinely not believing in something for which they have no good reason to believe? I do not choose to go to hell, I apparently am sent there for simply not believing, regardless of what kind of life I have led. I’m not sure of any way to force myself to believe something. And I don’t really see what’s moral or perfect or loving about that, but that’s probably a whole other discussion.

Now, I assume you’re saying all this to condemn gay people for living their lives freely and openly which I think in your mind amounts to rejecting or hating the god you personally worship and so they shall end up in hell but you need to understand that people who don’t believe in the god you follow aren’t generally doing it for the reasons you think – they just don’t see any good reason to believe that god even exists, or they worship some other god. They’re just trying to live their lives, like everyone else. And the kind of attitude you espouse toward them isn’t kind or loving or helpful in any way. The kind of attitude you espouse is making the one life we know we get to live, that much harder for them. It’s got to be hard enough trying to live with people like you saying such terrible things to their fellow human beings. Do you not think a gay person should have the right to go about their life without you spouting hateful things about them and telling them there’s something wrong with them? Not to mention that I’m pretty sure that there are plenty of gay people that are members of various churches that see no problem with homosexuality. Maybe they’ve got their version of god right and you’ve got it wrong. Apparently there really isn’t any way to know.

One other thing … if your god hates homosexuality so much, how come we see it so much in the wild, amongst non-human members of the animal kingdom? How did your god allow that to happen? Are those animals simply hateful, rebellious creatures too, rebelling against a god they have no idea about?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
If you mean to say that what we call marriage today, in ancient times was, is referred to as "the legal bond debt advanced system[]" then I'd agree and further that definition with the negative, there is no precept of God that declares marriage is between a man and a woman. History has it that what we call marriage has always been about a legal contract.
Yesmarriagein ancient civilizationswasa type ofcontracts
And I mean the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia civilizations before Islam
And Persia and the Pharaohs and Romans and Greece
All thesecivilizationsdefinedmarriage
But the Jewish religion religious to give in this decade
In the form in whichwe knowthe
People whocanlinkthemin this decade
These sisters and girls and other details
Christianity did not contravene this trend
I write from my memory only
The religionawardisdivineonly
This difference is also reflected in the direction of modern law as contracts
There is therefore the effects

Differentfrom theperceivedreligiousoverview
And I mean only Judaism and Christianity
Because Islam is not in the Holy bond of marriage
Many guides

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
--to---Ingledsva Myspace Refugee
Christ's Prophet", my ***!========
This phraseis nota decent
If youmightof Christyou are freein this
And to criticize Christ you are free
But that Word is inappropriate
This is not true
The Christians hold a majority in the US. The Old Testament is very clear on its position about gays. Many of these people are under the false impression that the US is a democracy and as such they can legislate their religious values. They do not see the line between religious marriage and legal marriage.

They are afraid that if gays are allowed to get married, that they will have to allow it in their church. This is nonsense, as it violates the separation of church and state that they so vehemently oppose when it is in their favor to do so.

I disagree that the OT is clear about gays. A literal reading of the Bible lead's to personal gods. It is necessary to understand how to read the Bible to be able to say that the OT is clear on gays. Such a statement is a personal reflection of a literal reading of the Bible. And it is far more complicated than what I just said.
First off, let me say that God’s word is alive and is the only book that can be read in the presence of the Author, God. You call me sick, but I pay the price to tell you the truth? You seem to be looking around in the dark for the meaning of life. Look at yourself. Are you not a wonderful creation? Look at the design of your body, and where there is design, then there is a Designer Creator.
I am not surprised by people’s hatred towards God. They hated my Lord Jesus Christ before me. My Lord told people the truth and they wanted to kill him. Has anything changed? How I wish I didn’t have to preach Christ’s message, but the love of God drives me on. What should I say to you? Should I not tell you the truth? Should I not warn you of your danger? Is that not loving? Would you prefer I have told you what you wanted to hear to tickle your ears? God is love and is not willing that any should perish.
2 Peter 3:9 (KJV) 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
But at the same time that God is love, He is also a perfect and Holy God of Justice. He demands that sin which is abhorrent to Him, be punished. God cannot change His character. That is why Jesus Christ my Lord lovingly died on the cross, to deal with that, to reconcile us to Himself. There are millions of people now and over the millenniums who thumb their noses at Christ, and live the lives they want to live. They virtually tell Christ to get lost. That is why there is a Day of Judgment coming, on such we must all give an account. Christ died on the cross to facilitate the forgiveness of sins. This is so that people who repent from their sins, can come to Him, have the penalty of their sins dealt with, call Him Lord, and have eternal life.
Talking about musty old books, I assume you are referring to the Bible. Let me say that God does not see time as you see time. God is timeless, whereas we operate within time. God’s Word is also timeless and comes with the authority of the Spirit of God.
Do we really think that a person can reject God because he or she doesn’t like this or that aspect about God? That idea is silly. Do you really think that we can go into a spiritual supermarket and choose a god for ourselves? There is only One God whom we have to get to know. There is no other choice. This God is perfect. If you don’t like Him, then that is your problem, not His.
People who refuse Christ, send themselves to Hell, because Christ cannot use them. People who habitually covert and protect and promote their sin, hold Jesus Christ up to contempt. Why should He allow such people into His Kingdom? I say, run to Christ, not away from Him.
Christ's Prophet
Certainty for Eternity.

I place greater value in Skeptic Thinker's statement than I can in your response. Christianity today is too far removed from the Early Church and Jesus's teaching. When one studies 2000 years of Church history then and only then can one begin to understand that Christianity is no more than man's perception. You may believe but you don't have faith. The two words are not the same. If you have faith then nothing that you know contributes to one's acceptance of a God that created this temporal world.

If there is a God, then by man's perception that God is infinite. There is no way that any Christian can know God from a finite perspective.

Prophets were by nature wanderers that continually called the households to care for those in need. One could say that the Early Church practised liberation theology. The Early Church was about freedom, justice and equality.

Wisdom 11: 23-26; 24: For you love all things that are and loathe nothing the you have made; for what you hated, you would not have fashioned.

The Skeptic Thinker is skeptical because Christians no longer follow the truth. Skeptical because Christianity fails to see the depth of their God.

The deeper science reaches into understanding our universe, the closer mankind gets to understanding Creation. If Creation comes out of nothing then is there a God? If nothing is the Spirit, God then consider Wisdom 11: 23-24. If God is infinite, perfect then how is it that only a skeptic questions.


Gnostic Seeker

What does same sex marriage have to do with religion? Well the response usually goes something like this>>> "God created marriage as a union between a man and a woman for the purpose of making children."

The problem with this is that marriage has been around way longer than monotheism. Not every culture agrees or has agreed that marriage is between opposite genders, and those who say 'one man and one woman' go against the Bible itself. The Bible has people marrying more than one woman in it.


Big Queer Chesticles!
Church marriage is also legal, by law.

The Church did not sanctify marriage until the Council of Trent. Before that, marriage as we know it was only performed for the rich as they needed to legally establish property rights.

The Jewish religion began marriage as a legal contract.

Any marriage mentioned in the Bible was always the marriage reception as we have after marriages.

Song of Solomon did not refer to marriage. The Song referred to premarital sex and the commitment that was required after sex.

I didnt mean that church marriage wasnt legal. Just that it only really gets religious meaning if you do so by attaching it to one, like in a church.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Wrong person - Dude.

I didn't say that, however, I agree, - obviously he is not Christ's prophet.

You said that I worry about most
You are free to believe
Just ask don't you rely on themethod of amendmentin posts
I did not lie and will not lie
In any case, since you deleted your post that you delete my entry also
And as for the lack of faith in the prophethood of Jesus
I agree with you
Jesus was nota prophet
Christ is the Savior
And reliever is different from the Prophet
And if you bear any hatred for the personal
I'll tell you something
I don't know hate
T_t *inyour humanity
But in all our thoughts not hatred
The German thinker
Hegel said
The whole idea ofcarrying the seeds of her courtyard
Humanitarian ideas always carryc auses death
Just like anycreature
But the idea that springs from God cannot die
I believe that Christianity and Judaism cannot die because their ideas
Of God
I didnt mean that church marriage wasnt legal. Just that it only really gets religious meaning if you do so by attaching it to one, like in a church.

Your point is not clear. History tells us that marriage, of the earliest Jewish recognition of marriage was a legal understanding. The Council of Trent was the earliest that the Church made marriage a sacrament. The OT where marriage is interpreted by modern versions of the Bible, did not speak of what we call marriage today. There is essentially not Biblical passage that gives recognition of marriage as a religious precedence.

Marriage to Christianity today does attach a religious understanding but legally, the government requires a legal contract. So, the legality and the religion are working together but apart. One is about religion and yet it must also be a legal contract.


Big Queer Chesticles!
Your point is not clear. History tells us that marriage, of the earliest Jewish recognition of marriage was a legal understanding. The Council of Trent was the earliest that the Church made marriage a sacrament. The OT where marriage is interpreted by modern versions of the Bible, did not speak of what we call marriage today. There is essentially not Biblical passage that gives recognition of marriage as a religious precedence.

Marriage to Christianity today does attach a religious understanding but legally, the government requires a legal contract. So, the legality and the religion are working together but apart. One is about religion and yet it must also be a legal contract.

I hope I understand you right, if not please feel free to let me know.

If you are right and marriage is religious but requires legality, please advise on the following.

- Unions/marriages in other cultures at the time that were not religious but a cultural binding between two people.
- Why atheists can get married today.
- Why people of other religions that conflict with christianity are able to marry today.


You said that I worry about most
You are free to believe
Just ask don't you rely on themethod of amendmentin posts
I did not lie and will not lie
In any case, since you deleted your post that you delete my entry also
And as for the lack of faith in the prophethood of Jesus
I agree with you
Jesus was nota prophet
Christ is the Savior

And reliever is different from the Prophet
And if you bear any hatred for the personal
I'll tell you something
I don't know hate
T_t *inyour humanity
But in all our thoughts not hatred
The German thinker
Hegel said
The whole idea ofcarrying the seeds of her courtyard
Humanitarian ideas always carryc auses death
Just like anycreature
But the idea that springs from God cannot die
I believe that Christianity and Judaism cannot die because their ideas
Of God


I Don't know what you are talking about.

I didn't write what you quoted - someone else did.

I did not delete any post either!

My anti-prophet sentence was not about Jesus, - it was directed at the person - HERE - calling themself "Christ's Prophet!"

As to Jesus - if he was even real, - he would have been a Prophet, not God, or part of a trinity. The Bible does not say he is any of those things.

You, of course, are free to believe in the Bible. I believe the words within it - prove it was just written by evil man.

I hope I understand you right, if not please feel free to let me know.

If you are right and marriage is religious but requires legality, please advise on the following.

- Unions/marriages in other cultures at the time that were not religious but a cultural binding between two people.
- Why atheists can get married today.
- Why people of other religions that conflict with christianity are able to marry today.

Ok, just trying to clarify. I think you understand well the reality of a marriage. Kind of marriage:

1) Justice of the Peace and witnesses (no religion)
2) Clergy and witnesses and, religious and secular government

Both require a legal contract (government). A religious marriage still requires a legal contract. A secular marriage does not require religion.