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What if the existence/non existence of God was proven !! ?



michel said:
You're welcome, and have a whole weekend ful of squishy sheepish Luff and hugs from me, too!:hugehug:

I can definitely say - in all sincerity - that you are a real breath of fresh air - since you joined this forum. Please, don't ever think of leaving us!!!:bow:
*Extreme blushing mode*..Thank ewe Michel...thank ewe so much.

As far as ' leaving ' is concerned.....never !.....I would have to do something silly and be banned before I ever left this place...and that won't happen because the sun does in fact shine out of my sheepy bum..LOL !!! *extreme sloppy cheeky mode* :D

*note to self : "say sorry for referring to where the sun shines from !! "*
*note to self re above note to self: " LOL..but in my inane simplistic outlook on life me thinks what me said was funny " *
*note to self etc etc: " Yep, but one persons jocularity is another persons profanity "*
*note to self about etc etc: " oh **** !
!!!* :D


wanderer085 said:
Cetainly not, an alien would have to be of this universe, where a god by definition must be separate from it.(i.e. it was in existence before the universe came into being).
Still Hugging that Wanderer085 !!

But....well...I mean....surely God is Alien from humanity !!........after all........he's God yes ?...The definition of 'Alien ' I am sure does not incur a prerequisite that it must be of this Universe !!...It's just my opinion of course (said with a smile and a hug)....but last time me looked...god was not mowing the lawn or baking a cake !...in fact...me would go as far (and I do not mean to be contentious here) but in my capacity to fathom it........ I would say God must be the quintessential definition of ' Alien '......ewe said it yourself...that God by definition is separate from it...that sounds like ' Alien ' to me !! :shrug:

Though, me needs so be educated accordingly .


Well-Known Member
If God were proven to exist in the sense that is meant, it would be the End of Faith that Sam Harris craves...and the beginning of Mistrust. That would be end of humanity and all Creation: the final nail in the coffin of cosmic love.

It is better to embrace the mystery than die of a poisonous rationale.


Godlike said:
If God were proven to exist in the sense that is meant, it would be the End of Faith that Sam Harris craves...and the beginning of Mistrust. That would be end of humanity and all Creation: the final nail in the coffin of cosmic love.

It is better to embrace the mystery than die of a poisonous rationale.

THANK EWE GODLIKE !! *le sigh*...I have t o say I welcome your opinion greatly.... *sheepy looks up sam harris in Wiki...ooooh !!*....me has a lot of reading to do...in the mean time..

THANK EWE very much for your words..Hugs teh Godlike

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Withdrawnmist said:
What do you think the repercussions would be if the existence or non-existence of God could be proven ?
It would certainly give me pause for thought, and thoughts for pause; but I doubt there would be much change to my beliefs. One can still question the question, with or without knowing the answer. :)

Indeed, in many ways whether or not 'God' 'exists' is quite irrelevant to my religion. *smiles*

As for the effects on wider society, I suspect any (admittedly nebulous) answer would hinge on how one defined and asserted 'religiousity'... Any answer that I could give, should be pondered, and throughly... *does so*

wanderer085 said:
where a god by definition must be separate from it.(i.e. it was in existence before the universe came into being).
Nonsense. What about, by example, the ancient Middle-Eastern or contemporary Chinese Gods?

That's certainly a definition, but hardly a particularly authoritative one. Another definition is that God(s) is/are beyond definition, so subscribing wholly to one or t'other is inherently distracting. ;)

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
wanderer085 said:
where a god by definition must be separate from it.(i.e. it was in existence before the universe came into being).

I have to disagree with this. That is arguing only one view of god. Were the Greek gods seperate from the universe? To a pantheist (or panentheist), is god even indistinguishable from the universe?

God can surely be a highly intelligent (or, at least, technological) being. To another being of lesser technological or scientific achievement, that super-intelligent alien may as well be a god.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I don't think anything would change with me. I don't think there is a God.

For those of you who do, fine. if God does exist then I'm doing everything that God wants me to. This is coming from the understanding of most christian, muslim and jewish faiths. God is the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR OF ALL. God is the all knowing, all seeing, all hearing. God created good and evil.

If the above is true then i am constantly submitting to the will of God no matter what I do.

uhhh...ohhh.........Here it comes.... I can take the criticism.......


Well-Known Member
Boy this is a tough question to answer! or an easy one, depending on whether one allready believes in God or not. I can't really predict what my reaction would be if God were proven to be nonexistant. It would mean everything I've built my life around was a lie. It would mean the collapse of my universe. I don't know how I could go on living. I somewhat admire athiests for what seems to me to be remarkable strength.

However, in my heart, God has already been proven to exist and I won't be a bit surprised if either when I die I eventually get to meet him, or if I get to live until the "second coming" when he comes to the earth. I will definately be humbled and amazed, but not surprised.

Supposing the existence of God were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to all people, as I believe it will be. I don't think it will really be as bad for athiests as some people believe. I mean if you really didn't believe God existed, you would be somewhat exempt from obeying his commandments. That's a gross oversimplification I know. But as opposed to someone who knows God lives and knows his commandments yet ignores them, an athiest who doesn't live something he doesn't believe is far better off.


DreGod07 said:
I don't think anything would change with me. I don't think there is a God.

For those of you who do, fine. if God does exist then I'm doing everything that God wants me to. This is coming from the understanding of most christian, muslim and jewish faiths. God is the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR OF ALL. God is the all knowing, all seeing, all hearing. God created good and evil.

If the above is true then i am constantly submitting to the will of God no matter what I do.

uhhh...ohhh.........Here it comes.... I can take the criticism.......

The only Criticism I have for ewe if for my slef for nit acknoeldging you post earlir !

THANK EWE DreGod07 for your intersteing post and comments therein. I like yor take on the oremise that if there is a Gd then it is your destiny to noit believe in God ! (If that is what I have understaood ewe eman.)

Thanks again.



DavyCrocket2003 said:
Boy this is a tough question to answer! or an easy one, depending on whether one allready believes in God or not. I can't really predict what my reaction would be if God were proven to be nonexistant. It would mean everything I've built my life around was a lie. It would mean the collapse of my universe. I don't know how I could go on living. I somewhat admire athiests for what seems to me to be remarkable strength.

However, in my heart, God has already been proven to exist and I won't be a bit surprised if either when I die I eventually get to meet him, or if I get to live until the "second coming" when he comes to the earth. I will definately be humbled and amazed, but not surprised.

Supposing the existence of God were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to all people, as I believe it will be. I don't think it will really be as bad for athiests as some people believe. I mean if you really didn't believe God existed, you would be somewhat exempt from obeying his commandments. That's a gross oversimplification I know. But as opposed to someone who knows God lives and knows his commandments yet ignores them, an athiest who doesn't live something he doesn't believe is far better off.

Me is one of those agnostical atheistiacl types who doesnt believe but am open minded enough to be willing to convinced...Though me would have to say it would freak me out to the point that I would probably shed all my wool !..and just wander around agog for a month or two. It would be difficult for me to grasp but in the overwhelming proof I would have no chance but to be believe.

Me can imagine that it might be easier for someone like me with an open mind to accept that there is a GOD than for someone who has spent their life believing ( and lived their life following a guideline based on their belief) that there may not be a GOD after all ,.....and that the the scriptures, bibles, texts etc are all fiction !

May I just say that in response to your quote here
DavyCrocket2003 said:
I somewhat admire athiests for what seems to me to be remarkable strength.
Believe me...it's far easier for me to to not believe in something than it is, I think for you, to believe in something !..in MY opinion of course !!! It is very easy for me to imagine the science of the thing than the 'supernaturalness' of it all....it also allows me rather considerable latitude to live my life the way I want to, and not be governed by what me thinks are constraints (In MY opinion)....and that is by my own guidelines (within the realms of the law of course) . I just do the best I can for the family I have .

I did find this comment of yours very interesting indeed ....Me could elaborate a lot more but me is sitting here crossing legs as I really need to do a wee wee !!!:D

Hugs the DreGod07

Johnny Agnost

New Member
people would just go into deial one way or another. They'd just keep plugging their viewpoints claiming that whatever was concluded was a fabrication.


Johnny Agnost said:
people would just go into deial one way or another. They'd just keep plugging their viewpoints claiming that whatever was concluded was a fabrication.

Hi Johnny !

Me agrees....even with undisputed overwhelming evidence there are peeps who despite all of that will still go down Denial Avenue.....these are the scary peeps !!...

Thanks for your answer here...hugs the Johnny..YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!