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What Gospel does the bible teach ?

dan p

Hi to all and some believers says that there is Only one Gospel through out the bible ?

They say that it is the Gospel of Works and that it began in Genesis with Adam and Eve .

But I have found 6 Gopsels or Good News in the Bible and one of these gospels is described 9 different ways .

#1 , The Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus and the 12 preached in Matt 4:17 and that will be preached at the end of the Great Tribulation , Matt 24:14 !

#2 , Then there is the Gospel of the Uncircumcision in Gal 2:7 that Paul preached to Gentiles only !!

#3 , Then there is the Gospel of the Circumcision that Peter preached to Jews only , Gal 2:7 !!

#4 , Then the Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8 and Gen 12:3 !

#5 , Then Rev 14:6 , where the Everlasting Gospel is preached which is s Gospel of Judgment , verse 7 !!

#6 , Then in Jesus birth , it is spoken of as a Gospel !!

Then the The Gospel of Grace is Decribed 9 different ways , Like Rom 1:1 , the Gospel pof God and what Paul calls " My Gospel , dan p


I tend to read only the "Gospel of Mark" as it seems to be closer to the Original
the rest, Matthew-Luke-John i can't read, they just poorly written.


New Member
Hi to all and some believers says that there is Only one Gospel through out the bible ?

They say that it is the Gospel of Works and that it began in Genesis with Adam and Eve .

But I have found 6 Gopsels or Good News in the Bible and one of these gospels is described 9 different ways .

#1 , The Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus and the 12 preached in Matt 4:17 and that will be preached at the end of the Great Tribulation , Matt 24:14 !

#2 , Then there is the Gospel of the Uncircumcision in Gal 2:7 that Paul preached to Gentiles only !!

#3 , Then there is the Gospel of the Circumcision that Peter preached to Jews only , Gal 2:7 !!

#4 , Then the Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8 and Gen 12:3 !

#5 , Then Rev 14:6 , where the Everlasting Gospel is preached which is s Gospel of Judgment , verse 7 !!

#6 , Then in Jesus birth , it is spoken of as a Gospel !!

Then the The Gospel of Grace is Decribed 9 different ways , Like Rom 1:1 , the Gospel pof God and what Paul calls " My Gospel , dan p
Who are they that you refer to it being the Gospel of Works?


Veteran Member
Hi to all and some believers says that there is Only one Gospel through out the bible ?
They say that it is the Gospel of Works and that it began in Genesis with Adam and Eve .
But I have found 6 Gopsels or Good News in the Bible and one of these gospels is described 9 different ways .
#1 , The Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus and the 12 preached in Matt 4:17 and that will be preached at the end of the Great Tribulation , Matt 24:14 !
#2 , Then there is the Gospel of the Uncircumcision in Gal 2:7 that Paul preached to Gentiles only !!
#3 , Then there is the Gospel of the Circumcision that Peter preached to Jews only , Gal 2:7 !!
#4 , Then the Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8 and Gen 12:3 !
#5 , Then Rev 14:6 , where the Everlasting Gospel is preached which is s Gospel of Judgment , verse 7 !!
#6 , Then in Jesus birth , it is spoken of as a Gospel !!
Then the The Gospel of Grace is Decribed 9 different ways , Like Rom 1:1 , the Gospel pof God and what Paul calls " My Gospel , dan p

'Gospel' or 'good news' refers to the kingdom of God and salvation by faith in Jesus Christ:
The good news of the kingdom- Matt 4v23
The good news of God- Romans 1v1; 15v16
The good news about Jesus Christ.-Mark 1v1
The good news of God's undeserved kindness.- Acts 20v24
The good news of peace .- Eph. 6v15
The everlasting good news.- Rev. 14v6

The ^above^ are designations showing the content and scope of the good news which includes all the religious truth that Jesus spoke and the Bible's writers wrote about.

Isaiah's prophecy described the purpose and effect of the gospel or good news to be preached particularly from the time of Messiah's coming.
-Isa. 61vs1-3

Jesus said at Luke [4v43] that he must preach the kingdom of God.

'Before' the great tribulation the good news will be preached to all nations,
-Matt 24v14; Acts 1v8


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I tend to read only the "Gospel of Mark" as it seems to be closer to the Original
the rest, Matthew-Luke-John i can't read, they just poorly written.
The gospel of Mark is the worst written of all four. The greek is unsophisticated, the connections between pericopes are jumpy (Mark constantly employs kai euthus as an elementary way to construct his narrative), and Mark shows the least literary skill of all. The author of Luke/Acts not only uses better greek, but is self-consciously historical and much better at taking disparate components of the oral tradition, Mark, and Q (if Q was written) and creating a coherent narrative. John contains some pretty sophisticated prose. And what do you mean by "the Original?"

obi one

Hi to all and some believers says that there is Only one Gospel through out the bible ?

They say that it is the Gospel of Works and that it began in Genesis with Adam and Eve .

But I have found 6 Gopsels or Good News in the Bible and one of these gospels is described 9 different ways .

#1 , The Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus and the 12 preached in Matt 4:17 and that will be preached at the end of the Great Tribulation , Matt 24:14 !

#2 , Then there is the Gospel of the Uncircumcision in Gal 2:7 that Paul preached to Gentiles only !!

#3 , Then there is the Gospel of the Circumcision that Peter preached to Jews only , Gal 2:7 !!

#4 , Then the Gospel preached to Abram in Gal 3:8 and Gen 12:3 !

#5 , Then Rev 14:6 , where the Everlasting Gospel is preached which is s Gospel of Judgment , verse 7 !!

#6 , Then in Jesus birth , it is spoken of as a Gospel !!

Then the The Gospel of Grace is Decribed 9 different ways , Like Rom 1:1 , the Gospel pof God and what Paul calls " My Gospel , dan p

Yeshua's testimony was that you should seek first "His Kingdom" and "His Righteousness", referring to the kingdom of his Father (Mt 6). And that kingdom is of power and spirit. As for what some "believers" say, or even what you say is of little relevence. As for how the "Kingdom" is described, it is described often in parables, in order to fullfil Isaiah 6-9, whereas they will, "keep on listening, but do not perceive". In Mt 13, Yeshua is more specific in that he describes the Kingdom in clear terms, whereas the bad seed is mixed in with the good seed, whereas the bad seed is from the devil. They will grow along side each other until the end of the age, whereas the angels will then gather the tares and throw them into the fire. It is also described using different metaphors. (Mt 13)


Veteran Member
As for how the "Kingdom" is described, it is described often in parables, in order to fullfil Isaiah 6-9, whereas they will, "keep on listening, but do not perceive". In Mt 13, Yeshua is more specific in that he describes the Kingdom in clear terms, whereas the bad seed is mixed in with the good seed, whereas the bad seed is from the devil. They will grow along side each other until the end of the age, whereas the angels will then gather the tares and throw them into the fire. It is also described using different metaphors. (Mt 13)

And those genuine 'wheat' Christians grow together over the centuries with the fake 'weed/tares' Christians until the harvest time, or time of separation, mentioned at Matthew [25vs31,32] when the tares/goats are destroyed by that symbolic fire.
Destroyed in the everlasting punishment of everlasting destruction.
-2nd Thess 1v9; Psalm 92v7

Daniel [ 2 vs 34,35,45,44] describes God's kingdom as a 'stone'.
A stone that grows into the size of a great mountain.
That kingdom stone hits the feet of the political statue and fills the whole earth.
'Fills the whole earth' with a righteous mountain-like kingdom or governmental rule.
Having Christ Jesus, the crowned messianic king of God's kingdom, rule over earth who will usher in global peace on earth toward men of goodwill.
-Isaiah 9v7; 11 vs4-9


The gospel of Mark is the worst written of all four. The greek is unsophisticated, the connections between pericopes are jumpy (Mark constantly employs kai euthus as an elementary way to construct his narrative), and Mark shows the least literary skill of all. The author of Luke/Acts not only uses better greek, but is self-consciously historical and much better at taking disparate components of the oral tradition, Mark, and Q (if Q was written) and creating a coherent narrative. John contains some pretty sophisticated prose. And what do you mean by "the Original?"

That is why i prefer "Mark", other are poorly written, and does not have the pointless birth narrative, and is said to be closest to Ur-Marcus.

The Book of Mark never states that "Joseph" was the father of "Jesus", the only Joseph to appear was "Joseph of Arimathea", and because he took him off the "Cross", after Jesus cried "Eli-Eli", the author of Matthew/Luke, then guessed "Joseph" to be the "Father" henceforth "Jesus, Son of Joseph"

How did "Joseph" become the "Father" of Jesus

One man will be obliged to hear the voice of his son implore help of his father, when his hands are bound.(Wars of the Jews, b. VII, ch. X, v. VII)

Jesus cried to his father "Eli", Joseph of Arimathea unbound him from the Cross
and then in Luke.

Luke 3:23
And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was [the son] of Heli "ELI"

Gospel of Luke ommits "Eli-Eli"

Luke 23:46
And speaking in a loud voice, Jesus said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit".

And calls to his Father

The Author of "Luke" was confused, he omitted "Eli" phrase from Jesus' last word on the cross in "Luke 23:46"
and places "Eli" as the father of "Joseph", and in "Luke 3:23" (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, "Luke" and later "Matthew" thus "Invented" Joseph as the father of "Jesus", based on "Joseph of Arimatheas" appearance in Mark., because Jesus cried to "Father" (Eli) and "Joseph" came.

Luke thus wrote "Son of (Supposed) of "Joseph" (Son of Eli), (Eli = God), Luke wrote this because he not know if either "Joseph" or "Eli" was Jesus' father.

This Proofs that "Joseph" being father of "Jesus" was a fabrication, also "Matthew" writes "Joseph Son of Jacob"
clearly copied from Genesis, "Joseph Son of Jacob" as well as his dreams.

----(John-Matthew-Luke fattened the Gospels with nonesene from Old Testament)----
Joseph inspired from his pseudo name sake of Genesis
Matthew-Luke-John (Plagiarisms)
He was the favorite son of a wealthy father Gen. 37:3 Matt. 3:17
He was a shepherd Gen. 37:2 John 10:11-14
He was taken into Egypt to avoid being killed Gen. 37:28 Matt. 2:13
He became a servant Gen. 39:4 Phil. 2:7
He began his ministry at the age of thirty Gen. 41:46 Luke 3:23
He was filled with the Spirit of God Gen. 41:38 Luke 4:1
He returned good for evil Gen.50:20 Matt. 5:44
He was humble and unspoiled by wealth Gen. 45:7-8 John 13:12
He was taught by God Gen. 41:16 John 5:19
He loved people freely Gen. 45:15 John 13:34
He gained the confidence of others quickly Gen. 39:3 Matt. 8:8
He resisted the most difficult temptations Gen. 39:8-9 Heb. 4:15
He was given vision into the future Gen. 37:6 Matt. 24:3
He was hated for his teachings Gen. 37:8 John 7:7
He was sold for the price of a slave Gen. 37:28 Matt. 26:15
He was condemned between two prisoners Gen. 40:2-3 Luke 23:32
He was dead before his father Gen. 37:33 Luke 23:46
He was held for two, and was free on the third Gen. 41:1 Luke 9:22
He was not recognized by his own brethren Gen. 42.8 Luke 24:37

Mat-Luke- also fabricated Jesus, as being born Bethlehem (Bethleham NEVER appeared in Book of Mark either, but rather,
was a Galilean. (copied birth location of David)

Jesus was from Galilee. He was a Galilean." (Pike & Kennedy, 1972, p. 61)

Book of Mark as the least Plagiarisms, and is written similar to Odysseus, making "Jesus"
a "Hero" like the other Greek "Heros", (Matthew-Luke-John) all lost the plot and wrote with an
"Agenda" in mind.

Matthew-Luke also as the complete useless Bloodline narrative (son of.. Son of .. ), no need for them at all.
Matthew-Luke as pointless Virgin Birth narrative clearly stolen from Isaiah

That is why i prefer Mark (Self-Edited version off course, deleting all the Useless Isaiah Interpolations)
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That is why i prefer "Mark", other are poorly written,
So you prefer Mark because "other's are poorly written" despite the fact that, as you are completely unable to read any of the four gospel texts (except in translation) you are equally completely unable to realize that mark is the most "poorly written" of all?

Book of Mark as the least Plagiarisms, and is written similar to Odysseus, making "Jesus"
a "Hero" like the other Greek "Heros", (Matthew-Luke-John) all lost the plot and wrote with an
"Agenda" in mind.
So you like Mark because in your opinion it is similar to another book you are utterly incapable of reading except in translation. Maybe asking you to actually study the language a text is written is too much. So why don't you just start by reading research in classics and biblical studies? Start with Wrede, and when you have a basic grasp of the research on oral tradition, gospel genre, early christianity, the context of first century palestine, then start posting.


So you prefer Mark because "other's are poorly written" despite the fact that, as you are completely unable to read any of the four gospel texts (except in translation) you are equally completely unable to realize that mark is the most "poorly written" of all?

So you like Mark because in your opinion it is similar to another book you are utterly incapable of reading except in translation. Maybe asking you to actually study the language a text is written is too much. So why don't you just start by reading research in classics and biblical studies? Start with Wrede, and when you have a basic grasp of the research on oral tradition, gospel genre, early christianity, the context of first century palestine, then start posting.

Gospel of Mark is poorly written in Language because it is said to be the Earliest of the gospels and closer to Ur-Marcus, the rest are clearly the clones.

When i say "Poorly written" i means "They are extremely Plagiarized", why you assume i have not researched?
have you read "Homer" or his "Odysseus"? that is where i start.

You clearly cant see any Plagiarisms in Matthew-Luke ?


Veteran Member
First of all, there is only one Gospel.
Meaning one Gospel with four writers.
They are all one Gospel.
All four put together or added together equals one Gospel.
One Gospel according to four writers.

Please give an example of what verse is poorly written by Mark ?


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Gospel of Mark is poorly written in Language because it is said to be the Earliest of the gospels and closer to Ur-Marcus
First, Ur-Marcus is a theory. It does not have the kind of acceptance that Q has. Second, early doesn't mean is has to be poorly written.
the rest are clearly the clones.
Two used Mark, and the other didn't. None are "clones."

"They are extremely Plagiarized",
As they are all based on earlier traditions, written and/or oral, who cares?

why you assume i have not researched?

Probably because you tried to translate a text you can't read.
have you read "Homer" or his "Odysseus"? that is where i start.
The school I attended for most of my undergraduate work, like many, covers Homer in the second semester of intermediate greek (it's easier, in terms of syntax, than attic greek). I still have the opening of the Iliad memorized from that class. After intermediate greek, all the classes are just an author or genre like "Plato" or "Greek Oratory." The professor has fairly wide latitude. For example, when I took Euripides, the professor only had us read Medea, cover to cover. Which was good because 1) she had written a book on the subject and 2) right before we had to right our final papers, she informed us that there was an intercollege essay contest for money. So I got $300 dollars for writing a final paper (It's on the award page here). When I took Epic Greek, we read most of the Odyssey in Greek (and all in English), but that professor preferred to expose us to a lot of additional stuff as well. So we read all of the Hymn to Demeter in greek and the Hymn to Aphrodite in greek. We weven read some selections from "The battle of Mice and Frogs," an ancient spoof of the Iliad. I read all of Homer, as well as various papers and books on Homeric greek, for my work on Proto-Indo-European as a language of the active type.

You clearly cant see any Plagiarisms in Matthew-Luke ?
How do you "plagiarize" when you are writing a tradition? The author of Mark relied on oral tradition, the authors of Matthew and Luke used Mark and Q (which may have been oral), and the author of John used something else.


How do you "plagiarize" when you are writing a tradition? The author of Mark relied on oral tradition, the authors of Matthew and Luke used Mark and Q (which may have been oral), and the author of John used something else.

1. Odyssey 10-12: Odysseus and crew leave Troy and sail back to Achaea.

Acts 20:7-12: Paul and crew stop at Troy, having left Achaea to sail back to Jerusalem.

2. Odyssey 10-12: First person plural (most of book 10).

Acts 20:7-12: First person plural (20:1-8). (Gott note: these were switches from third person to first person.)

3. Odyssey 10-12: After a sojourn, a meal (10.466-77).

Acts: 20:7-12: After a sojourn, a meal (20:6,7,11).

4. Odyssey 10-12: Circe's 'dark halls' (10.479.)

Acts: 20:7-12: There were plenty of lamps in the upper room (20:8).

5. Odyssey 10-12: 'sweet sleep (glukon upnon, 10.548).

Acts 20:7-12: 'deep sleep' (upno bathei, 20:9).

6. Odyssey 10-12: Switch to third person (10.552).

Acts 20:7-12: Switch to third person (20:9).

7. Odyssey 10-12: There was one, Elpenor, the youngest of all lying on the roof (10.552).

Acts 20:7-12: A certain young man named Eutychus was seated at a window (20:9).

8. Odyssey 10-12: Elpenor fell from a roof (10.559-11.64).

Acts 20:7-12: Eutychus fell from the third story (20:9).

9. Odyssey 10-12: Elpenor's soul (psuche) goes to Hades (10.560-11.65).

Acts 20:7-12: Eutychus's soul (psuche) stays in him (20:10).

10. Odyssey 10-12: Delay in burying Elpenor until dawn of the next day (12.1-15).

Acts 20:7-12: Delay in raising Eutychus until dawn of the next day (20:11).

11. Odyssey 10-12: Associates fetch the body 12.10).

Acts 20:7-12: Associates revive the body (20:12).[/QUOTE]

He was the favorite son of a wealthy father Gen. 37:3 Matt. 3:17
He was a shepherd Gen. 37:2 John 10:11-14
He was taken into Egypt to avoid being killed Gen. 37:28 Matt. 2:13
He became a servant Gen. 39:4 Phil. 2:7
He began his ministry at the age of thirty Gen. 41:46 Luke 3:23
He was filled with the Spirit of God Gen. 41:38 Luke 4:1
He returned good for evil Gen.50:20 Matt. 5:44
He was humble and unspoiled by wealth Gen. 45:7-8 John 13:12
He was taught by God Gen. 41:16 John 5:19
He loved people freely Gen. 45:15 John 13:34
He gained the confidence of others quickly Gen. 39:3 Matt. 8:8
He gave bread to hungry people that came to him Gen. 41:57 Mark 6:41
He resisted the most difficult temptations Gen. 39:8-9 Heb. 4:15
He was given vision into the future Gen. 37:6 Matt. 24:3
He tested people to reveal their true nature Gen. 42:25 Mark 11:30
He was hated for his teachings Gen. 37:8 John 7:7
He was sold for the price of a slave Gen. 37:28 Matt. 26:15
He was falsely accused Gen. 39:14 Mark 14:56
He was silent before his accuser Gen. 39:20 Mark 15:4
He was condemned between two prisoners Gen. 40:2-3 Luke 23:32
He was dead before his father Gen. 37:33 Luke 23:46
He was held for two, and was free on the third Gen. 41:1 Luke 9:22
He arose into a new life Gen. 41:41 Mark 16:6
He was not recognized by his own brethren Gen. 42.8 Luke 24:37
He returned to his father Gen. 46:29 Mark 16:19
He became a lord / Lord Gen. 45:8 Rev. 19:16


How do you "plagiarize" when you are writing a tradition?

by using sources in existance already to further your own ideas and faith.

The author of Mark relied on oral tradition, the authors of Matthew and Luke used Mark and Q (which may have been oral),

He probably did, it wouldnt suprise me if he had some short works that no longer exist, or put together a small collection.

and the author of John used something else

Authors or groups of authors from a johannine community written over a long period of time.

Ah yes the book that really starts seperating the christians from Judaism

As they are all based on earlier traditions, written and/or oral, who cares?

I think the point he is trying to make is that the gospels are layered like a onion, and the further sway from mark and Q you get, historicity drops off sharply. Funny, and I know you understand, you still need to stay on your toes because when you think theres little historicity you find nuggets of truth like how modern scholars are doing with john


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by using sources in existance already to further your own ideas and faith.
That's not plaigerism. Did Shakespeare "plagiarize" Hamlet because a version of Amleth (Hamlet) exited in his day? No, because the point wasn't to tell a new story. And west side story didn't plagiarize Romeo and Juliet.

I think the point he is trying to make is that the gospels are layered like a onion
What he said was
I tend to read only the "Gospel of Mark" as it seems to be closer to the Original
the rest, Matthew-Luke-John i can't read, they just poorly written.
Mark is poorly written. All the others are better written.


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2. Odyssey 10-12: First person plural (most of book 10).

Acts 20:7-12: First person plural (20:1-8). (Gott note: these were switches from third person to first person.)
Wow. This gets better and better. Guess what? I've written most of my posts on this thread in the first person. Perhaps all (I don't care to check). Who cares?

Odyssey 10-12: Odysseus and crew leave Troy and sail back to Achaea.

Acts 20:7-12: Paul and crew stop at Troy, having left Achaea to sail back to Jerusalem.

It's AMAZING! More than one story in the ancient world involved boats! Except:
You cited the wrong lines from Acts and there's nothing about troy.

How exciting. What won't you think of next?


Im just playing the middle of the road here

That's not plaigerism.

By definition it is.

Mark is poorly written

while I agree on a literary basis

it generally carries more historicity for the fact we can see how the others built their work around his legends and expanded on them fictionaly in some cases.

Im following your side of this more then you think.


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By definition it is.
Using that definition, Romeo and Juliet is plagiarism, West Side story is plagiarism, rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is plagiarism, and so on. Have you by chance read the Sherlock Holmes stories? Or, more importantly, are you familiar with his catch phrase "the game's afoot!" ? It's a direct quote from Shakespeare's Henry V. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle doesn't cite Shakespeare. Is it plagiarism? How about Hemingway's The Sun also Rises? The title is "plagiarized" from Ecclesiastes.


Using that definition, Romeo and Juliet is plagiarism, West Side story is plagiarism, rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is plagiarism, and so on. Have you by chance read the Sherlock Holmes stories? Or, more importantly, are you familiar with his catch phrase "the game's afoot!" ? It's a direct quote from Shakespeare's Henry V. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle doesn't cite Shakespeare. Is it plagiarism? How about Hemingway's The Sun also Rises? The title is "plagiarized" from Ecclesiastes.

The Gospel place entire quotes from Isaiah dedicated to Cyrus and pointlessly place them in the gospels, at least in Luke, Jesus last words are not plagiarized.