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What if I'm wrong????


Harvey Wallbanger
My heart and thoughts go out to you. I can only speak from my own expiriences with this struggle though. Many find that the struggles and questioning only make them stronger and their blind faith a more true belief. If you are Christian then, go back and take solice in stories such as Job or Jesus being tested in the desert. Perhaps you will find more than faith!.... or maybe a new path as I did. (I will be happy to tell you of my expirience with this fight privately or publicly on this thread- merely ask and ye shall receive)

The only advise I could give would be to say thus:

To know THYSELF is to love thyself.
To love theyself is to love others.
To love others is to love God.

Many act without knowing what it is they are doing. Find yourself and then you will start to find answers that no other person can give you. Then you may act accordingly, with a pure spirit and mind. That you may be troubled no more someday:angel2:


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Incredible how open you were in your post, Abram. :flower:

I think your faith is being put to the ultimate test, and this is actually a very good thing IMO. If one were never tested, one can't ever grow spiritually. In the long run, then, this great test of your faith will produce great results if you have the courage to continue down this path.

BTW, if the Jews ARE right, then I'll be in the same place as you, Abram. :D



Well-Known Member
*slaps you upside the head*:slap: do NOT doubt yourself!!! those are the people i loathe the most are the people who balance on the fence, always asking themselves "is this right? or is that?" take CONFIDENCE in what you do and what you believe, ive seen people tear themselves apart and commit suicide because they had no idea what to do, but you have an idea, its a small spark now but blow on it and it will become a fire in your soul. i once doubted myself, and that was the worst year of my life. but i gained hope and now im doing great. wrong and right in this case are what you percive them to be. im sorry if i was harsh in any way. but c'mon people honestly. i hope everyone takes a lesson from what ive said, having confidence in what you do is crucial to life, it might turn out you were wrong, so what? a mistake is better then no action at all, at least you can learn from mistakes. right?

Karl R

Active Member
BFD_Asatru said:
those are the people i loathe the most are the people who balance on the fence, always asking themselves "is this right? or is that?"
When Gandhi decided something must be done about British imperialism in India, he spent several years in isolation, meditating and praying, before he came out and began to act.

BFD_Asatru said:
take CONFIDENCE in what you do and what you believe,
President Bush and Reverend Phelps have complete confidence in what they believe. I think the world would be better off if they had some doubts.

BFD_Asatru said:
i once doubted myself, and that was the worst year of my life. but i gained hope and now im doing great.
Doubt isn't pleasant, but if you confront and explore your doubts, your faith will grow.

It's the people who hide from the unpleasantness of doubt that fail to make progress.

BFD_Asatru said:
i hope everyone takes a lesson from what ive said, having confidence in what you do is crucial to life, it might turn out you were wrong, so what? a mistake is better then no action at all, at least you can learn from mistakes. right?
What if your action kills someone? You might be able to learn from your mistake, but you will definitely cramp the learning curve of the deceased.

Of course, your inaction might kill someone, so you can't make a policy of hesitating either.

A music instructor of mine once said, "If you're going to make a mistake, make a good, loud mistake." That works fine for music. A mistake just costs you a little bit of embarassment. It's not a good philosophy for all of life, where the cost can run much higher.


Here's a hint - you are wrong, at least in some ways.

One of my favorite things that my Probability teacher said was "All models are wrong. Some of them are useful."

We are trying to describe something that we can't even begin to imagine. Of course we are wrong. Kinda makes you want to be a bit more charitable to people that are wrong about religion in different ways than you are, doesn't it.


Abram said:
Wow, I can't believe how many of you responded! Thanks for the frubals and advice. I was just venting.

What if you do pray, read the Bible almost every day, listen to at least one sermon a day, have cards with scripture on mirrors, car dash and desk, and have a collection of books from the Koran, Book of Mormon, Bibles of many kinds, CS lewis, and everything in between? This is not something I take lightly. My faith is something I will search and test till I pass from here.

But what I fear, in the heart of it all, is leading someone the wrong way. I can't know for a 100% sure my faith is the faith God wants. How can I tell someone to worship Jesus (my core of my faith). What if the Jews are right? Then I'm telling them to worship a false God. Leading others away! So can I really tell someone what they should believe? No! I'm acting as God!

A lot of folks here simply say "just be good and love everyone." I can't be good on my own and my pride is so full of it self that it will loath in my own pride but hates pride in others. Whats this all about? I'm the last person to trust with the right thing to do.

I don't mind defending my faith, but in order to do this I'm saying I'm right and your wrong. Not just wrong about math or some trivia, but wrong about the creator of the universe and your eternal destiny!

The root of all this headache lies in this. There is a right and wrong answer!
You said earlier in the thread that there are no answers, only more questions? The same "problem" exists in science. Investigating a hypothesis seems to generate a myriad of hypotheses. Maybe you are right to question, but wrong to worry about it. Life is a journey.... Incidentally, I think it is of interest here that natural languages have the capacity for infinite creative expression from finite phonological inputs. It wouldn't matter except we use it.


Well-Known Member
ok, lets see if i can break it down for you guys. i act on blind passion, emotion,honor, and plain gut feeling. its just the person i am, and i realise that there are lots of people out there that like to think things over for a long time. but i am not like that and no matter how you explain it i wont get it. acting both ways can either benefit you or get you into serious trouble. to put it into laymans terms, running blind (the way i do) is the equivilent of running across a battle fied guns blazing, you can either be a hero, or look down and find yourself standing on a landmine, thinking about it is the same as sitting in a trench for hours, carefully taking aim and shooting, you might survive and win, or get hit in the head with a grenade. i think most people will understand that analogy...

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Abram said:
What if I'm wrong????
Who says you need be right? :)

Incidentally, I admire you for being able to be open like that, without pretense. It's much harder to do then we'd like to admit.
Wow, I can't believe how many of you responded! Thanks for the frubals and advice. I was just venting.

What if you do pray, read the Bible almost every day, listen to at least one sermon a day, have cards with scripture on mirrors, car dash and desk, and have a collection of books from the Koran, Book of Mormon, Bibles of many kinds, CS lewis, and everything in between? This is not something I take lightly. My faith is something I will search and test till I pass from here.

But what I fear, in the heart of it all, is leading someone the wrong way. I can't know for a 100% sure my faith is the faith God wants. How can I tell someone to worship Jesus (my core of my faith). What if the Jews are right? Then I'm telling them to worship a false God. Leading others away! So can I really tell someone what they should believe? No! I'm acting as God!

A lot of folks here simply say "just be good and love everyone." I can't be good on my own and my pride is so full of it self that it will loath in my own pride but hates pride in others. Whats this all about? I'm the last person to trust with the right thing to do.

I don't mind defending my faith, but in order to do this I'm saying I'm right and your wrong. Not just wrong about math or some trivia, but wrong about the creator of the universe and your eternal destiny!

The root of all this headache lies in this. There is a right and wrong answer!

Abram, there's a simple cure to your headache. Truth. Tell people the truth about how you feel. Just because you believe in something, and you want to get the logic of your belief across, doesn't mean you have to lie to them and tell them they are wrong and you are right. Simply tell them that you know there is a God, and you have chosen what you believe to be the most logical choice of who that God is, or what messages he has for the world. Tell them you are not 100% sure that what you believe is actually right, just what you think is most probable. If they provide a better logic for the God they believe in, be honest, and let them change you. If what they say about their God doesn't seem to be "up to par" on what you think is the truth, carefully and respectfully explain to them why you think the way you think. You don't have to say to them: "I'm right, you're wrong", because that would be a lie. You really don't know if you are right. Just be honest, truthful, gentle, and trust me, you'll do just fine. :)
Oh yeah, and If you still feel uncomfortable expressing what you believe is the truth, it must mean that you really don't have a secure enough position on that faith to feel comfortable convincing it to other people. Just be honest and say: "All I know is that there is a God. I really don't know who that God could be. May I ask your opinion on the matter?" Maybe they will give you a new perspective that you have never thought of before, maybe not. If they do, be truthful, and tell them you'll look deeper into it. If not, explain to them respectully why it's hard for you to believe what they're saying. If they become irritated or over-defensive, then just walk away from it because you know what: You did all you could do. :)


Abram said:
There is no answers, only more questions:sarcastic

The road to the answers is paved with questions. In that, friend, we are on the same road.

Wow, respecting others' beliefs! Wonder what the world would be like if people could accomplish that!


Reason, and reason again
:hug: This post shows us you care about the eventual well-being of all humanity, which, right now, is the most important trait one can have.