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What is Christianity.


New Member
Hello I have just joined this forum (and around 4 others today), I aim to improve my debating skills mainly and to ruffle some feathers.

Simple question though never a consistent answer. Now lets take Christianity as the example but this is a question for all faiths, I know Christianity best so it is easier for me if we start there.

What I mean by this question is the way Christians react to different things, if a certain Christian does something that another Christian does not like then they do not represent Christians and you cannot count that as Christian. Now the same is said about the Pope and other high ups and also about the Bible, often it is said the Bible is old and not relevant. So what is Christianity, is it the bible, is it the people who follow it and count themselves as Christian or is it the head of the church (Pope)?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
It's something different to many different people. If you discuss Christianity in the forums, you'll get multiple answers to the same question



New Member
Does that not make a joke of it all? is that not simply picking whichever choice suits at the time and benefits those people and Christianity? Christianity is therefore blameless.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Does that not make a joke of it all? is that not simply picking whichever choice suits at the time and benefits those people and Christianity? Christianity is therefore blameless.

Somewhat. that could be correct, IMO. Even regarding the Bible, there is a lot of different interpretations of which books are more/less important etc. Seems like it's just a personal thing



Oldest Heretic
Hello I have just joined this forum (and around 4 others today), I aim to improve my debating skills mainly and to ruffle some feathers.

Simple question though never a consistent answer. Now lets take Christianity as the example but this is a question for all faiths, I know Christianity best so it is easier for me if we start there.

What I mean by this question is the way Christians react to different things, if a certain Christian does something that another Christian does not like then they do not represent Christians and you cannot count that as Christian. Now the same is said about the Pope and other high ups and also about the Bible, often it is said the Bible is old and not relevant. So what is Christianity, is it the bible, is it the people who follow it and count themselves as Christian or is it the head of the church (Pope)?

If you set any rules about what makes a Christian, most other Christians will fall outside that bracket.

All Christians worship God. Any thing else you believe is a personal choice, Or a choice of which ever "club" you have chosen to join.


New Member
Then is it not odd when something positive is done either by the Pope, by a follower or is done within the Bible, then this is a good act by Christianity and represents them? These 2 combined then mean anything and everything positive and good can be an act of Christianity and nothing bad or negative can be the act of Christianity?


Oldest Heretic
Then is it not odd when something positive is done either by the Pope, by a follower or is done within the Bible, then this is a good act by Christianity and represents them? These 2 combined then mean anything and everything positive and good can be an act of Christianity and nothing bad or negative can be the act of Christianity?

An act or action can be good or bad , no matter who does it or what religion they follow.
The Old Testament is full of actions that we would consider "Bad" today.
But then the old Testament is a very old and complex set of writings incorporating every thing from Fable to history and even poetry. It does not poetry itself as "Good" it contains both good and bad.

The new Testament contains actions by non Christians as an example of "good" read the story of the "Good" Samaritan"

No act by anyone "Represents" Christianity.
Take the recent school shooting, he may or may not have been a Christian, I do not know what religion he was. but the act was unquestionably evil. It represented "No religion"


New Member
The old testament is only complex when trying to defend it, very simple when criticizing it. Then this goes back to what I said previously, if what you say is true why do so many Christians when finding a positive say this represents Christianity, be is a person the Pop or the Bible? it cannot be both ways it is one of the other? and if nothing represents Christianity then it does not exist.

Also this answer

Christianity is the belief and the following of Jesus teachings.

bothers me a lot, it seems that is used simply to mask what you can call Christianity, this sentence therefore should mean that the Bible is Christianity, which in another forum with the same debate is a popular choice. Then why is it only Jesus? the Bible contains many others which teachings and acts such as God whom you would expect to be the source of all Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hello I have just joined this forum (and around 4 others today), I aim to improve my debating skills mainly and to ruffle some feathers.

Simple question though never a consistent answer. Now lets take Christianity as the example but this is a question for all faiths, I know Christianity best so it is easier for me if we start there.

What I mean by this question is the way Christians react to different things, if a certain Christian does something that another Christian does not like then they do not represent Christians and you cannot count that as Christian. Now the same is said about the Pope and other high ups and also about the Bible, often it is said the Bible is old and not relevant. So what is Christianity, is it the bible, is it the people who follow it and count themselves as Christian or is it the head of the church (Pope)?

Fair question, Hammond and welcome to the forum. True Christianity, I believe, is following closely the teaching and example of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:21 tells us that Christ by his life and ministry left "a model for you to follow his steps closely."
So, why the confused mass of conflicting beliefs, all calling themselves "Christians"? Christ said that many who would claim to be his followers were no more than "workers of lawlessness" and that he never knew them. (Matthew 7:22) He also said we would be able to identify his true followers by their conduct. (Matthew 7:15-20, John 13:34,35) Just one example: the vast majority of professed "Christians" take part in the political affairs of this world, while Jesus plainly taught that his true followers would be "no part of the world" and would therefore be hated. (John17:14)


New Member
Thank you rusra02 for your reply. So then going by this, the Pope is pointless and well nothing really to do with Christianity, Jesus never made anyone leaders of the Church nor anyone to decide things for Christians. The Pope and the other higher ups are therefore to be honest the opposite to Christianity, Jesus did not want this kind of thing.

My second remark would be to say then Christianity in a way does not exist, there is no Christianity as far as a Physical object is concerned or a group of people, nor is it the Bible because the Bible is not just about the teachings of Jesus, it is an Ideal with a belief of God included.

Thirdly and finally then the Bible then should be judged differently topic by topic, I realize there are different books by different people but different parts of each have different relevance and meaning to others, making it almost a scrambled, in some parts an incoherent mess. The Bible could be better if it was more organized, and with clear separation of meaning and how things should be interpreted.


Oldest Heretic
Thank you rusra02 for your reply. So then going by this, the Pope is pointless and well nothing really to do with Christianity, Jesus never made anyone leaders of the Church nor anyone to decide things for Christians. The Pope and the other higher ups are therefore to be honest the opposite to Christianity, Jesus did not want this kind of thing.

My second remark would be to say then Christianity in a way does not exist, there is no Christianity as far as a Physical object is concerned or a group of people, nor is it the Bible because the Bible is not just about the teachings of Jesus, it is an Ideal with a belief of God included.

Thirdly and finally then the Bible then should be judged differently topic by topic, I realize there are different books by different people but different parts of each have different relevance and meaning to others, making it almost a scrambled, in some parts an incoherent mess. The Bible could be better if it was more organized, and with clear separation of meaning and how things should be interpreted.

all organisations require leaders
The Christian churches are no exception.
The Pope is one of many.
The Bible is only a selected set of scriptural writings gathered and chosen mostly in the 3rd century. It was never a manual on how to be a Christian.
It can be said that St peter was the first leader of the church Chosen by Jesus. His successor may or may not be the Catholic Pope. As at least one Pope was put in place by a king,so some might contest the nature of the succession.

Few religions are easy or straight forward, the Christian church is perhaps more divided than most. The concept of the "Church Universal" embraces them all.

Christianity is a journey not a destination.


Well-Known Member
My second remark would be to say then Christianity in a way does not exist, there is no Christianity as far as a Physical object is concerned or a group of people....

Hi, Hammond. I agree that there is no such thing as Christianity. Language tends to deceive us into thinking so (after all, we have a word for it) but when we look closely, there's really no such thing. It's pretty much like all other words, except even vaguer since it tries to group people according to their thought.


There are hardly any real Christians in this world. Christianity is NOT "accepting JC as your lord and be saved and then you don't have anything to worry about because you are saved"... Saved from what? exactly?

It is this: Humility, selflessness, always striving to be a better you, going around doing good things and being good to people. Thinking of what you can do for others, wanting nothing in return. BUT, this is not just Christianity, it is a way of life that transcends all religion while being the core of every religion....

Just a couple of cents from a seeker

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
There are hardly any real Christians in this world. Christianity is NOT "accepting JC as your lord and be saved and then you don't have anything to worry about because you are saved"... Saved from what? exactly?

It is this: Humility, selflessness, always striving to be a better you, going around doing good things and being good to people. Thinking of what you can do for others, wanting nothing in return. BUT, this is not just Christianity, it is a way of life that transcends all religion while being the core of every religion....

Just a couple of cents from a seeker

Where did you get those ideas of what Christianity is, that's not what is in the Bible


Where did you get those ideas of what Christianity is, that's not what is in the Bible

JC died for the sins of the world says the book. To strive to be Christlike is a tall order. Doesn't the book also say that all sins are equal. That little white lie is equal to murder in the "eyes of God". Strive to be Christlike and you will experience a heaven that you could not have ever dreamed. And it isn't in some magical ever after life. It is now and at eye level. Read the words of JC I guess.


New Member
all organisations require leaders
The Christian churches are no exception.
The Pope is one of many.
The Bible is only a selected set of scriptural writings gathered and chosen mostly in the 3rd century. It was never a manual on how to be a Christian.
It can be said that St peter was the first leader of the church Chosen by Jesus. His successor may or may not be the Catholic Pope. As at least one Pope was put in place by a king,so some might contest the nature of the succession.

Few religions are easy or straight forward, the Christian church is perhaps more divided than most. The concept of the "Church Universal" embraces them all.

Christianity is a journey not a destination.
WOW WOW WOW WOW hang on there, I thought a Christian is a follower of Jesus' teachings, how has it transformed into a bleeding organization?? seems like bull to me.
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
JC died for the sins of the world says the book. To strive to be Christlike is a tall order. Doesn't the book also say that all sins are equal. That little white lie is equal to murder in the "eyes of God". Strive to be Christlike and you will experience a heaven that you could not have ever dreamed. And it isn't in some magical ever after life. It is now and at eye level. Read the words of JC I guess.

That's ridiculous, completely unsubstantiated by scripture, in fact counter to what is taught.