Theists, believe that if they will do something wrong like; violence, robbery, bluff, fraud etc. Definitely in return they will receive some kind of punishment, or sufferings in their current birth, or next birth, or hell, or somewhere else.
Resulted, by fearing this they avoid doing bad actions.
My question is.. What fears atheists, that they avoid doing bad actions ?
Kindly note: by asking this question I DO-NOT claim any kind of next birth, or hell etc.
I think fear as a motivator is very narrowed. Causing harm to others, might get you into problem with the law, so going to jail is not really something that a person like, but even if that is true, it is a very weak motivator, for not doing something. First of all, because your chances of getting away with a crime is reasonable high. So personally I would say that a motivator, such as feeling guilt or being ashamed of having harmed another person is far better at avoiding bad actions. The fact that you potentially could ruin your own life, if you caused unnecessary harm to others.
For instance, the mere thought of me going around and hurting others and then having to face my family afterwards and living with knowing what I have done, would really decrease my quality of life, I know that they would think less of me for behaving like that. Furthermore, it is much more satisfying to be thanked or appreciated by others, than harming them. I think everyone, knows the feeling when they know they have done something to help someone else, because it gives you a feeling of having improved someone else life and made them happy.
So fear of something is not a prime mover for me to do anything really. And I really don't hope for religious people, that the only reason they don't go around doing these things is because of God, because in that case, they should definitely keep on believing. But when that is said, I also have to point out, that I don't believe that is the case, at least not for the majority of people, as much as it is a bad or misguided excuse, trying to argue that God is the only explanation for why we are morally good, as they somehow believe that it is a good punchline against atheists.