However, dating and working out where they fit into the scheme of things is based on many sciences including theoretical modeling. This modelling is scaffolded against the presumption of ancestry.
Evolution deniers always try to falsely call evidence 'presumption'.
In fact - evolution is a fact supported by a vast body of evidence.
Hence new data changes dates and can change anything eg LUCA, arch was the missing link an is now a sister species, the theory was that bipedal walking was tied to brain increase. This has now been invalidated.
Specific details DO change.
So what?
Please explain why you think it's so important that one point was changed?
True Believers think they have the truth which can never be changed. So when science learns something new - they scream "AHA - see? science was wrong all along. Evolution is false! pwned! "
What a joke.
This change did NOT invalidate evolution - although newhope101 is trying to pretend it does. In fact science learns new things all the time - including learning new details about evolution.
And everyone of those new details SUPPORTS evolution. But deniers pretend that making a tiny change to some detail means the WHOLE THING is wrong. What nonsense.
Essentially the denial argument goes like this :
Science has found out something new;
so this means everything we know is wrong,
so this means Christian dogma is right
What a joke - no wodner they never spell the argument out in full - it's a crap argument.
If evolutionary theory was robust, you would not have been convinced that humans decended from knucklewalkers at one time. Again Ardi changed all that. Hence one can see the lack of scientific robustness connected to theoretical modelling. This is taking EVIDENCE and making false ASSUMPTIONS about it. Evo researchers have done this time and time again.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Evolution is supported by a vast body of clear evidence. Stop pretending that changing some minor detail invalidates the whole theory - it doesn't.
That is one example of the difference between evidence and theoretical assumptions.
Evolution is supported by a vast body of clear evidence.
Hypothesis are what is made of the evidence. A creationists scientist would not be looking for ancestry, but would conclude that there were many varieties of non human primates around, some of which are now extinct. The dating can be scewed to fit creation similarly to making it fit in with Toe through models. Creationists reseachers could use any evidence to fit in with creation, with less need, for many assumptions to make it work.
Oh dear -
You're STILL stuck on what 'theory' and 'hypothesis' mean.
But back in the real world -
Evolution has been confirmed by MILLIONS of tests by THOUSANDS of scientists over more than a century.
100.0% of those tests support evolution.
0.0% disagree with it.
If you had even ONE test or experiment that disagreed - evolution eniers would shout it from the rooftops.
Instead all we get is these lame claims that some minor detail has been changed - pathetic.