A Vestigial Mote
Well-Known Member
This is a completely baseless assertion. We, ourselves, get to decide how much or to what extent any "feeling" or emotion means to us. We don't have to surmise that because "biology" is at the root it necessarily means that it is something cold or sterile. It doesn't have to be if that isn't the way we perceive it or treat it. There may be underlying "facts" that will always be there, but we are the ones who feel the emotions and feelings, we are the ones who decide how to respond - even if it all boils down to mechanisms and machinations of biology and chemistry. In other words... even if biology and chemistry are the only real foundations for emotion and feeling - IT DOESN'T MATTER. We still feel the feelings the same, and we still must decide how we will react to them.In a godless universe, love is an instinctive response only.. a drive to reproduce, raise and nurture offspring, and herd instinct. There could be no 'soul love!' or agape love, in a godless universe. There is self interest, and animal instinct, and humans delude themselves thinking there is more than that.
Put a different way - what do YOU believe would fundamentally change about the emotions and feelings you experience were it to be 100% proven that there is no God? Would they suddenly become worthless to you? Would the idea that they are biological or chemical in nature affect how they affect you? If so, then why? Aren't you still the same being you are now, with or without God? It's the same sort of confusion I feel when I hear about parents suddenly treating their children differently when they find out they are homosexual - WHAT CHANGED?
Again, with your last sentence, foolish and baseless assertions. Things like "beauty" and "purpose" actually exist to us and between us, but none of us can be sure that "God" exists - so that already proves to my mind that God is not necessary to experience those things. He can't be - otherwise His presence would have to also be intrinsically known, accepted and understood in order for me to conclude that something was "beautiful" or to understand anyone else's concept of "beautiful" - which I readily do, all the time. So where is the pre-requisite of "God" in that? There isn't one.In a God made universe, it could be different. Altruistic senses could have been embedded by God, to elevate mankind above mere animal instinct. A spiritual Love as a deep seated sense & motivation.. a reflection of the values and nature of the Creator.. beauty, abstraction, thoughts of eternity, infinity, and purpose.. these are possibilities in a God made universe, but delusions in a godless one.
And the really crazy thing - we don't always agree on what "beauty" is, but no one runs around blowing one another up over differences of opinion on "beauty" - even though it is something we KNOW and ACCEPT exists. However, people do run around blowing one another up over opinions on God - and they can't even really know whether or not He/It exists!