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What is freedom?


Veteran Member
I was watching a documentary about Afghanistan the other night. On it, a young American soldier said he was 'fighting for freedom'.
What is freedom?

Note - The intention is not to discuss the Afghan or other wars but to investigate the concept of freedom.


I was watching a documentary about Afghanistan the other night. On it, a young American soldier said he was 'fighting for freedom'.
What is freedom?

Note - The intention is not to discuss the Afghan or other wars but to investigate the concept of freedom.

There are three types of freedom.
  • Bodily freedom
  • Mindly freedom
  • Soul freedom
This american soldier is fighting for Mindly Freedom. :)



Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Absence of abuse and compulsory influence by outside forces and being able to mostly depend on your self.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Freedom to me is to live my life as I please. To have the ability to succeed or fail. To think and say what I want. To move about as I wish and not be fearful. To raise and educate my family as I see fit.

To defend myself if necessary but always remember that my freedoms end where some one else's freedom begin.

Freedom does not mean I can control others freedom.

Freedom to pursue happiness however in not a guarantee of achieving happiness, just that I have a chance to be happy.


Cosmic Vagabond
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Sounds good I suppose.

Freedom of choice, as long as that choice does not infringe upon the freedoms of other peoples freedoms of choice :D

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Freedom to me is the ability exercise ones will without it being restricted by the will of another. Of course freedom for all takes away the freedom to take away another person's freedom, which of course is fair and just.


Lots of opinions about freedom.

Orwell "1984" said:
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

Bakunin "Man said:
The materialistic. realistic, and collectivist conception of freedom, as opposed to the idealistic, is this: Man becomes conscious of himself and his humanity only in society and only by the collective action of the whole society. He frees himself from the yoke of external nature only by collective and social labor, which alone can transform the earth into an abode favorable to the development of humanity. Without such material emancipation the intellectual and moral emancipation of the individual is impossible. He can emancipate himself from the yoke of his own nature, i.e. subordinate his instincts and the movements of his body to the conscious direction of his mind, the development of which is fostered only by education and training. But education and training are preeminently and exclusively social ... hence the isolated individual cannot possibly become conscious of his freedom.

To be free ... means to be acknowledged and treated as such by all his fellowmen. The liberty of every individual is only the reflection of his own humanity, or his human right through the conscience of all free men, his brothers and his equals.

I can feel free only in the presence of and in relationship with other men. In the presence of an inferior species of animal I am neither free nor a man, because this animal is incapable of conceiving and consequently recognizing my humanity. I am not myself free or human until or unless I recognize the freedom and humanity of all my fellowmen.

Only in respecting their human character do I respect my own...

I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation.

Bakunin "The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State" said:
I know my self-imposed task is not a simple one. I might be called presumptuous had I any personal motives in undertaking it. Let me assure my reader, I have none. I am not a scholar or a philosopher, not even a professional writer. I have not done much writing in my life and have never written except, so to speak, in self-defense, and only when a passionate conviction forced me to overcome my instinctive dislike for any public exhibition of myself.

Well, then, who am I, and what is it that prompts me to publish this work at this time? I am an impassioned seeker of the truth, and as bitter an enemy of the vicious fictions used by the established order - an order which has profited from all the religious, metaphysical, political, juridical, economic, and social infamies of all times - to brutalize and enslave the world. I am a fanatical lover of liberty. I consider it the only environment in which human intelligence, dignity, and happiness can thrive and develop. I do not mean that formal liberty which is dispensed, measured out, and regulated by the State; for this is a perennial lie and represents nothing but the privilege of a few, based upon the servitude of the remainder. Nor do I mean that individualist, egoist, base, and fraudulent liberty extolled by the school of Jean Jacques Rousseau and every other school of bourgeois liberalism, which considers the rights of all, represented by the State, as a limit for the rights of each; it always, necessarily, ends up by reducing the rights of individuals to zero. No, I mean the only liberty worthy of the name, the liberty which implies the full development of all the material, intellectual, and moral capacities latent in every one of us; the liberty which knows no other restrictions but those set by the laws of our own nature. Consequently there are, properly speaking, no restrictions, since these laws are not imposed upon us by any legislator from outside, alongside, or above ourselves. These laws are subjective, inherent in ourselves; they constitute the very basis of our being. Instead of seeking to curtail them, we should see in them the real condition and the effective cause of our liberty - that liberty of each man which does not find another manpis freedom a boundary but a confirmation and vast extension of his own; liberty through solidarity, in equality. I mean liberty triumphant over brute force and, what has always been the real expression of such force, the principle of authority. I mean liberty which will shatter all the idols in heaven and on earth and will then build a new world of mankind in solidarity, upon the ruins of all the churches and all the states.

I am a convinced advocate of economic and social equality because I know that, without it, liberty, justice, human dignity, morality, and the well-being of individuals, as well as the prosperity of nations, will never amount to more than a pack of lies. But since I stand for liberty as the primary condition of mankind, I believe that equality must be established in the world by the spontaneous organization of labor and the collective ownership of property by freely organized producerspi associations, and by the equally spontaneous federation of communes, to replace the domineering paternalistic State...


Jehovah our God is One
I was watching a documentary about Afghanistan the other night. On it, a young American soldier said he was 'fighting for freedom'.
What is freedom?

Note - The intention is not to discuss the Afghan or other wars but to investigate the concept of freedom.

i would say it is 'choice'

only if we can individually make a choice can we say we are 'self determined' ...if you can't choose, you cant really say you have freedom.


I was watching a documentary about Afghanistan the other night. On it, a young American soldier said he was 'fighting for freedom'.
What is freedom?

Note - The intention is not to discuss the Afghan or other wars but to investigate the concept of freedom.

I'm pretty sure Love of ????? = Freedom. The verdict is still out on what ????? Is. It might be different for different peoples. That why Americans can't fight for freedom in afgan or anywhere else. They have to fight for there own version of freedom.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
They, who have lived through suppression and confinement...
They, who at some point have lost control of both body and mind...
They know, there is still one sort of freedom which cannot be touched - let alone, taken [away] - by another. It lays deep within and is always, solely yours. Use it, and the freedoms granted to you by others, will never own you again.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Freedom to me is to live my life as I please. To have the ability to succeed or fail. To think and say what I want. To move about as I wish and not be fearful. To raise and educate my family as I see fit.

To defend myself if necessary but always remember that my freedoms end where some one else's freedom begin.

Freedom does not mean I can control others freedom.

Freedom to pursue happiness however in not a guarantee of achieving happiness, just that I have a chance to be happy.

You know, we may have severe political disagreements, but honestly, I couldn't have put it any better.

I think that's exactly what freedom is in an ideal world.