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What homosexuality means to me

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
This is also for individuals struggling with their attractions. It's not a guideline but a way to get out how we are brought up to see our relations with ourselves and others and learn about who we are and define ourselves. It also means finding your identity whether you rather call yourself Queer or avoid the "gay" word altogether.

Homosexuality is an spiritual, physical, mental, affectionate unconditional and conditional love and attraction to individuals of the same gender.

1. It means being able to walk with my girlfriend hand in hand at the mall or skate with her during the slow “partner” songs without the instructions of “male/female couples only.”

2. It means hoping that people define us by who we are as people and not just what is between our legs.

3. It means understanding the difference between homosexual lifestyle/action and homosexual identity/who a person is.

4. It means identifying a person by how he or she wants to be seen not how we want to see them.

5. It means I am allowed to say “This is my wife” not “this is my partner or significant other.”

6. It means being married in our house of worship not form a union in a building of court.

7. It means sharing the same identity with my wife not because she is a female but because she is a person with whom has many traits that lets me know she is my wife without needing to look solely at gender.

8. It means putting an S with LGBTQIA

9. It means not being ignorant that sexuality is not a black and white affair. That sexuality is a blessing and a gift.

10. It means that because of our painful and/or unique experiences as a LGBTQIA community, we have the exotic privilege to shape sexuality and its definition beyond the walls of procreation

11. It means being comfortable with who we are inside and out

12. It means that we are honest with ourselves and how we see ourselves and with the person we love

13. It means having the mental and outward freedom to speak of our wives or husbands as a straight couple would their spouse

14. It means taking out the words “gay couple” and “straight couple” and just say couple.

15. It means marriage is not limited to people who can have children the “natural way.”

16. It means…

I can go on.

Homosexuality is a misused and misunderstood word. Taking out religion, if we accept and respect everyone, then we would have to accept and respect how people define and identify themselves not how we choose to define them.

Many people want peace. There are only a few I know who rather say tolerance. Yet all say they love the LGBTQ community just not what they do.

If you love us, you have to love everything that makes us who we are as people. You have to love who we love because that love is a part of us. You have to accept how we love because that action given appropriate means and intentions is a part of us.

If you cannot do this, just be blunt and call it tolerance.

My new RF catch phrase: “tolerance is not in the definition of peace.”



Aštara, Blade of Aštoreth
The way I see it, the vast majority of people on this earth have done nothing to deserve my love or respect, and I feel no obligation to just give it out to them for free (even though I sometimes do). I choose who I love and respect, and something as insignificant to me as some stranger's sexual preferences establishes absolutely no default connection between myself and them. As such, despite being bisexual I deny any affiliation with any "LGBT community", because for me the term implies a lie, a delusion, some perceived connection between myself and random strangers- a connection that does not exist.

Homosexuality to me represents a blind spot, an ignorance, towards beauty and erotic potential in members of the opposite sex. Heterosexuality represents a blind spot and ignorance towards beauty and erotic potential of members the same sex. The term "bisexual" decribes one who with clarity perceives (and in many cases experiences) beauty and erotic potential of both sexes.

I hope nobody takes offense to this. Everyone has their blind spots and are ignorant about something. No human knows and experiences everything there is to know and experience in one life.

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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I honestly don't think homosexuality is much of an issue in our
society today except in the minds of the homosexuals.
Frankly very few "straight" people care.
I'm in recovery from alcohol addiction and attend recovery group
meetings at least 5 days a week.
( I drank seven days a week so five days a week in recovery is a cheap
price to pay for my life.)
I attend one L.G.B.T. meeting open to ALL open minded people
in recovery.
My A.A. sponsor is an openly gay white man.
His partner is an openly gay black man.
At the L.G.B.T. recovery meetings I hug the men I know, gay men!
The ones I know well I kiss.
They love me and I love them and they accept me with deep affection as a straight man.
If any straight male here has a problem with me kissing some gay friends on the lips then
I suggest psychotherapy.
My fiance attends meetings with me and she has NO ISSUES with me kissing some
close gay men friends.
I have a strong female side that blesses me with kindness, sensitivity, & deep emotions.
I'm not a wuss either as many felons I put into prison will attest to.:D
The L.G.B.T. people do not mention sexuality at the recovery meetings
and the straight people (me and my fiance) enjoy the immense love in those
recovery meetings.
So if anyone here is gay "get over it".
In my mind there are many more important issues to deal with.
Like my children, grand children, my fiance, fishing, hunting, archery, .............................
No one cares about another persons sexuality. Get a life.
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The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
I honestly don't think homosexuality is much of an issue in our
society today except in the minds of the homosexuals.
Frankly very few "straight" people care.
I'm in recovery from alcohol addiction and attend recovery group
meetings at least 5 days a week.
( I drank seven days a week so five days a week in recovery is a cheap
price to pay for my life.)
I attend one L.G.B.T. meeting open to ALL open minded people
in recovery.
My A.A. sponsor is an openly gay white man.
His partner is an openly gay black man.
At the L.G.B.T. recovery meetings I hug the men I know, gay men!
The ones I know well I kiss.
They love me and I love them and they accept me with deep affection as a straight man.
If any straight male here has a problem with me kissing some gay friends on the lips then
I suggest psychotherapy.
My fiance attends meetings with me and she has NO ISSUES with me kissing some
close gay men friends.
I have a strong female side that blesses me with kindness, sensitivity, & deep emotions.
I'm not a wuss either as many felons I put into prison will attest to.:D
The L.G.B.T. people do not mention sexuality at the recovery meetings
and the straight people (me and my fiance) enjoy the immense love in those
recovery meetings.
So if anyone here is gay "get over it".
In my mind there are many more important issues to deal with.
Like my children, grand children, my fiance, fishing, hunting, archery, .............................
No one cares about another persons sexuality. Get a life.

You obviously care enough to write a post of notable length - couldn't just navigate away without saying anything either. Why is it when gay people put this sort of thing up there's always at least one person backlashing and basically saying "stop rubbing your sexuality in my face"? You forget that for LGBTs, merely holding your partners hand or kissing them in public can be a controversial act; especially these days. Especially in America where you have a vice-president elect (just to clarify, is that the right term?) who thinks homosexuality can and ought to be cured with electro-shock therapy.

Oh, and of course people care about others' sexuality. Where have you been for the past... well, forever, really? The whole furore about gays being given the same right to marriage as straight people in multiple countries and how plenty of people want it repealed because it conflicts with their religious definition of marriage, the 'religious freedom bills' that essentially legalise the 'right to discriminate', the fact that in some states you can still get fired for being gay etc.

So yes, people do care.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
/Takes a deep breathe/ At least you're honest. Here is how I feel.
I honestly don't think homosexuality is much of an issue in our
society today except in the minds of the homosexuals.
Frankly very few "straight" people care.

1. We have been trying to get marriage equality approved by our states if not government for years.

2. Parents have kicked their own children out of their homes. If they did not care, many children would not be beaten and abused like my cousin all because he is transgender while others GBLQI or A.

3. My co-worker told me that because I don't believe in Christ, I am going to hell. She also insulted me when she chose to show me someone who says he was homosexual but by the grace of god, he was cured.

4. My other friend says that the GLBT community are bound by celibacy; so many Catholics in the community cannot get married in their own Church.

5. We have PRIDE day not just because we want equality but it started when people didn't care about others at the Stone Wall incident and beat people they thought were homosexuals. That was a day that we started saying "hey, we are human too."

6. The Church cares so much that they have a program to help fix GLBTQA individuals from their disorder (as so says their CCC)

7. The military has discharged many people just because they thought someone was gay. Leonard Malcovich says that they gave him a medal for killing two men but a discharged for loving one.

At the L.G.B.T. recovery meetings I hug the men I know, gay men!
The ones I know well I kiss.

You are not part of the LGBTQ community all because you kissed a guy. It goes beyond kisses, cuts, and sexual actions. We don't even have to kiss or make love to be GLBTQIA. So, that reference doesn't support your point. Though kind of weird for me to hear coming from my environment and how I was raised.

They love me and I love them and they accept me with deep affection as a straight man.

That's unconditional love. You're talking about your experiences. If you were LGBTQ, you'd probably have a different take on it depending on the year you were raised, your upbringing, and your environment.

The L.G.B.T. people do not mention sexuality at the recovery meetings

If their sexual identity doesn't present a problem in their recovery, of course they wouldn't. It's an AA meaning not a support group for LGBT. You may have LGBT siting across from you. We don't always think of sexuality every minute of our lives.

So if anyone here is gay "get over it".

If anyone here is "black" get over it.

If anyone here is upset that men are treating women at a lower standard: get over it

If you can't get married because someone tells you you can't, get over it.

If you are drinking and have a problem with it, don't talk about it. Don't seek recovery. Just "Get over it."

You know how discriminatory that statement you made just sounded. Your religion aside for a minute, can you see the hate in that?

In my mind there are many more important issues to deal with.
Like my children, grand children, my fiance, fishing, hunting, archery,
LGBTQIA community have the same issues. For example:

1. At one time the LGBT community could not adopt children
2. People tell us that we cannot get married only form a union
3. Did you know there are some places that only allow straight people to become part of their groups and community activities?

Yes, LBGTQIA community is raising a big issue about equality. To ignore that is, well, I can't think of a good word for it. Feels like I've gone back in time for a minute there

No one cares about another persons sexuality. Get a life.

We care about our identity. Sexuality is a part of it.

Deaf people care about people accepting them for their identity as Deaf and not associating their ability to hear with how they relate within their community

African Americans care about their identity and to those who suffered in the same way, care that we support each other via our history and things we go through today

We are focusing on our identity. Sexuality is a part of it; and, when you deny us by expressing who we are (as mentioned in my OP and above), we can't just "Get a life."

That's like telling you to get over your personal struggles with why you are at AA because I don't drink and I know people who dont.

That's just, well, ridiculous.

Why post something so negative?
If that's how you feel, why did you post?
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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
LGBT have their own thread?
Another way not to deal with the LGBT community?
What about a Catholic only thread?
A Christian gun owners only thread?
A thread only for people in recovery from addiction.
Why let other members know how minority members feel
and are affected by society?
Let these "other" members be hidden away on a forum of their own
so no one can interact with them.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
LGBT have their own thread?

Yep. We have a Thelema thread, escoterism thread, divination, historical, the green room, the animal world, entertainment and their subs, homework and tutoring room, among others I do not see used often to not at all.

You don't have to post anything in the GLBTQIA DIR (if there would be one). You don't even have to form opinions about it. It's for people who identify as such (and allies depending on how its titled) who want to share among themselves in an open environment as well as support each other in their experiences as G-A experience. It's for people who can talk among like minded people about anything under the sun without having to dumb our language when we talk about our husband, wives, and girlfriends, and boyfriends. It's a safe zone.

AA has a safe zone. I don't drink, so it would be inappropriate for me to be part of an AA meetig. It's not hidden in private. It's a public group who specifically helps and supports people going through problems related to Alcoholism (not limited to).

Since there is a green room, I wouldn't be surprised if there were an AA room here. Though we don't talk about AA much. G-A usually go to seeker forums or religious debates because there is really no place to go to talk about things without being "tucked away" in the corner in a Rainbow room.

What about a Catholic only thread?

They do have their own thread.

A Christian gun owners only thread?

Out of all the forums listed here, I wouldn't be surprised if that came up.

A thread only for people in recovery from addiction.

This too. Which would make sense if people in AA want to talk among themselves just as in the sexuality room, we talk about things that may bother us in on that topic. Given its would be a DIR, at least you wouldn't have people boasting in on your private conversations with people who go through similar things as you.

Why let other members know how minority members feel

It depends on the members. Some people feel that we shouldn't be "hidden in the closet" by others. Some of us are openly gay and rather have an open thread not a thread tucked away. Some of us are open in nature. Others think its educational and well meaning to talk about a topic that's taboo so at least readers can understand the other shoe even if they disagree with it. There are countless reasons for not tucking people away in the closet.

Why let other members know how minority members feel and are affected by society?
Where have you been? We had the Civil Rights movement, Feminist, um, gosh, my history, Stone Wall Riots/PRIDE movement, among others. In America, we are allowed to protest and we have freedom of speech.

Plus, staying in the closet doesn't help with changing society to that of equality rather than hierarchy. Unless you don't agree with equality?

Let these "other" members be hidden away on a forum of their own so no one can interact with them.

The other point of a GLBTQIA DIR rather than a Rainbow Room is so that other people can interact (under DIR rules). In the Rainbow room, that's not possible. Plus, many new members don't know it exists and may feel closeted yet again. But I won't speak in detail about my feelings on that. Only that a DIR for GLBTQIA would be helpful just as an AA DIR would.

However, there isn't a high demand and people who come here that express their need for AA DIR. Also, there are so many topics, how can RF possibly cater to all people. So it depends on the higher ups rather than personal opinion.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
LGBT have their own thread?
Another way not to deal with the LGBT community?

Right. Just as letting almost every other labelled group out there have their own DIR is "not dealing" with them either.

What about a Catholic only thread?

Yeah, exactly. Just like this one.

A Christian gun owners only thread?

If you want to start a gun owners thread in the Christian DIR I doubt anyone will stop you.

A thread only for people in recovery from addiction.

Same again. If you feel the inclination to start something like this then by all means go for it.

Why let other members know how minority members feel
and are affected by society?

Because these things happen and people want to talk about them - even if they burst your rosy view of the world?

Let these "other" members be hidden away on a forum of their own
so no one can interact with them.

Well either give LGBTs a DIR of their own where they can discuss issues common to their community free of outside debate (like everyone else) or continue to have them post where everyone can needlessly challenge them and we can always get a member or two who flies off the handle because they feel the need to say

No one cares about another persons sexuality. Get a life.


Premium Member
What's the status of the discussion on creating a Queer/GSM/LGBTQQIA/Whatever it's going to be called DIR? I know there was some polling and discussion by the high-up-types, but has it kind of ground to a halt for a bit?

It does seem like a very common-sense move. If nothing else, it gets boring whenever people who are in favour of equality and have some awareness of the issues challenging it have to wade through this other nonsense every time there's a thread on the subject.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The way I see it, the vast majority of people on this earth have done nothing to deserve my love or respect, and I feel no obligation to just give it out to them for free (even though I sometimes do). I choose who I love and respect, and something as insignificant to me as some stranger's sexual preferences establishes absolutely no default connection between myself and them. As such, despite being bisexual I deny any affiliation with any "LGBT community", because for me the term implies a lie, a delusion, some perceived connection between myself and random strangers- a connection that does not exist.

Homosexuality to me represents a blind spot, an ignorance, towards beauty and erotic potential in members of the opposite sex. Heterosexuality represents a blind spot and ignorance towards beauty and erotic potential of members the same sex. The term "bisexual" decribes one who with clarity perceives (and in many cases experiences) beauty and erotic potential of both sexes.

I hope nobody takes offense to this. Everyone has their blind spots and are ignorant about something. No human knows and experiences everything there is to know and experience in one life.

I had to think awhile before I reply. It's interesting that heterosexuality and homosexuality could be considered as blind spots. I talked with one lady in my class who said she was pansexual. I asked her what that meant and she said, if I remember, someone who does not see gender when forming a relationship. So basically, that part of a person is mute.

I always found that weird. In homosexuality (as defined in my OP), we see the beauty in those of the same gender in that with whom we would like to relate to more than friends and platonic friendships. It doesn't mean homosexuals and heterosexuals are blind to their opposite or same gender opponents. I'd probably call the "blind spot" more a leaning towards one gender as opposed to another. Unless someone isn't human, I haven't heard of any heterosexual or homosexual who hasn't found their same-sex or opposite-sex attractive some time in their lives. We are human.

I feel it goes beyond attraction. So, I guess that blind spot would not be not seeing the other party as attractive. I see many attractive men. It's how one naturally feels towards one gender as opposed to another. It's not something we can help. I am crushing over a girl as we speak and have no clue if she likes me like that or not. It just happened. I didn't even think she was my type either.

But it wasn't a blind spot to guys. Just like those rocky road ice cream, I like chocolate, so naturally my eyes gleam over the Rock Road and head for the chocolate. Not saying Rocky Road isn't "attractive". I find interest little or not in all flavors. Just naturally my taste buds favor chocolate.

Your post doesn't seem offensive and it's a strong opinion and well said.


Big Queer Chesticles!
This is also for individuals struggling with their attractions. It's not a guideline but a way to get out how we are brought up to see our relations with ourselves and others and learn about who we are and define ourselves. It also means finding your identity whether you rather call yourself Queer or avoid the "gay" word altogether.

Homosexuality is an spiritual, physical, mental, affectionate unconditional and conditional love and attraction to individuals of the same gender.

1. It means being able to walk with my girlfriend hand in hand at the mall or skate with her during the slow “partner” songs without the instructions of “male/female couples only.”

2. It means hoping that people define us by who we are as people and not just what is between our legs.

3. It means understanding the difference between homosexual lifestyle/action and homosexual identity/who a person is.

4. It means identifying a person by how he or she wants to be seen not how we want to see them.

5. It means I am allowed to say “This is my wife” not “this is my partner or significant other.”

6. It means being married in our house of worship not form a union in a building of court.

7. It means sharing the same identity with my wife not because she is a female but because she is a person with whom has many traits that lets me know she is my wife without needing to look solely at gender.

8. It means putting an S with LGBTQIA

9. It means not being ignorant that sexuality is not a black and white affair. That sexuality is a blessing and a gift.

10. It means that because of our painful and/or unique experiences as a LGBTQIA community, we have the exotic privilege to shape sexuality and its definition beyond the walls of procreation

11. It means being comfortable with who we are inside and out

12. It means that we are honest with ourselves and how we see ourselves and with the person we love

13. It means having the mental and outward freedom to speak of our wives or husbands as a straight couple would their spouse

14. It means taking out the words “gay couple” and “straight couple” and just say couple.

15. It means marriage is not limited to people who can have children the “natural way.”

16. It means…

I can go on.

Homosexuality is a misused and misunderstood word. Taking out religion, if we accept and respect everyone, then we would have to accept and respect how people define and identify themselves not how we choose to define them.

Many people want peace. There are only a few I know who rather say tolerance. Yet all say they love the LGBTQ community just not what they do.

If you love us, you have to love everything that makes us who we are as people. You have to love who we love because that love is a part of us. You have to accept how we love because that action given appropriate means and intentions is a part of us.

If you cannot do this, just be blunt and call it tolerance.

My new RF catch phrase: “tolerance is not in the definition of peace.”


I love this :heartpulse:

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Good reason for a LGBT DIR is so we dont alwaya either have to defend ourselves are be challenged by individuals who dont share our experiences or allies in hopes to either understand, learn, or share their experiences knowing someone who is LGBTQIA.


This is also for individuals struggling with their attractions. It's not a guideline but a way to get out how we are brought up to see our relations with ourselves and others and learn about who we are and define ourselves. It also means finding your identity whether you rather call yourself Queer or avoid the "gay" word altogether.

Homosexuality is an spiritual, physical, mental, affectionate unconditional and conditional love and attraction to individuals of the same gender.

1. It means being able to walk with my girlfriend hand in hand at the mall or skate with her during the slow “partner” songs without the instructions of “male/female couples only.”

2. It means hoping that people define us by who we are as people and not just what is between our legs.

3. It means understanding the difference between homosexual lifestyle/action and homosexual identity/who a person is.

4. It means identifying a person by how he or she wants to be seen not how we want to see them.

5. It means I am allowed to say “This is my wife” not “this is my partner or significant other.”

6. It means being married in our house of worship not form a union in a building of court.

7. It means sharing the same identity with my wife not because she is a female but because she is a person with whom has many traits that lets me know she is my wife without needing to look solely at gender.

8. It means putting an S with LGBTQIA

9. It means not being ignorant that sexuality is not a black and white affair. That sexuality is a blessing and a gift.

10. It means that because of our painful and/or unique experiences as a LGBTQIA community, we have the exotic privilege to shape sexuality and its definition beyond the walls of procreation

11. It means being comfortable with who we are inside and out

12. It means that we are honest with ourselves and how we see ourselves and with the person we love

13. It means having the mental and outward freedom to speak of our wives or husbands as a straight couple would their spouse

14. It means taking out the words “gay couple” and “straight couple” and just say couple.

15. It means marriage is not limited to people who can have children the “natural way.”

16. It means…

I can go on.

Homosexuality is a misused and misunderstood word. Taking out religion, if we accept and respect everyone, then we would have to accept and respect how people define and identify themselves not how we choose to define them.

Many people want peace. There are only a few I know who rather say tolerance. Yet all say they love the LGBTQ community just not what they do.

If you love us, you have to love everything that makes us who we are as people. You have to love who we love because that love is a part of us. You have to accept how we love because that action given appropriate means and intentions is a part of us.

If you cannot do this, just be blunt and call it tolerance.

My new RF catch phrase: “tolerance is not in the definition of peace.”

When a person prays and meditates, the awarenesses of naturalness returns. When it returns, there's no desire for homosexually. The natural desire is implanted by God and brings understanding. Homosexually brings confusion and the prayers and meditation fails as the devil dances in joy

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
When a person prays and meditates, the awarenesses of naturalness returns. When it returns, there's no desire for homosexually. The natural desire is implanted by God and brings understanding. Homosexually brings confusion and the prayers and meditation fails as the devil dances in joy

How do you desire for homosexuality?

What about sexual orientation brings confusion?

A lot of homosexual Christians (Christians who have a spiritual/physical/mental attraction to same-gender) have straight relationships and family because they feel god rather them have a family regardless of their sexual orientation.

They are still gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender (if LGBA) etc.

It's not an action and it's not a desire.

I'm being a homosexual right now. I'm about to get something to eat, take a break from this computer, and think of what I need to do today. Then, I may take a walk outside, go to a thrift shop and buy some clothes, and take a nap.

That's what homosexuals do. Take away the word homosexual and talk about what's really the issue: the action. Any person can have same-sex relations. Straight people included.


Please don't make same-sex actions as if it is a homosexual behavior. It is not. In the Bible, homosexuality just a part of sexual promiscuity. This includes straight people too.


Veteran Member
When a person prays and meditates, the awarenesses of naturalness returns. When it returns, there's no desire for homosexually. The natural desire is implanted by God and brings understanding. Homosexually brings confusion and the prayers and meditation fails as the devil dances in joy




How do you desire for homosexuality?

What about sexual orientation brings confusion?

A lot of homosexual Christians (Christians who have a spiritual/physical/mental attraction to same-gender) have straight relationships and family because they feel god rather them have a family regardless of their sexual orientation.

They are still gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender (if LGBA) etc.

It's not an action and it's not a desire.

I'm being a homosexual right now. I'm about to get something to eat, take a break from this computer, and think of what I need to do today. Then, I may take a walk outside, go to a thrift shop and buy some clothes, and take a nap.

That's what homosexuals do. Take away the word homosexual and talk about what's really the issue: the action. Any person can have same-sex relations. Straight people included.


Please don't make same-sex actions as if it is a homosexual behavior. It is not. In the Bible, homosexuality just a part of sexual promiscuity. This includes straight people too.
Your mind is not on God but yourself