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What is Contemplative Christianity?


If we're thinking and reasoning, we understand that sin has no color, such as white or scarlet. Further, we understand that sin has no texture, such as wool. Perceiving sin as having color and texture is achieved through the imagination --not through reason. And imagination is fostered through quieting the reasonable mind through ... meditation.

No. It's not self-centered in the least. It's other-centered.

Like written words on pages?

Medical studies affirm that controlled breathing aids in relaxation, which serves to open (as opposed to close) the mind to God and the working of Holy Spirit.

There is a meditation technique using what's called the "Jesus prayer." One prays the first clause while breathing in, then prays the second clause while breathing out. But I suppose that practice invites evil spirits?
Other "mantras," such as chanting or singing a single note is an attempt to help the practitioner "tune in" to the "universal vibration" -- the vibration that happened when "God said..." and spoke creation into being. But I suppose that practice invites evil spirits?

Sleep is an "altered state of consciousness." Shall we never sleep? They get you when you sleep, you know. Have you never seen Body Snatchers?!

The altered state is intended to bring one into propinquity with the Spirit that dwells within -- not to look "to themselves."

This state makes one open. That's why the practice is undertaken with intention. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." Where God is, evil cannot be.

That runs counter to what the bible says about meditation, which takes place, not in the head, but in the heart -- where sin has texture and color. How can one look outward, if one is focusing on an object, like a written word on a page?

Again: Pontification is best undertaken when you know what you're talking about.

It is true that sin is not scarlet, but I'm sure you realize this is simply poetic metaphorical language which is not accomplished through meditation, but with one's mind.

According to the scriptures the only way to come in contact with the Divine is through Jesus Christ, not attempting to deliberately reach an altered state of mind for spiritual experiences. Also, a person only has the Holy Spirit indwelling them after they have trusted Christ alone as Savior and Mediator between themselves and God. Any other attempt to make contact with God or the spiritual world is an open door to deception and I believe according to the scriptures is not only rebellion against God, but very dangerous.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think that we can look to God for the definitive standard and example of love. Can I prove the emotion of the love I feel? No I cannot
But you can't prove, for example, that you love your wife. Therefore, you don't truly love your wife?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I know it is dangerous because I came out of the culture of the 60"s, 70"s, and 80"s where altered states of mind and eastern style meditation were prevalent.
So did I, and I say that it's not -- if it's done with intention.
I know because I personally have had friends experience the dramatic dangers associated with such practices.
And I've had many who have been infinitely helped by the practice. What's your point?
There is a huge difference between biblical meditation https://bible.org/article/biblical-meditation and the eastern, mystical practice of meditation . Biblical meditation is filing one's mind with God's revealed truth while Eastern meditation is an emptying of the mind. "Christianizing" the latter does not make it any less dangerous when it comes to opening oneself to the spiritual realm.
No. Articles written on a biased web page by people who have no experience with the practice =/= correct information.
When the Bible uses the term "heart" I don't believe it is referring to simply emotions or intuition, rather to one's whole being which includes one's mind and reasoning.
Yeah. What you "believe" is of no consequence. That's not what the term means in the bible.
But you can't prove, for example, that you love your wife. Therefore, you don't truly love your wife?

The emotion is not where the burden of proof lies, it's in the definition of what love is and isn't. I don't need to prove the heart of a man, but we do need to prove additions or subtractions to the standard. (Of course that only applies if you believe the standard is truth)

A persons heart is Gods to discern, but the standard by which I learn to love is absolutely definitive.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It is true that sin is not scarlet, but I'm sure you realize this is simply poetic metaphorical language which is not accomplished through meditation, but with one's mind.
Metaphor is apprehended by the intuition, not the intellect.
According to the scriptures the only way to come in contact with the Divine is through Jesus Christ, not attempting to deliberately reach an altered state of mind for spiritual experiences.
What does that mean, "Through Jesus?" how does one contact Jesus? Surely not by reading texts. It's through building relationship, and that happens spiritually -- not intellectually -- through finding the Jesus living within.
Also, a person only has the Holy Spirit indwelling them after they have trusted Christ alone as Savior and Mediator between themselves and God.
Generally, people only begin Christian meditation after they've become Christians.
Any other attempt to make contact with God or the spiritual world is an open door to deception and I believe according to the scriptures is not only rebellion against God, but very dangerous.
You're free to believe what you want. But your beliefs have no bearing upon what is advantageous to other people.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The emotion is not where the burden of proof lies, it's in the definition of what love is and isn't. I don't need to prove the heart of a man, but we do need to prove additions or subtractions to the standard. (Of course that only applies if you believe the standard is truth)

A persons heart is Gods to discern, but the standard by which I learn to love is absolutely definitive.
You're evading the issue. You said that if you can't prove something, it's not real. I say that if you can't prove love, it's not real, by your conditions.


I think we're making progress here. When you are sitting quietly besides the creek, are you actively engaging in discursive thoughts, or are you paying full attention to the moment by not going off somewhere inside your thoughts "thinking about it"? This is not ignoring reason, it is simply being aware of the world without turning your gaze away from the creek to the thoughts inside your head. It's not "against reason", it's not like you suddenly abandon reason and push your face under water and try to breathe! :) Reason is there, but it not the focus of your awareness at that moment. THAT is meditation practice. Not this imaginary "blank" I continue to hear people say it is.

Yes, that verse is talking about engaging in reasoned thought. That's not meditation, nor is it the totality of how someone practices prayer. In fact, it's not about prayer at all. Not sure why you quoted it?

Self-centered objectives? Respectfully, have you read anything I've posted? You sincerely do not understand what this is, or what I have been saying. What might help me to address these ideas you seem to have?

The purpose of these 'tools', are to bring the mind into focus so that you may see what is there the whole time. In these "open" states, it is really only "altered" in reference to the "normal" blaring rock concert going on in our "normal" states of consciousness, which are in reality not 'normal' at all! It's only normal because you've grown accustomed to it. Think of this "normal" like this. You live next to the train tracks in Chicago, the "El". Every 5 minutes the cars rumble past your house with all the constant noise. Pretty soon you adapt to it and learn how to filter out the noise to the point you aren't even aware of it. And then after 15 years of this "normal", you are taken out into the middle of a field in the country. This becomes an "altered state" to you, by point of reference. Where is all that noise? In reality, this is what is "normal". So quieting the mind and hearing the world without the distraction is not an "altered state" really, but the natural state. For me, the quieted mind has become more the norm for me, and when my mind becomes chatty again, that is noticed as abnormal, something I am not used to anymore, and can hear quite clearly that train rumbling in my backyard.

As far as my objectives, it is to abandon myself to the knowledge of God, for God's sake. If you consider that self-centered, I think you need to define what isn't then.

You haven't in fact read anything I've posted. What can I say to help you understand that by entering into silence it not be looking at yourself at all for self-gain, but that the inward silence is to learn how to let yourself to allow God, to get the heck out of the way. The purpose of the practice is to learn how to overcome all of your self-seeking. That is 100% the exact opposite of what you imagine it to be.

Why? Based on what? I have yet to hear any support for this. I have been practicing meditation every day for one hour each morning for the last 5 years straight. I would think I should be thoroughly demon-possed by now if this were true! My head should be spinning around all day and green vomit spewing out of my mouth with glowing red eyes as I run naked through the streets. :) I would think monasteries, temples, and ashrams the world over would be full of demon-possessed zombies everywhere, frothing at the mouth if this were the case. But that's not what we see, of course.

I can tell you my experience from the practice, and it matches what others who practice it say. I am calmer, more patient, more aware, more at peace with myself, others, and the world, I am more compassionate, better communication, happier, full of joy in living, more abundant giving, more creative, and the list goes on and on and on. All of these are magnitudes deeper and higher ever since I started my practice 5 years ago. All of these are the fruits of the Spirit. An evil tree cannot bear good fruit, says Jesus. Does the devil cast out the devil with the devil? That a strange idea, and one that the religious accused Jesus of doing. I'm not sure when this demon possession is supposed to happen? Apparently I must be doing something right then.

It also instructs you to look within. Go into your closest and pray in secret. Make clean the inside of the cup first, says Jesus. Then the outside will clean itself. It's all about the Spirit within. It's everywhere in the NT. The kingdom of heaven is within you, says Jesus.

The heart is within. Amen!
I do read what you post and and understand what you are saying. I think the point is that you are not satisfied with Christ alone. It appears you are saying He is not enough to provide quietness from the noise of this life. You feel the need or desire to have another method or experience which you initiate yourself to find peace and quiet. I have noticed that just about everyone who practices contemplative prayer/meditation at one point or another begins to reject the sufficiency of the scriptures and Christ alone, along with rejecting fundamental biblical doctrines in favor of a more pantheistic worldview. and a willingness to embrace "wisdom" from a variety of the world's religions and ancient traditions. This is enough evidence that subtle demonic deception has very been successful...no need for glowing red eyes, running around naked, or green vomit.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think the point is that you are not satisfied with Christ alone.
What does that mean, "Christ alone?" Sounds like evangelical gobbledygook to me. Do you pray? Then Christ isn't enough for you. Do you worship? Then Christ isn't enough for you. You have to engage in things other than Jesus and the bible in order to be fulfilled. Yes?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
That's because "Christian contemplation" includes a whole set of practices.

Ok... but do you notice the problem here? What makes something ''Christian'', as opposed to just something a Christian might do. Calling something a ''Christian practice'', is essentially saying that there is a specific Xian character to it. //Especially when its labeled as such
You're evading the issue. You said that if you can't prove something, it's not real. I say that if you can't prove love, it's not real, by your conditions.

:) maybe I am evading the issue, sorry, not meaning to, If God tells us to prove all things, that standard cannot be added to or subtracted from or it is no longer truth. (Once again, this only applies if you believe it is true). I don't need to prove if someone loves or doesn't love God, (He says that is His job) but I do need to prove anything that appears contrary to the scriptures.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Ok... but do you notice the problem here? What makes something ''Christian'', as opposed to just something a Christian might do. Calling something a ''Christian practice'', is essentially saying that there is a specific Xian character to it. //Especially when its labeled as such
If one is contemplating using specifically Christian themes, it's Christian contemplation. Just as worshiping through specifically Christian tenets is Christian worship.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
:) maybe I am evading the issue, sorry, not meaning to, If God tells us to prove all things, that standard cannot be added to or subtracted from or it is no longer truth. (Once again, this only applies if you believe it is true). I don't need to prove if someone loves or doesn't love God, (He says that is His job) but I do need to prove anything that appears contrary to the scriptures.
Nope. Because everyone has a different perspective of what constitutes "contrary." If you don't have to prove your love, I don't have to prove my spiritual practices.
Nope. Because everyone has a different perspective of what constitutes "contrary." If you don't have to prove your love, I don't have to prove my spiritual practices.

You need to prove nothing to me :) you are certainly free to practice your spirituality any way you wish!


What does that mean, "Christ alone?" Sounds like evangelical gobbledygook to me. Do you pray? Then Christ isn't enough for you. Do you worship? Then Christ isn't enough for you. You have to engage in things other than Jesus and the bible in order to be fulfilled. Yes?
It means that Christ is enough without the need for extra spiritual experiences. Sure I pray and prayer is simply talking to God and worship is loving my God and Savior. Relating to Him is enough. But, I really don't want to argue with you further. I do respect your right to do whatever you want, but I think that many of those who are warning about the dangers concerning extra-biblical ,mystical mediation are those who have seen the spiritual harm and deception which occurs.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It means that Christ is enough without the need for extra spiritual experiences. Sure I pray and prayer is simply talking to God and worship is loving my God and Savior.
That's precisely what meditation does! Allows connection and communication!
What is the "absolute authoritative standard?"

For me, it is the bible but to each his own. I make no assertions that I know everything, but I do know for myself that I did not heed Gods warnings, and by no merit of my own, He saved me from a very dark place. I speak from deep gratitude.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
For me, it is the bible but to each his own. I make no assertions that I know everything, but I do know for myself that I did not heed Gods warnings, and by no merit of my own, He saved me from a very dark place. I speak from deep gratitude.
That's great for you, but what makes the bible the "absolute authority?" There was no bible for the first 450 years of the existence of Christianity. What was the "absolute authority" then?