Be your own guru
Chidananda - eternal delight. No delight in enlightenment, only understanding.Can you please expand on this?
I will term it as 'Mini Meditation". Perhaps when you forget the river and the forest, it is meditation.I've never had any instruction in meditation, and don't really think of myself meditating... But when i take a walk by the river or in the forest it calmes my mind... Is this meditation?
Personally, I think there has to be a question and search for its answer to be a proper meditation.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Ashtang Yoga, Eight-limbed Yoga):
5. Pratyahara ("Abstraction"): Withdrawal of the sense organs from external objects.
6. Dharana ("Concentration"): Fixing the attention on a single object.
7. Dhyana ("Meditation"): Intense contemplation of the nature of the object of meditation.
8. Samadhi ("Liberation"): merging consciousness with the object of meditation.
Yoga - Wikipedia
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