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what exactly is a messianic jew


Religious Zionist
i beleive your jewishness is determined by your maternal line but you cant have it both ways surely if you claim to be a jew so you can live in israel what do you do lie and dont mention you are a protestant

that's what lots of Russians have done and a building full of columbians i live with who are here under Right of Return because they did a Reform conversion and go to church when we have free sundays on Kibbutz.


Religious Zionist
jewscout you made it to the promised land how are you getting on there?

i'm doing pretty good...i'm applying for membership to a religious Kibbutz (essentially a "commune" but it's not like it was 40 years ago, it's more of a gated community of sorts) with my fiance, we are getting married, G-d willing, in July..

and i'm just living the dream man, studying Judaism, Gemara and Halacha and the such and working off the land on a dairy farm and i get to watch the desert bloom...let me tell you there's nothing like it in the world and i've never been happier.


i'm doing pretty good...i'm applying for membership to a religious Kibbutz (essentially a "commune" but it's not like it was 40 years ago, it's more of a gated community of sorts) with my fiance, we are getting married, G-d willing, in July..

and i'm just living the dream man, studying Judaism, Gemara and Halacha and the such and working off the land on a dairy farm and i get to watch the desert bloom...let me tell you there's nothing like it in the world and i've never been happier.
well done i have in fact been to Israel several times the first in around 1986 lots of luck "Behatzlacha"


How is it that Euro looking people are claiming to be so-called Jews? The Tribes of Isra-EL consisted of people who obviously passed easily as Egyptians who were a strong melanin toned people. Moses passed as one. Where did this word
jew even come from? Judah is obviously only one of the 12. When did they lose their hue? Jesus was from Bethleham of Judah in the House of David. So where did the word Jew come from.


Well-Known Member
How is it that Euro looking people are claiming to be so-called Jews? The Tribes of Isra-EL consisted of people who obviously passed easily as Egyptians who were a strong melanin toned people. Moses passed as one. Where did this word
jew even come from? Judah is obviously only one of the 12. When did they lose their hue? Jesus was from Bethleham of Judah in the House of David. So where did the word Jew come from.
I don't think anyone here has claimed to be Am Segulah.



How is it that Euro looking people are claiming to be so-called Jews? The Tribes of Isra-EL consisted of people who obviously passed easily as Egyptians who were a strong melanin toned people. Moses passed as one. Where did this word
jew even come from? Judah is obviously only one of the 12. When did they lose their hue? Jesus was from Bethleham of Judah in the House of David. So where did the word Jew come from.
have i really got to answer that you must have some education


Technically, the entire original Christian church was made up of Messianic Jews. The title of the religion was not 'Christianity' but 'The Way'. Anyone could follow 'The Way', Jew or Gentile.

Because 'The Way' was based in Judaism, Messianic Jews did not need to reject their original faith (which is why both the Old and New Testament are doctrine in Christianity). The concept of 'Messiah' is based in Jewish covenant with God. In other words, Christianity is simply a conclusion of Jewish faith (as well as an 'inclusion' of Gentiles).

And despite what some Jewish leaders might think, a Messianic Jew does not stop being a Jew in terms of being 'one of God's chosen people'. Even if 'The Way' was not true, they would not lose their race. Judaism is a race, not a religion.


Well-Known Member
Technically, the entire original Christian church was made up of Messianic Jews. The title of the religion was not 'Christianity' but 'The Way'. Anyone could follow 'The Way', Jew or Gentile.

Because 'The Way' was based in Judaism, Messianic Jews did not need to reject their original faith (which is why both the Old and New Testament are doctrine in Christianity). The concept of 'Messiah' is based in Jewish covenant with God. In other words, Christianity is simply a conclusion of Jewish faith (as well as an 'inclusion' of Gentiles).

And despite what some Jewish leaders might think, a Messianic Jew does not stop being a Jew in terms of being 'one of God's chosen people'. Even if 'The Way' was not true, they would not lose their race. Judaism is a race, not a religion.
Finally a Christian who comes close!
You are dead wrong about Judaism, it's a way of life, not a race nor religion!

The Way/way of Life/Dereck/halachah/Torah



Hmm, I'll have to take your word for it, but it seems that all of God's covenants in the Torah refer to Abraham's 'lineage' (as in, race), not Abraham's followers. I was under the impression that the Jews were God's chosen people. All others were Gentiles.

Perhaps you believe that it is possible for a Gentile to become a Jew. That doesn't seem right to me, though.

Also, I thought 'The Way' is translated as a sort of passage, or road, to salvation, not merely a 'way of life'. Jesus said "I am the Way." So 'The Way' refers to Christ and discipleship TO Christ.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'll have to take your word for it, but it seems that all of God's covenants in the Torah refer to Abraham's 'lineage' (as in, race), not Abraham's followers. I was under the impression that the Jews were God's chosen people. All others were Gentiles.
A mixed multitude came out of Egypt and became the Children of Israel/Jacob in which one tribe was Judah/Jews
Perhaps you believe that it is possible for a Gentile to become a Jew. That doesn't seem right to me, though.
I don't understand your objection, are you not grafted in to the root/Israel? Seems perfectly alright to me.
Also, I thought 'The Way' is translated as a sort of passage, or road, to salvation, not merely a 'way of life'. Jesus said "I am the Way." So 'The Way' refers to Christ and discipleship TO Christ.
Ac 24:14 "But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.
A sect of the Jews no less, following all the things written in Torah and Tanach the way! The Way/Torah/Yeshua/word/dereck/halacha. The way to please god and become one of the Elect. There will not be any 'lawless' Christian chosen to enter the City of God by it's gates.
Re 21:27 But nothing unclean shall enter it, nor any one who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Mt 7:21 "Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Here is the Way to enter the City by its gates, believing and doing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.

This has absolutely nothing to do with salvation! Salvation is by faith! Period.
But doing the will of the Father! Believing and doing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets. The WAY!



Technically, the entire original Christian church was made up of Messianic Jews. The title of the religion was not 'Christianity' but 'The Way'. Anyone could follow 'The Way', Jew or Gentile.

Because 'The Way' was based in Judaism, Messianic Jews did not need to reject their original faith (which is why both the Old and New Testament are doctrine in Christianity). The concept of 'Messiah' is based in Jewish covenant with God. In other words, Christianity is simply a conclusion of Jewish faith (as well as an 'inclusion' of Gentiles).

And despite what some Jewish leaders might think, a Messianic Jew does not stop being a Jew in terms of being 'one of God's chosen people'. Even if 'The Way' was not true, they would not lose their race. Judaism is a race, not a religion.
well i am not sure about that one there are jews from hereto timbuctu all different take the jews from yemen and the jews from russia are you telling me they are the same race , or if a convert i somehow change race.


Not your average Mormon
what exactly is a messianic jew there seems to be some kind of alliance between the "Yeshua " type christians and some kind of jewish splinter movement that recognises jesus as the messiah (excuse my spelling i casnt work my spell checker and i am an illiterate oaf)
All I know is that I used the phrase "Messianic Jew" once a long, long time ago and got my first-ever insult from Jay. :D Ah, fond memories!


and lets get this right these jews beleive jesus was the promised messiah , well i have missed something here because the reason most jews dont beleive he was the messiah is that the prophecy requirements were not met .

the proof of a prophet is the fulfilment of his prophecies
the proof of the meassiah is the fufillment of certain things the messiah would do, jesus didnt do them .


Well-Known Member
and lets get this right these jews beleive jesus was the promised messiah , well i have missed something here because the reason most jews dont beleive he was the messiah is that the prophecy requirements were not met .

the proof of a prophet is the fulfilment of his prophecies
the proof of the meassiah is the fufillment of certain things the messiah would do, jesus didnt do them .

You too, are almost correct, he hasn't completed all the requirements of the Moshiach, yet he has fulfilled the first three events and if God can blind one so he may not see the glory of his coming that same God can open the eyes of whom ever he choses to.
A MJ just as a Christian is able to see that the second advent he will fulfill the rest of the required events. Remember the Hebrews were looking for two Messiahs, now two advents. When the Mashiach comes the rest of the Jews will believe! Ro.11:26.



You too, are almost correct, he hasn't completed all the requirements of the Moshiach, yet he has fulfilled the first three events and if God can blind one so he may not see the glory of his coming that same God can open the eyes of whom ever he choses to.
A MJ just as a Christian is able to see that the second advent he will fulfill the rest of the required events. Remember the Hebrews were looking for two Messiahs, now two advents. When the Mashiach comes the rest of the Jews will believe! Ro.11:26.

tell me more about two messiahs and how you can be a jew and a christian at the same time , i am puzzled by this