I do! My conviction and the way he changed my life when I couldnt tells me he's real. If you set aside all these notions that Hell is this or that and just think of the Bible as one story (I know you know the story). It is very clear that hell is real.
God created time so we can't fathom a life outside of it. It's like understand finite math with out someone showing you.
So hell from a believers point of view is the result of the fall of a angel. Maybe its as simple as that God is love and can't kill so he must allow the devil kill himself through free will. We got trapped here and God is sorry, so he intervened with his son and gave those who wanted out a way. An ecscape from this world. It really works, I promise with all my heart that if you can die to this world and put it all on his shoulders he will appear. You will know with out a shadow of a doubt he's real, therefore hell is real.
Sorry now I'm preaching,
I just know you have all the tools to find him.