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what exactly is a messianic jew


what exactly is a messianic jew there seems to be some kind of alliance between the "Yeshua " type christians and some kind of jewish splinter movement that recognises jesus as the messiah (excuse my spelling i casnt work my spell checker and i am an illiterate oaf)


have you noticed this sort of born again evangelical "Yeshua" thing what is it all about ?


Well-Known Member
have you noticed this sort of born again evangelical "Yeshua" thing what is it all about ?

They are simply Jews who converted to evangelical Protestants, except they retain the importance of observing the Mosaic Law, just as St. Paul was an observant Jew. If they attempt to emigrate from the US to Israel under the Law of Return, they get turned around, because the Orthodox Jews have a great deal of influence over immigration law in the State of Israel. Jews who convert to Christianity are considered to have been cut off from their people, per Deuteronomy.


They are simply Jews who converted to evangelical Protestants, except they retain the importance of observing the Mosaic Law, just as St. Paul was an observant Jew. If they attempt to emigrate from the US to Israel under the Law of Return, they get turned around, because the Orthodox Jews have a great deal of influence over immigration law in the State of Israel. Jews who convert to Christianity are considered to have been cut off from their people, per Deuteronomy.

so they are protestants then ! and protestants are not covered by the law of return


Religious Zionist
messianic jews are christians w/ Keepot

as far as law of return goes...as long as they can prove their jewishness in a way that fits the requirements of the law then they do have Right of Return.


Well-Known Member
as far as law of return goes...as long as they can prove their jewishness in a way that fits the requirements of the law then they do have Right of Return.

From Wikipedia (that great source of reliable info):

Jews converting to other religions lose their right to citizenship under the Law of Return, (e.g. Brother Daniel).


Premium Member
My mother's mother was born a Jew (not a practicing one). I was told by a Rabbi that I was considered a Jew, too. I guess that would make me a Messianic Jew, sort of. I never practiced Judaism. The late Zola Levitt had a site dedicated to Messianic Jews. I am not sure if it is still up, probably is. You would to use google to find the site, as I can't remember the URL. If you look, my title is Follower of Yeshua (or Y'shua) it is Jesus name in Aramaic.


Well-Known Member
Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.
Ac 9:2 and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the
Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.
Ac 18:25 He had been instructed in the
Way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
Ac 18:26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue; but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and expounded to him the
Way of God more accurately.
Ac 19:9 but when some were stubborn and disbelieved, speaking evil of the
Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them, taking the disciples with him, and argued daily in the hall of Tyrannus.
Ac 19:23 About that time there arose no little stir concerning the
Ac 24:14 But this I admit to you, that according to the
Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the law or written in the prophets,
Ac 24:22 But Felix, having a rather accurate knowledge of the
Way, put them off, saying, "When Lysias the tribune comes down, I will decide your case."

Sorry folks but this is the source of Messianic Judism and Messianic converts.

A Kippot is the little cap a Jew wears when he prays.

The Way is what I am a part of. Under my name.



My mother's mother was born a Jew (not a practicing one). I was told by a Rabbi that I was considered a Jew, too. I guess that would make me a Messianic Jew, sort of. I never practiced Judaism. The late Zola Levitt had a site dedicated to Messianic Jews. I am not sure if it is still up, probably is. You would to use google to find the site, as I can't remember the URL. If you look, my title is Follower of Yeshua (or Y'shua) it is Jesus name in Aramaic.
i beleive your jewishness is determined by your maternal line but you cant have it both ways surely if you claim to be a jew so you can live in israel what do you do lie and dont mention you are a protestant


and the name yeshua why choose aramaic i thought the language of the time in the area was koine


and they use the name like it is some kind of powerful evidence or that it lends credence to their beleif ,in a very pagan way almost


i need to bump this one come on someone must have noticed this "yeshua thing" , its rife in england ,


Done here.
They are simply Jews who converted to evangelical Protestants
A lot of the time, they're just Evangelical Protestants playing at being Jews.

i beleive your jewishness is determined by your maternal line but you cant have it both ways surely if you claim to be a jew so you can live in israel what do you do lie and dont mention you are a protestant
The traditional -- and still the majority -- position is that a Jew who converts to another religion is still a Jew, though an apostate. The child of an apostate mother is still a Jew, too, even if the child has never practiced Judaism.

However, the Israeli government doesn't recognize a Jew who has converted to another religion as a Jew for purposes for establishing the right of return.


Done here.
and the name yeshua why choose aramaic i thought the language of the time in the area was koine
Jesus apparently spoke Aramaic, but if I understand correctly, it's debatable just how his name was spelled and pronounced in Aramaic.

I would expect anybody who accepts the Greek New Testament as canonical and/or inspired to accept the Greek Iesous as used in the New Testament, as well as the Latinized Iesus or Jesus, but obviously, they sometimes don't.


i know i am somewhat skeptic but how do we know he spoke aramaic , what i am getting at is this, this new Yeshua meshiac thing its almost if the word has power like the magical thing of knowing somethings real name gives you power over it , they use it as if to say i know more than you because i know his real name , so i was wondering what would in fact be his real name as used by say his mother and family , friends in their everyday language .