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What is heaven in your understanding?


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
From your religioues/spiritual understanding. What is heaven?

I dont ask for qoutes from the scripture, but about your personal understanding of what heaven is.
Heaven is the higher spiritual planes above the physical where amazing love and beauty can be experienced.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
From your religioues/spiritual understanding. What is heaven?

I dont ask for qoutes from the scripture, but about your personal understanding of what heaven is.
What about you, Amanaki? :) what is heaven for you in your religious / spiritual understanding?

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
What about you, Amanaki? :) what is heaven for you in your religious / spiritual understanding?
To me in my understanding of heaven or paradise as it can be called too, it is a state of consiouesness only realized in the moment of full enlightenment, or conummation. It is when the being we truly are, become free from the physical realm and reincarnation ends because all our karma has been repayed. And we enter the paradise created by the God, Buddha or other enlightened teachers. So for a Falun Gong practitioners we would enter Falun paradise. Buddhist enter nirvana, Christian enter paradise created by Jesus( in my understanding),
Physical rules or universal law does not apply in heaven because there is not physical realm there. (Physical in the way humans think of physical anyway)
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Just old
Premium Member
I think I will miss the smell of the flowers,
and of course the butterflies.
Does my gnosis stretch that far ?
It might be like the land of Nirvana !
We'll soon find out, won't we ?


Well-Known Member
From your religioues/spiritual understanding. What is heaven?

I dont ask for qoutes from the scripture, but about your personal understanding of what heaven is.

Heaven is the only safe place when Judgement Day comes.
It is the place promised by God and it looks like a cube.
People who are saved will be there


People whose names are listed on the Book of Life


It is made of transparent gold and precious gems.
In that place there will be no more crying, no more sorrows, everything will be perfect
The side of the cube is as large as Australia


From the Bible but I won't quote it to comply with - "I dont ask for qoutes from the scripture,"


Well-Known Member
I can only give an example.

The joy you feel, when you eat a delicious apple, is heaven.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I have different frames to reply to the OP.

From one, heaven is a place on the astral plane where someone who has lived a positive life experiences joy. The opposite is hell where people who live a negative life on earth experience the consequences of their deeds so they'll learn in their next life.

From another conception, heaven is the opposite of Earth as joy is the opposite of suffering.


Veteran Member
Heaven is finally completing a mission after living on this Earth X number of times, and graduating from there. A graduation.


Well-Known Member
A state of bliss. Something I think we can achieve with correct mindfulness. Has nothing to do with an "afterlife".

Nicely put.
Even if there is an 'afterlife', there is no guarantee that heaven will be attained. Why wait? :palmtree:


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
No suffering, only peace, joy, innocence, endless things to live and explore. Harmony, balance, only love and above, perfect relationship, unfailing memory, total impossibility of evil. Glory, Majesty, and rest for the soul. Who knows perhaps perfect knowledge too. Where everone deserves what they gets and it's not a bad thing ever. Not a blind day ever. No issues! No wasteful problems, no diseases!


aged ecumenical anthropologist
From your religioues/spiritual understanding. What is heaven?

I dont ask for qoutes from the scripture, but about your personal understanding of what heaven is.
I can answer it for myself this way: namely, I have't a clue. Nor am I certain there is a heaven.

But one thing I do know for certain: RF isn't it. :(