Theists, believe that if they will do something wrong like; violence, robbery, bluff, fraud etc. Definitely in return they will receive some kind of punishment, or sufferings in their current birth, or next birth, or hell, or somewhere else.
Resulted, by fearing this they avoid doing bad actions.
My question is.. What fears atheists, that they avoid doing bad actions ?
Kindly note: by asking this question I DO-NOT claim any kind of next birth, or hell etc.
Speaking only for myself, I don't fear anything. I respect the law and I can calculate the possible repercussions of my actions.
I have a set of values that prevent me from doing bad things.
And it seems that those methods work better than fear of divine retribution. Theists are over represented in the prison population.
Pretty much this. Atheists are afraid of the physical world. Everything in the physical world. Atheists often support would-be tyrants, because having no trust in the world beyond this, they have strongly utopian ideas. "If we just elect the perfect candidate, we will life in the Golden Age (whatever they call it)." The problem is, any leader who seeks power wants more of it. Your history got it wrong. It is not absolute power corrupts absolutely , God has absolute power yet he does not use it even to reveal himself, lest he foece someone to believe who didn't want to.
It's really absolute ambition corrupts absolutely. Those who actively seek power abuse it (Why are people getting suckered into hating Trump? And they are suckered, because they can't explain why they hate him so much (it's cuz CNN told them he is bad). It's because the powers that be understand that he only took power because he said "if things get bad enough, I'll run for office." The corrupt don't want an uncorrupt leader using his power to revert things. They want to either corrupt him or destroy him). This truth is why democracy is the worst form of government btw. We vote for people who want to run for office. We should be drafting people.
Atheists fear death because it is strangely at odds with life, they fear the state they helped create (investing a fortune on gated communities and security systems), they fear sickness, they fear wild animals. Yet they insist they are not afraid of anything. If you are truly unafraid, repeat this mantra to see if it's true. Either you'll stop being afraid or you'll reconsider atheism. "I have nothing to fear, because when I die, everything I am and have done will be erased. Therefore neither the law, nor brutal men, nor wild beasts, nor falling, nor drowning can concern me." If this cures your fear, good for you. If it instead makes you concerned enough about death to consider theism, well that happens sometimes .