To my mind, anyone who disagrees with what the Bible says in NOT credible. According to the Holy Scriptures there is no excuse for not believing in God, because of the things made. Teleology and Cosmology are branches of science that deal with the complexities and diversity of creation.
Science knows there is a larger chasm between the most complex non-living thing, and the simplist living thing, than there is between the simplist living thing and man, a chasm that cannot be crossed, except by God, the Creator. The chance of life just happening spontaenously, is the same as having an amoeba become a full grown man overnight in a Petri dish. Scientist have abandoned the idea of Abiogenesis, a long time ago. The Bible tells us that God is the source of life, Ps 36:9.
As for evolution, you could put all that evidence in a match box, even though there have been oven a million fossils found. There has never been found any animal or plant with two different KINDS in their makeup, so that a Paleoscientist could not differenciate,
According to the Bible a well known law was put in place by the creator, the law of Prestabolism. This means that ALL life forms will ONLY reproduce after their own kinds. There has never been found a plant or animal breaking this law. Any changes within a Kind is called Ontogenesis and has nothing to do with crossing the boundry set by the Creator. Notice how the Bible says ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN KIND several times in Genesis chapter one, verses 21,24, 25. Thousands of experiments, both en vivo and en vitro. Of course these were controlled experiments, with scientists trying to cross the boundry, but could not. This line of experimenting has all but been given up on.
It seems that the Bible is right all along, there is just no excuse for man not to believe in God. It seems that the only answer is WILLFUL BLINDNESS. Or as some Pseudoscientists have stated; The only alternative to evolution is creation, and that is unthinkable. True science supports what the Bible says!!!