Indeed, I have to agree with Michell, I never liked the idea of a single stationary truth. I have always seen truth and spirituality as being like water, always flowing and changing and different for each individual. And the wonderful thing about most Pagan traditions is that they are so welcoming and flexible it's very easy to adapt your current beliefs and spirituality into the tradition(or traditions if your eclectic) of your choice. I'm personally leaning closer and closer to feri tradition but if you feel yourself being called closer to Wicca then "wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner" is a good place to start even if you aren't going to do it all by yourself. Also for a general overview there is "spiral dance" by starhawk and "drawing down the moon" by margot adler. The latter is more general and goes over more of the history of the pagan movements than the former which talks about Paganism from the point of view of the feri tradition, making it a bit more specific but still very useful for getting an ideaof what Paganism is about.
Blessed be on your journey