The term perfect is related to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Perfect is considered the good side of the coin while imperfect is connected to the evil/flawed side of the same coin.
A better word to describe God, is completeness. Completeness encompasses all things. When God became man this was a step down in terms of his divine perfection, but it made God more complete. Complete leaves the option open for future changes that may not be part of any objective or subjective temporal perfection. Perfection stops us in time; pitched the perfect game. Completeness comes only with the continued propagation of time and includes all future creativity and change that is still unfolding, but not yet available to be included in any temporal definition of perfection. Perfection is 2-D, while completeness is 3-D.
An interesting human nature observation that may be the basis for some bible symbolism, can be seen with boys and girls in school. Girls tend to follow the rules sooner than boys. Boys are often more maverick. There are exceptions. Girls instinctively seek perfection even at a young age. Boys, by bending the rules, are instinctively seeking completeness. Not following the rules makes you imperfect to the rules but complete.
The tradition of Eve tempted by Satan and the tree of knowledge, appears to be connected to this innate female perfection. When men and women marry, the wife will try to harness the maverick in her mate and lead him toward social perfection; Adam then eats of the tree of knowledge of good, evil and perfection. Through his willful choice, for shared married perfection, and his innate need for completeness, Adam became more complete.
In Christian symbolism, Jesus was considered perfect on terms of love and sacrifice. But in the future; second coming, Jesus becomes more complete as a warrior who fights for righteousness. With the propagation of time new things are added that may not seen as consistent with perfection, but which will make things more complete.