Jesus in me
Personally I don't believe in blame. Not saying it's wrong for you to do so. For me I just see people going about things the best they can. Also I have in my head that I can't be harmed unless I allow others to harm me. So my allowance of that harm I see as making me responsible. A lack of attachment prevents harm as well. I'm not saying I'm completely detached but enough so that causing me any harm is not an easy task.
I believe I know where you are coming from but I don't see it as beneficial. However there is an element of it in Christianity that although one suffers harm in the short run one is not harmed in the long run. The way I am harmed in the long run is committing sin myself.
Kind of too bad IMO. I venerate many of the teachings of Jesus. However protestant churches seem to push the theology of Paul.
I believe Paul is the only one who has a systematic theology. I have a problem with rote prayer because it can lead to mumbling the words without seeing the significance of them. However I think a reminder is good now and then.
When I was 17, I gave my life to God. Not Jesus, just God. Whatever in my life cause me to reach that point, I was sincere. However being raised a Christian, I had often gone to the front of the church with the obligatory acceptance of Jesus as my lord and savior. The acceptance of Jesus did nothing for me. Nothing happened, nothing changed in my life.
I believe it is due to the fact that you already went through the experience when you accepted God so accepting Jesus was redundant.
When I offered my life to God, all of my burden was lifted from me. It was quite an spiritual experience. I felt the presence of God and I was surrounded by light. I was unable to see anything around me because of the light.
I believe God visits people as He sees fit but it sounds a little like the Pauline experience. My light was diffuse and soft.
After that my worry left me because I felt that God was guiding me.
Much later I actually started reading the Bible mainly in order to dispute it. Because of my church upbringing, and my spiritual experience, I felt there was something terribly wrong with Christianity. However I was surprised to fine that much of what Jesus said fit with my experiences.
I assume speaking in tongues means to be able to speak in a known language that one has no knowledge of, not just glossolalia. I can let myself "speak" in what appears to be a language but I suspect it is just gibberish. It's a little freaky because I've no conscious control over it. It maybe something the mind is unconsciously capable of.
Real speaking in tongues I'd think as I said, one should be able to speak clearly in a foreign language.
The mind is very tricky. To me the mind is the adversary. It is the real "devil". It can fool a person into accepting itself as evidence of the Holy Spirit. People have a real spiritual experience and afterwards the mind steps in convincing a person that all manner of random thoughts were delivered by the Holy Spirit.
I wouldn't expect to convince you otherwise. You have to trust your best understanding on this. Not someone else's. I just try to be as honest as I can with my own experiences.
I suspect that Christianity, the intent of the original Church was to provide a fellowship for people afflicted with such spiritual experiences. Not to dictate the only correct and proper way to approach God. To support the honesty of the experience and not denounce what others experienced if it didn't fit with the proper theology.
I think there are some Christian groups this is still true of, like the Quakers for example. Some individual Christians. That appear incredibly spiritual to me.
However I find the same among other beliefs as well. Many individuals trying their best to understand these spiritual experiences.
I believe the language I receive is a real language but not one of earth. All foreign languages sound like gibberish to me. I believe the language is a gift from God so I don't attribute it to anything else. However I believe Satan can counterfeit it and someone not knowing God could also speak in tongues.
I believe this happens also but not yet to me because I have no need of it.
I believe being able to discern whether something is spiritual is also a gift.
I believe so but the nature of man is to make up his own rules as Jesus told the Pharisees "you make up your own rules that even you don't obey" (That is a paraphrase and not a direct quote).
The Quakers have their own rules that they have made up. I attended Friends Meeting for a while but I missed communion and an hour of silence didn't do much for me. We had a Pagan and a Buddhist attending so their is no doubt they welcome many people to their fellowship. However they were not as welcoming to Muslims who they perceived as breaking Quaker rules.
Finding a place to fellowship is always difficult but I go where Jesus sends me. I believe wherever I go now there will be a level of discomfort. It helps for me to remember that Jesus allows a church that is less than perfect while calling it to be better. The letters to the churches in Revelations gives some idea of how Jesus views the church.