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What does the bible really say about heaven? What's it like?


N. Germanic Descent
Anyone know? I've heard stories of such grandeur that it could make a multi billionaire who lives free of worry with everything he could ever need or want, beg to enter into those heavenly gates.

What does it truly say, though?

I say it's at hand and present, but skewed and unappreciated, tainted by those things that destroy our comforts and security.

How about you?


Genesis states that heaven was created at the same time as earth. The word heaven refers to being above, or the sky.

The Lord's prayer says it is the place where everything is according to God's will. "on earth as it is in heaven."

Jesus referred to it as Paradise and as God's kingdom which is "in our midst."

Revelation paints heaven as the new earth where all is re-created as worldly, earthly, but healed as a renewed Garden of Eden with plants, the Tree of Life, and the river that flows by the Throne of God with the Water of Life that no one is denied to partake.
Rev 22:17The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely.

By these references and how other concepts tie together, I believe heaven is a state of mind in life, right here on earth. Perhaps in a parallel realm, but one that intermingles if one has "eyes to see and ears to hear."


Heaven is described as a beautiful place of peace and joy, where there is no pain or sadness. Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."


King Phenomenon
Heaven is the cosmos. The earth is part of the Cosmos. Heaven is here. Where else would it be? Nowhere.
Heaven is described as a beautiful place of peace and joy, where there is no pain or sadness. Revelation 21:4 says, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
Of course there’s death and pain in heaven but we strive to deal with it with dignity or in a “heavenly” manner.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know? ...
I think these are related to what is will be in Heaven, but not directly told what it is like:

For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like God's angels in heaven.
Matt. 22:30
for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17

Bible doesn't tell much about heaven. But, by what it is said about God and what we can observe in nature, I would say it must be awesome.

Sir Joseph

Anyone know? I've heard stories of such grandeur that it could make a multi billionaire who lives free of worry with everything he could ever need or want, beg to enter into those heavenly gates.

What does it truly say, though?

I say it's at hand and present, but skewed and unappreciated, tainted by those things that destroy our comforts and security.

How about you?

The Bible's description of the new earth and heavens in Revelation 21 does offer our best insight, and I'd maintain that it's certainly a real physical place, not just a mindset or analogous concept. Understand, from a Christian doctrine at least, that after death we'll all face God and judgement. I'm unclear whether the unsaved masses will receive new physical bodies for their eternal damnation to hell or not, but the saved ones are certain to be raptured and given new glorious (superhuman physical and spiritual) bodies. Such "real" bodies as Jesus had are logically/likely designed for a "real" physical earth/heaven as revelation describes.

Though the Bible describes heaven as a real place in various places, John's vision in Rev 21 has room for both literal and figurative interpretations. The measurements of the new Jerusalem should certainly be taken literally - and are quite telling in themselves. In any case, peoples' concepts of heaven have unfortunately been influenced by Hollywood movies and other media. Contrary to the white, boring environment generally depicted, thousands of documented near death experiences give us better insight more consistent with the Bible's. The colors will be more vivid, music more beautiful, knowledge more extensive, life more bustling and interesting, and love more powerful than anything we've ever experienced here in this world. In short, it'll be a real place with unimaginable beauty, love, and glory of living in God's presence.