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What is a god?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, my first thought would be to describe it as some sort of consciousness that does not depend on matter to function. That would rule out any biological beings, like humans or aliens and whatnot. But it leaves in things like ghosts and demons and angels and such. Different religions seem to use the term "god" differently. For instance the Greek pantheon consists of gods, but those gods are basically just like devas in some Dharmic religions in that they are basically just like a human except more advanced.

So I'd say a god in the general sense is some form of conscious being that exists apart from matter and has dramatic power over some aspect of existence.

If we're talking specifically about some sort of monotheistic or panentheistic primordial creator deity, I'd say a god is a an entity with a consciousness that sustains its own existence and origins. In other words, it is utterly independent even with regards to its own existence (uncreated).



Freak of Nature
So I'd say a god in the general sense is some form of conscious being that exists apart from matter and has dramatic power over some aspect of existence.
I totaly agree, very insightfull. I do think he has a conscious memory though seeing as how matter is shaped due to a active force, leaving its mark and making that reality visible. Or in other words Gods brain is big and shiny and we see it every night. We only influence one tiny ball in this massiveness but we influence it with proportional force and leave our mark as he has done with us. Yes we arent needed for completion but we are wanted in its result.


Well-Known Member
The best defination to defince Allah God is describe in Holy Quran ,Surah Ikhlas ( 112:1-4) is:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

you will find all your answers in this four sentence defination.

How do you know this is true, or that there is any such entity?
God is our loving heavenly father. He is the Father of our spirits, and He wants the best for us. he is all knowing and all powerful, and all loving. He wants us to do our best and return to live with him, but not only that. he wants us to become like him. as it says is Romans 8:16 "...we are the children of god. and if children then heirs, even joint heirs with christ."
I've always thought of a god as the subject of outwardly projected human ideals. What I mean by this is that anything a person consciously puts above itself in a manner that allows that force to command, to some extent, the universal outlook, future actions, and intentions of an individual, can become a god of man.


Active Member
How do you know this is true, or that there is any such entity?

Well, how do you know this is not true ?

For me, it makes sense that there is nothing like God (Allah). God as described in Qura'n, he is the one that created the universe, living creatures and everything. He has the infinite control of anything, our life ; actions and how we behave. It is quite reasonable for such entity to be unique, having traits that we haven't experienced nor seen before.

Discussing this in the purpose of proving it, is actually beyond the scope of this thread.


Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
I will give a very rational answer to this question. God is a human concept that comes from human consciousness. If there is anywhere you are going to find any truth of god is by searching within human consciousness. On the hand the concepts are nothing more than human imaginings of that truth. It is very obvious to a rational person that god is not a person with a beard. It does not have many arms and heads. It's name is not Krishna, Shiva, Jesus, Allah, Yaweh or Divine mother. It has no gender. It has no form.
What is a god?

What makes a god a god, to your definiton?
A god is something you think is worthy of worship -- worthy of your highest praise, adoration and emulation.

So what does it take? absolute power? not for me. limitless knowledge? no that's just another name for power. For me there is only one thing that does it and that is goodness -- absolutely and perfectly good. Do I think that God is omnipotent and omniscient? Yes, God can do any logically consistent thing He chooses and know any logically consistent thing He chooses. In fact, I think that God is a limitless infinite being and there is nothing that He needs and so His only motivation is to give of His limitless abundance to others in a perfectly selfless love.

But I don't think that God is limited by omnipotence and omniscience (don't think that is even logically consistent) as if setting these aside would mean that He would cease to be God any more than losing an arm or a memory means that a man ceases to be a man. The God I believe in IS capable of taking risks, making sacrifices, limiting Himself and giving privacy as He chooses. I believe that any true creation that is more than just a dream in His own head is in fact necessarily such an act of self limitation.

Is a god a parent? Someone to love you unconditionally, no matter what? Is a god to rule you with strict dogmas?
Yes God is the designer of the universe, which he made as a womb for the phenomena of life to give birth to living things in whose lives He participates as a farmer, shepherd, teacher and parent to cultivate, encourage, stimulate and teach even if it takes a little pruning, culling the heard and letting some fail so that others will keep learning.

As any parent must, He gives commandments and layes down the law when they are immature and this changes when they are able to think for themselves and be more responsible for themselves. He is always seeking to promote life and that means that he has to shake them out of the habits they get stuck in, so that they develop a greater awareness and thus a greater free will of their own.

Or are we all god, all as one?
No. For me that would be the same as no god at all.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
What is a god?

Is a god a parent? Someone to love you unconditionally, no matter what? Is a god to rule you with strict dogmas? Or are we all god, all as one?

What makes a god a god, to your definiton?

Speaking from a Pagan perspective, a god is a being a human ultimately cannot understand, but I will try to do the term justice. A god is a high ranking astral being, the highest ranking of all spirits, but are not free from emotions and desires. There is a higher underlying reality behind the gods and all living things, like a cosmic force, that can also be called god, but it's not personal. The gods are the most perfect manifestations of this force. They are the oldest and first born of it. Hope that helps.

Edit: It is because the gods and us are both manifestations of this cosmic force that causes the need of our relationship with one another. We and the gods are co-existing living beings, even though they are on a much higher level, and there is something we cannot understand about why we need our relationship, one with another. We get the better end of the stick, the gods are far more beneficial to us then we are to them. We violate their laws and the good things they expect of us, after they have given us intelligence and gifts. We misuse their gifts, but they still love us. I do not understand how the gods are able to love more unconditionally then we can, but I have a theory. Because the gods are much higher manifestations of the One then other life is, they more perfectly reflect the oneness of it, and anyone that knows the oneness of life knows how to show love that does no harm.
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New Member
Personally for me The term God would refer to "us" (call it soul, spirit, consciousness) in a fully enlightened state.


God is the One and Only;
God, the Eternal, Absolute;
God begetteth not, nor is God begotten;
And there is none like unto God.


What is a god?

Is a god a parent? Someone to love you unconditionally, no matter what? Is a god to rule you with strict dogmas? Or are we all god, all as one?

What makes a god a god, to your definiton?

We live in two words, spiritual and physical. God is a spiritual entity, not not a material entity.
